
单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“remain”造句的?

2017-05-14 Justin 孟庆伟英文写作


1. The C919 has successfully taken off on 5th May as scheduled, while the doubts about the potential market for Comac remain.


The C919 successfully took off on 5th May as scheduled, while doubts about the potential market for Comac remain.

2. It's very typical of a pessimist to think that although much work has been done, even more remains.


3. There is much room remains to be improved.

点评:这个句子暴露了作者模糊的语法意识。我提供了两个改写版本。我个人喜欢第二个版本,更简洁有力。高级学习者可以试着放弃“there be”句型了。

1) There is much room that remains to be improved.

2) Much room remains to be improved. 

4. Lots of people walked into our lives and then went away,only those who really care about us remain.


1) Lots of people walk into our lives and (then) go away; only those who really care about us remain.

2) Lots of people walk into our lives and go away, and only those who really care about us remain.

3) In our lives people come and go; only a few remain. (注意体会这个短句的意味)

5. Even after nine years, the grief of the great earthquake remains in the hearts of the victims and their families.

点评:这期有三个句子都涉及到了汶川地震。这个句子唯一的问题是第一个“of”的用法,建议改为“from/out of”.

6. Very little of the city remained after the earthquake nine years ago.


After the earthquake nine years ago very little of Wenchuan remained. 

7. Today marks the 9th anniversary of the deadly earthquake and many families seem to have moved on, but the grief over their children's death may still remain.


1) Today marks the 9th anniversary of the deadly earthquake. Though many familes seem to have moved on, the grief over their children's death may still remain.

2) Today marks the 9th anniversary of the deadly earthquake. Many familes seem to hold up, but the grief over their children's death may still remain.

8. Her appearance hardly varies with time, and she also remains active in the fashion industry.

点评:作者有意识在一个句子里使用两个刚刚学过的词,很赞。一个月后作者可以试着在一篇文章里尽可能多地使用30个精选词:)需要注意的是,这句话中“remain”的意思是 continue to possess a particular quality or fulfil a particular role,和单词图中的意思有区别。

9. Although victims surviving the brutal and chaotic Cultural Revolution have received compensation from the government, trauma remains.

点评:很棒的句子。试体会第二个分句中流露出来的情感。别忘了 William Zinsser 的忠告,“Short is better than long.”

10. "Although on Tuesday Smartisan technology launched its attracting new product Nut Pro, which is of delicate ID design at an affordable price, unclear promise remains due to strong competition in China smartphone market." Industry expert Evan Wu told Pingwest.


"On Tuesday Smartisan Technology launched its attractive new product Nut Pro, which is at an affordable price, but unclear prospects remain due to the strong competition in China's smartphone market,industry expert Evan Wu told Pingwest.





单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“vary”造句的?

单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“count”造句的?

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