直播预告 | 荷兰央行原行长Nout Wellink主讲“迫在眉睫的债务危机”(6月10日)
线上沙龙的第21期,我们特别邀请了IMI国际委员、荷兰央行原行长Nout Wellink博士,以“迫在眉睫的债务危机——对新冠疫情下货币政策与财政政策的思考”为主题发表演讲,诚挚邀请您线上参会聆听。
For the 21st Macro-Finance Salon online series, Dr. Nout Wellink, Member of IMI International Advisory Board, Former Governor of the Dutch Central Bank, will deliver a speech titled ‘A Looming Debt Crisis -- Reflections on the Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Response to COVID-19’.2020年6月10日(周三)20:00-21:00
特 邀
嘉 宾
Jaya Josie,IMI国际委员、浙江大学国际联合商学院客座教授
20:00-21:00 Wednesday, June 10th 2020 (Beijing time)Form:
EnglishOrganized by:
International Monetary Institute (IMI), Renmin University of China
Monetary Finance Department, School of Finance, Renmin University of ChinaCo-organized by:
International Business School, Zhejiang University
Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang UniversityChaired by:
Prof. Ben Shenglin, Co-director of IMI, Dean of International Business School and Academy of Internet Finance at Zhejiang UniversityDistinguished Guest:
David Wen, Professor of Zhejiang University International Business School\Former Chair of International Telecommunication Union Focus Group on Digital Currency and Digital Fiat Currency
Jaya Josie,Member of IMI International Committee\Visiting Professor of Zhejiang University International Business School
Main contents
With respect to the coronacrisis it seems useful to me to make a distinction between three phases: the initial stage, the transition period, and the endgame. The initial period is the period of the lockdown, with enormous economic consequences and with immediate unprecedented responses of the authorities (governments and central banks). During the transition period (the exit of the lockdown) our economies are supposed to move gradually to a recovery and to the new normal. It is the period in which the authorities will phase out interventions (a.o. subsidies and loans). Then we enter the third stage, the “endgame”, in which the damage done during the first stage has become fully visible and should be dealt with: bankruptcies, soaring unemployment rates, unsustainable debts, low growth. In my presentation I will focus on the debt consequences of the (inevitable) policies pursued during stage 1 and also address the policy dilemma’s the authorities will be confronted with during the third stage. Understandably the focus is at the moment mainly on phase 1 and 2, but thinking about phase 3 is just as important.嘉宾简介
BIO of speaker
Nout Wellink,IMI国际委员,自1997年7月1日起任荷兰央行行长,1998年6月1日起兼任欧央行理事会成员直至2011年退休。1997年进入国际清算银行董事会并于2002年至2006年担任董事会主席。2006年至2011年任巴塞尔银行监管委员会主席。他曾是十国集团理事兼国际货币基金组织理事。他曾担任许多非营利组织、企业和金融机构的监事会成员。目前他担任中国工商银行非执行独立董事。他被授予荷兰狮骑士勋位,也是荷兰皇室–奥瑞治家族勋位长官。他在鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学获得经济学博士学位,并于蒂尔堡大学获得荣誉博士学位。1987年到1997年,他在弗里耶大学担任银行与货币经济学特别教授。
Dr. Nout Wellink is member of IMI International Advisory Board. He was appointed President of the Dutch Central Bank (“DNB”) on 1 July 1997. As of 1 June 1998 till his retirement on July 1st. 2011, he also served as a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. Starting in 1997, Dr. Wellink sat on the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements which he chaired from 2002 until 2006. He chaired the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision from July 2006 until 2011. Mr. Wellink was a member of the Group of Ten Governors and Governor of the International Monetary Fund. He served as a Supervisory Board member of a number of non-profit organizations, industrial companies and financial institutions. At present Dr. Wellink is, a.o., an independent non-executive director of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). He was awarded a Knighthood in the Order of the Netherlands Lion and is Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau. Mr. Wellink obtained a doctor’s degree in economics at the Rotterdam Erasmus University and an honorary doctorate from Tilburg University.. From 1987 till 1997 he held the post of Extraordinary Professor at the Vrije Universiteit (banking and monetary economics).报名方式
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