当老外对你说You alright时,该如何回答?
You alright ?
"You alright?" is "just the British way of saying "hello," according to Great British Mag.
《Great British Mag》称,“You alright?”是英国人说“你好”的方式。
When a Brit asks if you're "alright," they're probably not assuming you're in a bad mood or having a bad day.
当一个英国人问你“You alright?”时,他们可能并不是认为你心情不好或今天过得很糟糕。
According to the digital publication Great British Mag, "you alright" is "just the British way of saying hello" — whereas in the US, it typically means someone's checking to make sure you're OK.
数字出版物《Great British Mag》称,“you alright”是“英国人打招呼的方式”——而在美国,这通常意味着有人在确认你是否还好。
"When a Brit asks, 'You alright?'" the best response is always, 'Yeah, great thanks. You?' Anything else will really put a spanner in the works," the outlet wrote.
“当英国人问‘You alright’时,最好的回答总是‘嗯,很好,谢谢。你呢?’其他任何回答都会让人很不舒服。”该媒体写道。
first floor
In the United States, the first floor is the ground level of a building.
在美国,“first floor”是建筑物的底层。
Throughout Europe and the UK, however, the floor above ground level is considered the first floor,CultureTrip reports.
但据CultureTrip报道,在欧洲和英国,地面以上的一层被视为“first floor”。
In the United States and elsewhere, a wagon is simply a wheeled cart used for hauling things, often pulled by an animal.
To say the term in Ireland, however, could get you in trouble. According to the Irish Mirror, "wagon" is "a term for an obnoxious and annoying woman."
If you say it in an office in the States, for example, your coworkers will just think you're mad over something. But if you were to say it in a British office, where "pissed" means to be drunk, according to CultureTrip, your coworkers may be more concerned.
Stateside, to call someone a geezer is "an informal, humorous or mildly disparaging," way to say they're an old man,according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
In the UK, however, it's an informal synonym for "guy," or "bloke," the dictionary states.
"Handy" doesn't mean helpful in Germany.
According to Cambridge Dictionary, in Germany,"handy" is another term for a cell phone.
来源 | 沪江英语
制作 | 绢生
审核 | 肖英 / 万顷
终审 | 清欢
一周热词 | 李克强逝世、神舟十七号载人飞船发射、中国作家获雨果奖、美国大规模枪击案
一周简报 | 产教融合背景下翻译人才培养论坛召开、海南国际翻译产业与人才发展论坛举行…