After a month of relentless efforts, the COVID-19 situation in China has stabilized. The number of new reported infections has taken a nosedive since the second half of February. Other parts of the world, however, are reporting growing numbers.经过一个多月不懈的努力,新冠肺炎疫情在中国已趋于稳定。新增病例自2月下旬开始快速下降。不过世界其他地方报道的感染人数却在增加。Now international media are shifting their focus from China to their own countries' preparedness. But one thing has struck me: how the old habit of finger-pointing dies hard.国际媒体逐渐将注意力从中国移开,转而关注本国的准备情况。但让我感到吃惊的是横加诟病的陋习竟如此难以消除。A World Health Organization expert team met the press after ending their field inspection tour in China this week. The team's head, Dr. Bruce Aylward, admitted he was once suspicious of China's approach. But after the tour, he reckoned that "the decline we see in China is real" thanks to the "aggressiveness and agility" of its response.本周,世界卫生组织的一个专家组在结束对中国的考察后召开了新闻发布会。外方组长布鲁斯·艾尔沃德承认自己曾对中国的应对措施怀有偏见。但考察后,他认为“中国病例数量的下降是真实的”,这要感谢中国动作的“大胆和迅捷”。But then came the Q&A session. The first and only question raised by one journalist from a well-regarded international media outlet was about China's "cover-up" in the early days of the outbreak.然后就是提问环节。一位来自某知名国际媒体的记者提出的第一个也是唯一一个问题却是关于中国在疫情暴发初期的“瞒报”行为。Journalists scrutinize and challenge. But at this moment, what is more important? To find out exactly how bad the Chinese system is? Or to draw on its experience? Remember, such experience has been hard-won through the lives of over 2,700 people and collaboration among countless others.记者的天职是质疑。但此时此刻,什么更重要?印证中国的制度到底有多差?还是去借鉴其经验?不要忘了,中国的经验是2700多人的生命和无数人的团结合作换来的。After the presser, there was only a fleeting mention by that media of the WHO's recognition of China's response. Nor did it elaborate on the recommendations raised for the world. It's a pity.新闻发布会后,该媒体上关于世卫组织对中国努力的认可一带而过,对其提出的建议也无详细报道。真遗憾。Equally harmful has been the rhetoric of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who can't seem to stop himself from pointing fingers at China and America's long-time friend - Iran, among all the countries that have seen cases spike. He accused both countries of cover-ups.同样有害的是美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥的言论。不少国家都出现了病例激增的情况,但他好像抑制不住对中国以及美国的“老朋友”伊朗诟病的冲动,称两国都隐瞒疫情。You can argue, the situation could have been different had the outbreak been taken more seriously in China in the beginning. But to discredit China or its response won't help anybody now. Mr. Pompeo also called on China to work with international aid organizations. That's ironic as the U.S. wants a 50 percent cut from its contributions to the World Health Organization and a 34 percent overall cut to Global Health programs.你可以说,如果中国在疫情初期能够更加重视,情况也许会不一样。但是现在,对中国或其抗疫努力横加指责毫无益处。蓬佩奥先生还呼吁中国加强与国际援助机构的合作。这太滑稽了,因为美国正要把划拨给世卫组织的经费削减一半,把全球卫生项目经费整体降低三分之一。Here's what you might not hear from these journalists or politicians. For a month, China demonstrated an iron will and ability to save lives. Nationwide discipline and unity, strong coordination and execution, the use of high-technology to boost online activities, reshuffling local leaders, blanket health inspections, expanding treatment and quarantine capacity creatively, integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine into treatment, and giving real-time updates of infection numbers through social media, and hosting daily multiple press conferences... The list goes on.从这些记者或政客那里听不到的是,中国在过去的一个月里展示出了钢铁般的意志和拯救生命的能力。全国上下自律且团结,各方高度协调并执行有力,运用高科技加大网上活动,对地方领导层进行调整,开展地毯式健康核查,创造性地扩大治疗与隔离能力,将中药融入治疗,通过社交媒体实时公布感染人数,每天召开新闻发布会……还有很多很多。These measures may have prevented up to hundreds of thousands from being infected, according to the WHO. And China's sacrifice and efforts rendered a service to humanity, said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.世卫组织表示,这些措施可能防止了高达数十万人感染病毒。联合国秘书长古特雷斯说,中国的牺牲和努力为全人类做出了贡献。The Chinese system has flaws, but has also proven advantages. How about putting aside differences just for once? Bicker later! What's more important than saving lives now?中国的制度有不足之处,但也被证明很有优势。能不能先把分歧放在一边,就这么一次?以后再闹!当下,还有什么比拯救生命更重要的呢?But will the Pompeos of the world listen, before it's too late?但是在一切无法挽救之前,世界上的“蓬佩奥们”会听吗?钟南山:疫情首先出现在中国,不一定发源在中国
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