博士申请 | 香港浸会大学周锴阳老师课题组招收CV/ML方向全奖博士生
AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University),是一所国际化研究型博雅大学,为香港教资委资助的八所公立大学之一。浸大在 2021QS 世界年轻大学排名中位列全球第 23 名。浸大于 2022QS 世界大学排名中位列全球第 287 名。截至 2021 年,浸大在数据库领域位列世界第 13 位,在人工智能领域排名香港首位,世界第 37 位。计算机科学领域排名世界第 101-125 位,研究成果排名全港首位。导师简介
Dr. Kaiyang Zhou will join the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, as an Assistant Professor in August 2023. He is currently a research fellow at NTU Singapore, working with Prof. Ziwei Liu and Prof. Chen Change Loy. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Surrey, UK, under the supervision of Prof. Tao Xiang. His research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and computer vision, with specialization in representation learning, domain generalization and data-efficient learning. He has published more than 20 papers at top-tier journals and conferences in relevant fields with over 3,000 citations received (h-index: 15). He is a guest editor of International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) and has served as an area chair and senior program committee member for BMVC 2022 and AAAI 2023, respectively. He is the creator of the popular open-source software Torchreid for person re-identification.
Home page:
Google Scholar profile:
Several fully-funded PhD studentships are available (starting in 2024).
*Note: It is difficult to respond to every email so only candidates that pass the initial screening will be contacted.
Thanks very much for your interest in joining our group. If you would like to apply for a PhD position, please email Dr. Zhou (kaiyang.zhou at ntu.edu.sg) with the following documents:1. An up-to-date CV, which should contain the following information: current position, education, research experience/projects, work experience, publications, awards and honors, coding skills, referees (at least two), etc. Please indicate who the supervisor(s) is in relevant places, e.g., education and research experience/projects. Moreover, it would be great to highlight your achievements in the CV, such as top ranks measured by GPA, awards from coding/AI competitions, and/or publications at recognized CV/ML venues.2. A cover letter, which should explain, for example, your motivation and relevant experiences/achievements that make you an ideal PhD candidate. The cover letter is not required if you choose to put everything in the email. But it is strongly advised to have a cover letter instead (serving as a writing sample), in which case the email can be very brief. If you have zero experience in writing a cover letter, you should do some research on the web. (Do not use ChatGPT to polish the writing because Dr. Zhou has been well trained to distinguish between human and machine-generated texts.)3. Most representative paper/technical report (if applicable), which could be a pdf or a link in the CV.Please use the following format for the email subject: PhD application - current affiliation - current position - name, e.g., PhD application - HKBU - BSc (3rd year) - Elon Musk.Please refer to HKBU CS Dept's Admission page for more details about some requirements (e.g., English language requirements) and the application procedures:https://www.comp.hkbu.edu.hk/v1/?pid=70
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