
拾萬石家庄 | 即将展出 | 阎实:环宇服装店 | 莫倪健:行走≈多巴胺≈安全感

拾萬当代艺术中心 拾萬 Hunsand Space


Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang)will launch artist Yan Shi's solo project "Universe Apparel Store" on May 20th, 2023.

展期:2023年5月20日 - 2023年7月23日








阎实,1975 年出生于沈阳,曾就读于鲁迅美术学院摄影系及厦门大学艺术学院多媒体与综合材料系,现工作及生活于北京。


行动者的文献桌 | 《阎实:四个录像与附录》

【BRC|理想国 】有关阎实的《一二一》

Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang)will present artistMonijian's solo exhibition "Walking ≈ Dopamine ≈ Sense of Security" on May 20, 2023.

展期:2023年5月20日 - 2023年7月23日


被修正的丰塔纳 2021(倍速视频)
简易封锁 2017(视频截图)
阶梯 2017
艺术品 2018

紧急祷告 2019

2019.9.14 2019
2020.3.23 2020


电箱 | Distribution Box
电箱,照片,绷带,推车 | Distribution box, photo, bandage, handcart 
60 x 90 x 145cm

电箱 2023(局部)
游医  2020

广告牌  2021

佛龛  2022




AC青年艺术推广计划(七)| 莫倪健个展《© Monijian》正式开幕

莫倪健 | Q & A 和展览现场

Duration:  20 May 2023 - 23 Jul 2023
Opening: 4pm, 20 May (Sat.), 2023
Artists:  Yan Shi

It is a limited-time boutique that exclusively sells white shirts. The reason behind this concept is quite simple: Yan Shi has several friends living in Shijiazhuang, and he often visits to reunite with them. Every time he comes to Shijiazhuang, he can sense the gradual changes happening in the city. This personal project serves as an exhibition record and emotional witness to the city's transformations. Here is the opening speech written by Yan Shi for "Cosmic Clothing Store":

"The  Universe Television Factory was once a shining star. Although time has forgotten it, we should remember its dedication to technological innovation and pursuit of quality. In this vast world, this star is buried in silence.

Today, I inherit the name ' Universe' and establish the Universe Apparel Store . It will bloom like a blossoming flower, radiating creative and vibrant brilliance in a mysterious atmosphere. This flower resonates with the vanished star, coexisting within the boundless cosmos.

We will focus on white shirts as our flagship product, committed to providing the highest quality and service, upholding the spirit of universe and pursuing excellence.

Please join me in wishing the success of the Universe Apparel Store, as we continuously seek truth and beauty, and write our own glorious chapter in this mysterious and colorful world. In the infinite universe, the Universe Television Factory and the Universe Apparel Store are closely linked, perfect in harmony.

The store will be open to the public from May 20th to July 23rd, 2023, and we will periodically introduce special promotional activities! You are welcome to come and choose our white shirt products!"

Yan Shi was born in Shenyang in 1975 and studied at the Photography Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and the Multimedia and Composite Materials Department of Xiamen University Art College. He currently works and lives in Beijing.

Duration:  20 May 2023 - 23 Jul 2023
Opening: 4pm, 20 May (Sat.), 2023
Artists:  Monijian

Since graduating from the Department of Painting at Xinjiang Normal University in 2014, Monijian has been searching for a creative language that resonates with himself. It was not until 2017 that he started to venture onto the streets, observing his surroundings through continuous walking and even strolling, in order to find his subjects and engage in on-site creations. This approach is akin to that of a guerrilla hunter, swiftly taking out tools from his backpack and "sniping" once a target is spotted.

Over time, Monijian's on-site actions in public spaces have become more random, everyday, and defined. The accumulation of public practices has become a necessary training, making the artist increasingly sensitive and discerning. In contrast, since 2021, Mo Nijian has been collecting remnants from public spaces, transforming them into indoor sculptures exhibited in galleries. Having left many works on the streets, the artist feels at ease when "collecting" public objects, achieving a balance between giving and taking, and also realizing a harmony between the outdoors and indoors in his works.

In recent years, due to changes in his life, Mo Nijian has moved from Beijing to Shanghai and then to Chengdu. He treats every city he has lived in as his studio, resulting in an increasing number of conventional tools in his backpack and expanding possibilities for action. Now, Shijiazhuang has become his new walking target. This reminds him of his hometown, Urumqi, a Chinese city undergoing standardization where every street is full of unknowns yet seems strangely familiar.

In the period leading up to the exhibition, Mo Nijian made full use of his time walking in Shijiazhuang, leaving traces of his works on the city streets and salvaging found objects, which he transformed and presented in the gallery. In such walking and creating, Mo Nijian never actively seeks risks and thrills, yet walking itself brings comfort and satisfaction, swaying along an indistinct and inexplicable safety line between oneself and others.

Monijian, born in Urumqi, Xinjiang in 1992, graduated from the Department of Painting at Xinjiang Normal University in 2014. He currently lives and works in Chengdu, Sichuan.

拾萬 |杭州




以湿言土:陈吟 王雨萱|现场视频
以燥言金:范桦晓 李欣遥|现场视频

相关链接:拾萬杭州| “以湿言土|以燥言金” 对谈:陈吟
拾萬杭州 | 即将展出 | 以湿言土:陈吟、王雨萱 | 以燥言金:范桦晓、李欣遥

拾萬 |北京同期展览



拾萬北京 | 即将展出 | 贺勋:种太阳


Hunsand Space (Beijing) was established in Caochangdi Art District in 2014, relocated to the 798 Art Zone in 2018. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) was opened in Shijiazhuang. In 2023, Hunsand Space (Hangzhou) was founded in Long Wu, Hangzhou. As a professional gallery, Hunsand Space (Beijing) keeps vigilance in presenting art exhibitions with conventional way in white cubes, aiming to take the semantics and syntax from the language of contemporary art as a point of departure and expand them into a broader field. Through its vigorous programs of exhibitions and projects, Hunsand Space (Beijing) hopes to stimulate the neglected aspects in contemporary culture and brings the values of contemporary art into our lives. In addition to exhibiting contemporary art exhibitions, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) as an art complex is dedicated to presenting public programs, lectures, art workshops, art merchandise, catering and many other activities and services. Relying on geographical differences, the Center's mission is to integrate artistic and audible practices into geographical and humanistic dimensions, by which to experience and pursue the differences and connections between being traditional and modern, local and international, on-site and territorial, personal and historical, spiritual and physical, bringing the ideas of contemporary art into more people's lives.

北京画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30
石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00
杭州画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:00(冬季)11:00-19:00(春夏秋)


微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace
微博|Weibo: 拾萬空间
Instagram: hunsand_space

T:010-57623059 (北京)
T:0311-66600320 (石家庄)
W: www.hunsand.com
拾萬 Hunsand Space

