
谁说男儿不能绣花?85后姑苏帅小伙在针尖上走“绣” | The art of Su Embroidery

CGTN 2020-08-26



Ink wash painting is known to be one of the greatest art forms. Did you know that a needle and thread can also be a craftsmen's tool to recreate the most beautiful scenery of nature?


Born after 1985, Zhang Xue has created numbers of exquisite works with his delicate fingers, thus is regarded as one of the best male embroiderers.


Zhang was born into a family of embroidery. His mother, Xue Jindi started learning embroidery at the age of six, and became a professional embroiderer at 16. Having been in the business for more than 40 years, she is now a representative of the intangible cultural heritage of Su Embroidery. Under the influence of his mother, Zhang quit his job in finance to become an embroiderer.


Su Embroidery used to be a popular folk craft in the Yangtze River area around Suzhou City. Together with Yue, Xiang, and Shu embroideries, they are called the Four Famous Embroideries of China. Emerged in the Three Kingdoms Period, Su Embroidery has a history of more than 2000 years. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it prospered and generally developed its delicate and elegant styles. The legacy of Su Embroidery is consistent without any discontinuities. Nevertheless, "It takes a long time to master a craft. There were once about 20 to 30 thousand embroidery craftsmen in China, now it has dropped to less than 50." This is a good reason to worry about it.  


Zhang believes that Su Embroidery has, as one of China's first intangible cultural heritages, a great development prospect. Yet few young people are willing to learn embroidery, leaving many craftsmen with no successors any more. He says: "There are even fewer who learn Su Embroidery. But I am going to pass it on."


Zhang realized that in order to revive the legacy of embroidery, there have to be enough people working in this area. Therefore, the priority is to arouse young people's interest in embroidery, especially the white-collars. It could be a way to relieve their stress. 


Su Embroidery has been adapted since ancient times. It shows new looks and innovative expressions as time progresses.


"The traditional embroidery is usually two-dimensional. It could be awesome presenting it three-dimensionally." Using special tools, Zhang created the work "See the Mountains" on the wall, raising the art of Su Embroidery to a new "height".


Bringing embroidery to people's everyday life has been one of his goals during his exploration. Combining embroidery with metal commodities provides more opportunities to its future development. This also expands the crossover connotation of Su Embroidery. For Zhang and his mother, elements of Su Embroidery have been applied to the designs of wrist watches, headsets and jewelries. There's no end to such interesting combinations.


Zhang was questioned, however, about his attempt to combine modern aesthetics with the art of Su Embroidery. Some people think that he's broken away from the legacy and upended the traditional embroidery. While Zhang thinks that "Su Embroidery will develop better with innovations", he believes the underlying tradition of Su Embroidery from the past 2,000 years will stay the same.

Cameraman: Tan Di

Film editor: Tan Di, Ma Mingyuan

Story written by: Zhang Zijia

English editor: Melissa Chua


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