
北京内推 | Apple中国NLP团队招聘NLP/LLM/多模态方向算法实习生

帮你找工作的 AI求职


AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!


Apple is a place where extraordinary people gather to do their best work. Our community is made up of every kind of individual: artists and designers, engineers and scientists, thinkers and doers. Together we create things and experiences people once couldn't have imagined and now can't imagine living without. So if you're excited by the idea of making a real impact, a career with Apple might be your dream job. Just be ready to dream big. 

We're seeking highly qualified people fr the position of Al engineer. Our team pursues the development in the areas of Natural Language Processing(NLP) with a particular focus on LLMs. As a member of the team, you will work on the most high-reaching technical problems, develop solutions that affect the practical business occasions, and collaborate with the best teams to integrate your ideas into new products. In addition, you can have the chance to publish your innovative research at conferences and events.

NLP/LLM Intern坐标:北京

Here’s an idea of what we do

1. Utilize NLPtechniques to understand and analyze what users are most concerned about

2. Explore thepractical applications of LLMs and multi-modal, including but not limited to answering questions based on knowledge DB,assisting with data analysis

3. Conduct research on the latest implementations and fine-tuning methods of LLMs, enabling their application to specific business scenarios

4. Evaluate program performance both qualitatively and quantitively, highlighting risks and opportunities

5. Participate in the development of projects to improve performance and efficiency

6. Help launch and track the implementation of pilot programs

Experience / Skills Required

1. Bachelor's/Master's/PhD in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or related field

2. Minimum commitment of 4 Days on site/wk, 3 months(prefer 6+)

3. Solid understanding of Deep Learning based NLP concepts and techniques, including AIGC,LLM, dialogue system, information extraction, search system,etc.

4. Familiarity with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch

5. Experience with Multimodal Al, including but not limited to image and video understanding and generating is a plus but not required

6. Ability to communicate/present complex ideas effectively & efficiently

7. Coding required: Python,SQL,etc.


📪 rongzhao_wang@apple.com



VIVO AI研究院京东物流地图数据部门微软亚洲研究院腾讯混元AIGC团队商汤基础多模态大模型组AMD北京AI算法团队小红书信息流算法组海康威视研究院亚马逊上海人工智能研究院腾讯AI Lab中国电信人工智能研究院百度⽂⼼(ERNIE)团队阿里通义实验室对话智能团队微软亚洲研究院DKI组蚂蚁集团深度求索DeepSeek昆仑天工联想研究院AI实验室微软亚洲研究院DKI组AMD北京AI算法团队智源人工智能研究院地平线京东零售搜索与推荐部商汤研究院阿里云PAI产品架构团队阿里达摩院视觉技术实验室搜狐畅游AI中心蚂蚁智能引擎事业部理想汽车空间AI团队上海人工智能实验室微软AI DKI团队腾讯AI Lab美团视觉智能部百度视频搜索团队上海人工智能实验室百度对齐策略算法团队校招岗位智源人工智能研究院阿里云PAI深度学习算法团队秘塔科技美柚研究院百度搜索策略部淘宝搜索算法团队百川智能IDEA数字经济研究院百度搜索策略部阿里达摩院视觉技术实验室地平线阿里巴巴淘天集团阿里达摩院对话智能团队百度文心一言团队京东零售内容算法部蚂蚁网商银行智能引擎团队腾讯AI Lab决策智能中心理想汽车智能座舱团队阿里通义实验室对话智能团队元象XVERSE蚂蚁集团算法数据技术团队腾讯游戏AI大语言模型团队秘塔科技上海算法创新研究院VIVO影像算法研究部亚马逊上海人工智能研究院腾讯游戏手游业务安全团队昆仑天工搜狐畅游AI中心蚂蚁智能引擎事业部社招岗位

腾讯混元大模型团队秘塔科技途深智合蚂蚁集团风险智能团队昆仑万维AI游戏团队小红书社区搜索组阿里达摩院多模态团队上海算法创新研究院新东方教育科技集团快手大模型训练引擎团队小红书快手大模型中心VIVO影像算法研究部小红书智能创作团队京东零售九数算法中台Infinity GroundOPPO AI中心大模型算法部上海期智研究院抖音搜索生活服务团队腾讯混元AIGC团队亚马逊上海人工智能研究院商汤研究院基础语言模型团队得物App阿里安全语言语音算法团队腾讯游戏AI大语言模型团队北大—百川联合实验室Shopee Video团队地平线美团商业增值技术部搜狐畅游AI中心蚂蚁智能引擎事业部抖音电商平台治理算法团队腾讯音乐天琴实验室


清华大学朱军教授香港科技大学(广州)陈城老师清华大学NLP实验室香港中文大学(深圳)刘圳老师香港理工大学林婉瑜老师加州大学默塞德分校王艺炜老师香港科技大学邵琪佳老师剑桥大学机器智能实验室香港科技大学刘缘老师中科院计算所毕可平老师香港科技大学(广州)张永祺老师西北大学丁凯泽老师西湖大学人工智能实验室拉彭兰塔理工大学刘志松老师香港科技大学(广州)钟秉灼老师西湖大学陈安沛老师香港科技大学(广州)陈煌栒老师北京大学王选所VDIG组中山大学郑伟诗教授孟菲斯大学Haomiao Ni老师大湾区大学孙庆强老师香港浸会大学TMLR课题组香港理工大学李青教授北京大学周嘉欢老师阿尔伯塔大学陈绎泽老师密歇根州立大学崔梓筠老师香港大学刘希慧老师南方科技大学荆炳义教授香港大学刘希慧老师香港理工大学石杰明老师

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