长久以来,我们习惯以自己的视角,丈量天地万物。但天下莫大于秋毫之末,万物皆有自己的丈量法则。那些无人问津的微观角落,或许就隐藏着广阔的未知世界,期待着发现它们的眼睛。We've long been used to seeing the world through our perspective. However, as people would say, the world can be smaller than the tip of a hair. Everything has a measurement of its own. In the unattended microscopic corners, there might as well be a vast unknown world luring people with great curiosity.
周晴烽就是一个慧眼独具的女孩儿,她行走在繁华城市,穿梭于车水马龙,却对喧嚣外的静谧之美心向往之。作为一名微观菌物爱好者,她最大的乐趣,便是深入自然, “探访”那些存于微小王国的迷你居民——黏菌。Zhou Qingfeng is a lucky girl with special perspectives. Living and walking in the bustling city, she is fascinated by the quiet beauty. As a fan of microscopic creatures, her greatest pleasure is to go deep into nature and visit those tiny inhabitants - slime molds.
周晴烽,黏菌拍摄者。Zhou Qingfeng, the photographer of slime molds /CGTN Photo
很多人会把黏菌和细菌混为一谈,这其实是一种误解,黏菌对人类而言是完全无害的。它只是一种特殊的单细胞生物,在生长过程中会有很多不同的形态,喜欢待在潮湿的环境中。黏菌通常只有毫米大小,肉眼难辨。第一次在显微镜下见到黏菌,周晴烽就被它的美丽震撼,从此开始了一场微观世界的探索之旅。Many people confuse slime molds with bacteria, which is a misunderstanding. Slime molds are completely harmless to humans. They are special single-celled protists. They take many different forms during the growth process. The millimeter-sized slime molds prefer a humid environment. It's hard to distinguish them with naked eyes. The first time seeing the slime mold under the microscope, Zhou was shocked by its beauty; thus, she started her journey to the microcosmos.
显微镜下的黏菌。slime molds under the microscope /CGTN Photo
一开始,周晴烽借用朋友的实验室记录黏菌。后来为了方便拍摄,她辞去了工作,从城市搬到乡下,每周都会在森林中徒步几天,寻找那些隐藏在腐木、枯叶之中的微小生物。为了记录黏菌的生长过程,她常在摄像机旁,一呆就是十几,甚至几十个小时。看似枯噪乏味的过程,她却甘之如饴。At first, Zhou recorded slime molds in a friend's lab. For the convenience of photographing, she quit her job in the city and moved to the countryside. She goes into the forest every few days looking for the tiny creatures underneath the decayed branch and fallen leaves. To record their growth process, she often stayed by the camera for dozens of hours. Such a tedious process, yet she relished it.周晴烽在实验室。Zhou Qingfeng in the laboratory /CGTN Photo
每次发现新的黏菌,都是一次美丽的邂逅,爱吃平菇的多头绒泡菌、漂亮的粉瘤菌、五彩斑斓的闪光亮皮菌……每一种都是独特的美。为了更好地拍摄,周晴烽在寻找之余,还尝试着进行黏菌培养。尽管困难重重,她也从未放弃。She cherishes every encounter with new slime mold species. The Physarum polycephalum that loves to eat oyster mushrooms, the beautiful Lycogala epidendrum, and the iridescent Lamproderma scintillans… each one of them has its unique beauty. To take better photos, Zhou also tries to cultivate slime molds herself. Despite all the difficulties, she never gave up.闪光亮皮菌。Lamproderma scintillans /CGTN Photo
“我拍摄微观菌物已经快七年了,越来越敬畏于自然造物主的丰富与精微。”"I've been doing microscopic photography of slime molds for almost seven years. And I am truly awed by the richness and subtlety of Mother Nature," says Zhou.
拍摄黏菌的生长过程是非常耗时的,已知的黏菌大概有一千种,每种都有独一无二的生长形态,想凭一己之力全部拍完,几乎是不可能的。但这也恰恰是吸引周晴烽的地方,这些还是未知的黏菌,也同时拥有无数可能性,牵引着她不断探索的好奇心。To record the growth of slime molds is time-consuming. There are about a thousand species of slime molds, each having a unique growth form. It is almost impossible to record them all by herself. What fascinates Zhou the most, however, is that the unknown slime molds mean countless possibilities. It arouses Zhou's curiosity and prompts her to keep exploring.粉瘤菌。Lycogala epidendrum /CGTN Photo
幸运的是,通过拍摄,她结交了许多志同道合的朋友,她将拍摄到的黏菌图片分享到微博中,收获了大批粉丝,越来越多的人通过她的拍摄了解到我们不曾留意的微观世界。Fortunately, Zhou made many like-minded friends through photography. The pictures draw so many followers on Weibo. Through her works, more and more people get to know about the micro world that we had never paid attention to.
“我所观察到的不过自然界中微小的一面,而这么微小的生命也能那么有力,也能那么灿烂。”"What I have recorded is just the tip of the iceberg. And such teeny tiny life can be vibrant and fascinating." says Zhou.周晴烽,黏菌拍摄者。Zhou Qingfeng, the photographer of slime molds /CGTN Photo
周晴烽还想拍摄一部关于黏菌的纪录片。她沉浸在温润无声的微观世界中,探寻着毫厘之中不易察觉的美。细微之处见真章,在她的镜头下,这些微小如尘埃的单细胞菌物,何尝不是一片浩瀚星海。Zhou also wants to make a documentary about slime molds. She immerses herself in the mild and silent micro world, recording the subtle beauties. Even the smallest creature is worth exploring. The single-celled slime molds are as tiny as dust. Although in Zhou's camera, they are brighter than the stars in the sky.
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