深山古刹,寺院佛门。所谓逢武必及少林,古老而神秘的少林寺,既是远遁世俗的清修之所,亦是武术爱好者向往的习武圣地。 The ancient and mysterious Shaolin Temple sits deep in the mountains. Shaolin kung fu is regarded as the epitome of Chinese martial arts. Renowned for its mystical seclusion, the Shaolin Temple has always been a sacred place for martial arts enthusiasts.
释延炫是少林寺的一名武僧,自小热爱传统功夫的他,14岁时便加入少林武僧团,修习难度颇高的软兵器——少林三节棍。Shi Yanxuan is a monk at the Shaolin Temple. Because of his love for traditional kung fu since childhood, Shi joined the Shaolin monk team at the age of 14. He practices a difficult soft weapon, the Shaolin three-section cudgel.
释延炫,少林寺武僧团一队队长。Shi Yanxuan is the leader of monk team No. 1 in the Shaolin Temple. /CGTN Photo
少林三节棍由三节短棍连接而成,使用方法多变,灵活转换,既能兼顾远近攻击,又可兼具防守功能。练武者调动全身的力量,并结合身法、棍法及步法的协调性,可以爆发出最大的力量。The three-section cudgel consists of three short sticks. It can be used in various ways to attack and defend with a flexible range. The practitioners concentrate all of their strength and coordinate their body, the cudgel and their feet, in order to exert maximum power.
少林三节棍,软兵器的一种。The Shaolin three-section cudgel is a kind of soft weapon. /CGTN Photo这种功夫虽颇具威力,但招式复杂,不易控制,在练习过程中极易受伤,所以在正式接触三节棍之前,释延炫练习了五年基本功。点棍、撩棍、扫棍、劈棍……有了扎实的基础,才能练好这些繁杂的棍花儿。一日练一日功,一日不练十日空,少林寺讲究的是武练千遍,其意自现。The moves of this powerful technique are rather complicated and hard to control. Practitioners tend to hurt themselves sometimes as a result. Shi spent five years practicing basic skills before he started with the three-section cudgel. Pointing, lifting, sweeping and hacking – all these moves evolve from the basics. "One day lazing, 10 days lost," or "practice makes perfect," is one of the principles of the Shaolin Temple.三节棍法招式复杂,且颇具威力。The moves of the three-section cudgel are rather complicated. /CGTN Photo
“真正的功夫就是汗水加时间,没有长时间的练习你是永远练不好的。“"Real kung fu calls for sweat and time. You don't get anywhere without lots of practice," said Shi.
禅入武式,武自禅出,作为佛教禅宗祖庭,少林寺亦将禅法融入功夫中。除了练武,释延炫跟师兄弟们常会打扫寺院的卫生,借以修炼自己的内心。Practicing and meditating intertwine with each other. Home to Zen Buddhism, the Shaolin Temple monks infuse Zen into their kung fu moves. In addition to practicing martial arts, Shi and his fellow apprentices do some cleaning in the temple to cultivate their "inner world."少林功夫中体现着禅法。 The Shaolin Temple monks infuse Zen into their kung fu moves. /CGTN Photo擦桌子、拖地……日常打扫工作既可以锻炼肢体力量,又能锻炼僧人们的心境,在修习过程中不断寻找并认识自我,以便在任何外界的情况下,都能保持一颗清净的心。They mop the tables and the floors. Daily chores can exercise the body and cleanse the mind. This allows the monks to understand themselves better so that they can keep a clear mind in any situation.
“做人做事首先要达到自己内心干净。如果我们心地干净,没有任何地方不干净。”"The priority is to cleanse our inner world. When the heart is clean, no other place is stained," said Shi.日常打扫能够锻炼僧人的心境。Daily cleaning can help to cleanse the mind. /CGTN Photo如今,久经淬炼的释延炫,已经成长为少林寺武僧团一队的队长,习武20年,他经常走访世界各地,向世界展示博大精深的少林文化。身动心净、心法结合,便是禅武合一的精髓所在。Shi is the leader of monk team No. 1 in the Shaolin Temple. Having practiced martial arts for 20 years, he has visited many places to promote the profound Shaolin culture to the world. The combination of mind and moves is the essence of "unity of the spirit and the technique."以菌为乐:微观世界的璀璨星空 | The Slime Mold Girl
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