
孔院微课堂 | 成语故事中的河南名胜





中原文化是华夏文明之根、中华文化之源、 黄河文明之中心,历史底蕴丰富厚重。许多成语典故源自中原大地,有关联的名胜遍布河南,比如“问鼎轻重”“阳春白雪”“愚公移山”“安乐窝”等。

Zhongyuan culture, or the culture of Central Plains of China, is the cradle  of the  Chinese  culture  and  the core of the  Yellow  River civilization. It has exerted profound cultural influence across the nation throughout the ages. Many Chinese idiomatic expressions originated in the Central Plains and Henan Province in particular. In this paper, the author is going to introduce four of them briefly: wending qingzhong, yangchun baixue,Yugong yishan, and anle wo.


Wending Qingzhong


Ding is a cauldron-like vessel used for cooking and storage in ancient China. They come in two shapes: the round ones with three legs and the rectangular ones with four legs. Some are with a lid; some others are not. Some are made of clay, some others bronze. Today, most of the ding we see in museums are cast in bronze.


Legend has it that emperor Yu of the Xia dynasty of  ancient China cast the Nine Tripod Ding. Throughout Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, this set of vessels was viewed as a national treasure and the symbol of power and authority. The Nine Tripod Ding would be moved to the new capital whenever a new dynasty was established. This is why during this period, establishing a new dynasty or relocating to the new capital is called ding ding (setting up the ding).


In the Spring and Autumn Period, during the first year of the ruling of King Ding of Zhou, King Zhuang of Chu asked Wangsun Man, a senior official of Zhou, about the size and weight of the national ding of Zhou with his covetous eyes cast to the throne. Wangsun Man warned him to know his place by telling him that the legitimacy of the rulers comes not from a large, heavy ding but from the rulers’ virtues. During that historical period, wending qingzhong (asking about the weight of the ding) is used derogatorily to refer to the intention or act to usurp the throne.


However,this expression became commendatory as time went by. For instance, Tales of Tang recorded that “Li Yuan (who later became Emperor Gaozong of Tang) is a noble, prestigious Great Chancellor of the Sui dynasty commanding a large, brave army. Seeing that the country was in great chaos as Emperor Yang of Sui had traveled afar and left his people unattended, Li became even more particular about training the soldiers and refining the weaponry. He had the ambition to ‘ask about the details of the ding of the Central Plains’ (meaning to reign the Central Plains)”. Starting from then, this expression is no longer used derogatorily. Today, wending means to win first place in a game or competition.


There is a statue of the Nine Tripod Ding in Jiuding Road, Luoyang, Henan Province. It locates at the crosspoint of Luyang Pass at the border of Nanzhao County and Lushan County and Daguankou Pass of Fangcheng County. The statue solemnly tells the history of China over thousands of years and stands as a witness to the passage of time. Today, people still ponder about and marvel at the significant implications of the ding.


Nine Tripod Ding

(Jiuding Road, Luoyang, Henan Province)


Yangchun Baixue


This idiomatic expression consists of the names of two exquisite songs in the state of Chu during the Warring States Period: “Yangchun” and “Baixue”.

战国时期,楚国人宋玉写有《对楚王问》一文,其中写道:“有个人在都城里唱歌,起初他唱《下里》《巴人》时,都城里跟着他唱的有几千人;后来唱《阳阿》《薤露》(xiè lù) 时,都城里跟着他唱的有几百人;等到唱《阳春》《白雪》的时候,都城里跟着他唱的不过几十人;最后,当歌曲再增加一些高难度的技巧时,都城里跟着他应和的不过几个人罢了。这样看来,歌曲越是高雅,唱和的人也就越少。”文中提到的《下里》《巴人》《阳阿》《薤露》与《阳春》《白雪》 一样,都是歌曲名。因此,后人多用“阳春白雪”来泛指高深、高雅的文学艺术,用“下里巴人”来泛指通俗、普及的文艺作品。

In “Response to the Questions from Emperor Chu”, the Chu poet Song Yu told a tale: Someone was singing in the capital city. When he was singing “Xiali” and “Baren”, thousands in the citysang with him; when he was singing “Yang’e” and “Xielu”, hundred sechoed; when he was singing “Yangchun” and “Baixue”, only dozens were familiar with the tune; when he was singing even more highbrow songs, no more than ten were able to sing along. It’s safe to say that the more sophisticated the music is, the less popular it is. Therefore, yangchun baixue, names of the more elegant songs, is used to refer to the highbrow, refined works of literature and art, while xiali baren, names of the more vulgar songs, stands for the lowbrow, more famous works.


The classy songs “Yangchun” and “Baixue” were composed on a mudbrick platform by Shi Kuang, an influential musician of Jin, during the Spring and Autumn Period. Located in Yuwangtai Park, Kaifeng, Henan Province, this platform is known today as Chuitai (the platform for playing wind instrument). It is said that Shi Kuang wasn’t endowed with any musical talent. He made little progress three years into his training and was scolded by his master. Feeling ashamed of himself, Shi Kuang blinded his eyes with a needle. He later pulled himself together and stood as solid proof that “where there is a will, there is a way”. The blind musician wrote the masterpieces “Yangchun” and “Baixue”. The names of these two songs, together with “Xiali” and “Baren”, enrich the Chinese language by offering more vocabulary to refer to highbrow and lowbrow art forms.


Statue of ShiKuang 

(Yuwangtai Park, Kaifeng, Henan Province) 


Yugong Yishan


This idiomatic expression tells a famous fable from ancient China. The story concerns an old man nearly 90 years old named Yugong (literally meaning “the foolish old man”) living in Beishan. In front of his house were two mountains, Taihang and Wangwu, which blocked his way and forced him to detour every time he went out. One day, Yugong made up his mind to remove the mountains. But Zhisou (literally meaning “the wise old man”) mocked Yugong, “How foolish! You can not even remove a grass on the mountain with the little time and energy that remain in you, let alone the mud and stones!” But Yugong replied, “I may not finish the task within my lifetime, but my son, my son’s son, and all my offspring will keep working on this. They will pass on the mission generation after generation, while the mountain will not grow an inch. How come you said this is an impossible task?” Impressed by Yugong’s devotion, the Emperor of Heaven dispatched the God of Power to remove the mountains for the old man. Today, the Chinese people use Yugong yishan (the foolish old man removing the mountains) to refer to people who rise to challenges with courage and perseverance.


The place where the two mountains used to stand is situated in northwest Jiyuan, Henan Province, separating Henan from its neighboring Shanxi Province. Till today, people are still awed by Yugong's respectable ambition and indomitable will when they stand in front of the monument of mighty Yugong waving the iron pickaxe.


Monument of Yugong 

Removing the Mountains 

(Jiyuan, Henan Province) 


An1e Wo

邵雍是北宋哲学家,祖籍范阳(今河北涿州市),后随父迁居共城(今河南辉县市) 邵雍初洛阳时,所居房屋都是棚草做的,难以抵挡风雨,他却依然怡然自得。富弼、司马光、吕公著等退居洛阳,敬重邵雍,为邵雍置办了接近都市的带园地的住宅。邵雍给住宅起名“安乐窝”,并写下《安乐窝中吟》。后人遂用“安乐窝”比喻舒服安逸的住所和生活环境。

Shao Yong is a philosopher in t he Nor t hern Song  dy nasty.  He was born  in  Fa nyang  (today’s Zhuozhou, Hebei Province), relocated to Gongcheng (today’s Huixian, Henan Province) with his father, and settled in Luoyang. When he had just arrived in Luoyang, he lived in a shabby thatch hut that could hardly shelter him from the storm and rain. However, he never lost his inner peace and joy. Later, some retired politicians, including Fu Bi, Sima Guang, and Lv Gongzhu, moved to Luoyang and purchased a mansion with a garden close to downtown for Shao Yong out of respect for him. Shao named the mansion “Anle Wo” (a nest of ease) and wrote “A Poem in My Anle Wo”. Today, the Chinese people use the phrase “anle wo” to refer to a comfortable, satisfying shelter or living environment.


Gone is Shao Yong’s Anle Wo as years drifted by. But the historic site of it is preserved in today’s Baiquan  Classical  Garden  in  Huixian,  Henan Province. What remains of the architecture tells the story of its owner, a man of wisdom who was both indifferent to wealth and fame and devoted to worldly life. Time flies, but Shao Yong and his Anle Wo managed to safeguard their inner peace and contentment.


Such idiomatic expressions reflect the changes in China’s history, and the historic sites showcase the profound Chinese culture. Each time we visit these statues, monuments, and architecture, and each time we ponder about these expressions and the stories behind them, we will be amazed by the time-honored history and the rich culture of the Central Plains of China. 


Historic Site of Anle Wo 

(Baiquan Classical Garden,

 Huixian, Henan Province)





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作者:张剑英 Zhang Jianying

翻译:汤敏 Tang Min

摄影:戚建庄 Qi Jianzhuang



孔子学院 Confucius Institute

