学术访谈| George Lakoff:大脑是如何思考的?
今天推出George Lakoff学术访谈:
How Brains Think: The Embodiment Hypothesis
In this particular video Lakoff appears to assume 'lingualism, i.e., the belief that what we think is equivalent to what we express in words. My own experience, and that expressed by many creative people (most notably Einstein), is that a lot of thinking can go on before you find a way in words of expressing what you want to convey. Musicians do not think in words. Poets, or people who have spiritual experiences, often complain that the words they find do not do justice to the experience. Thus, contrary to what Lakoff implies here, a metaphor does not function not as a verbal equivalent of the thought so much as a shoddy attempt to, through words, 'point the way' to the thought itself. The metaphor was concocted for the purpose of communication as opposed to reflecting the thought process of the one who concocted it. I think part of the issue may be that there are individual differences in how people think; perhaps some people really DO think closer to the level of words themselves. I've wondered if right-handers tend to think closer to words than left-handers.
本文由 James McElvenny 博士授权发布,如需转载请后台联系。
本文编辑:同济大学 孙雨
陆俭明:现代汉语语法研究75集在线观看科研助力 | 2022年语言学类A&HCI期刊目录(附word版下载)
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