国庆黄金周,海南免税品深受省外游客热捧。目前,四家免税店10月1日当天销售总额已突破1亿元,是去年同期销售额的2.3倍。 据海口海关统计,从7月1日到9月30日,海南省游客免税消费共达86.1亿元人民币(约合12.6亿美元),同比增长227.5%。 在此期间,约有129万名游客到访海南,人流量同比增长62%。 化妆品、手表和珠宝是最受欢迎的商品,占总销售收入的73.3%。 免税商品范围由原来的38类扩大到45类,新增部分电子产品和酒类。 China's southern island province of Hainan recorded a surge in spending on duty-free shopping by visitors since the implementation of a new duty-free policy on July 1, according to the General Administration of Customs. Duty-free sales on China's southernmost island province of Hainan surged after Beijing raised the annual tax-free shopping limit from 30,000 to 100,000 yuan for tourists as part of its new free-trade port plan. Hainan recorded 8.61 billion yuan (about 1.26 billion U.S. dollars) of duty-free spending by visitors from July 1 to September 30, a surge of 227.5 percent year on year, the administration said. During the period, about 1.29 million tourists visited the island, up 62 percent year on year. Cosmetics, watches and jewelry were the most popular merchandise, accounting for 73.3 percent of the total sales revenue. The range of duty-free goods has expanded from 38 categories to 45, with some electronic products and wines newly added to the duty-free list. 昨晚飞抵海口的北京游客齐兰芳一家,计划国庆黄金周在海南待6天,今天,一家人把逛免税店作为第一个旅游景点。 北京游客齐兰芳:“以前我们买(奢侈品)都是在境外买,现在海南的免税店开了之后,我觉得很方便,可以满足我们这方面的需要。” 从今年7月1号起开始实施的离岛免税新政策,不仅大幅提高了免税购物额度,同时,扩大免税商品种类,增加电子消费产品等7类消费者青睐的商品,吸引省外游客选定海南游。 一位来自贵州游客表示:“把手机也纳入免税品行列,对我们来说是很有利的,这样我们就不用花大力气到国外去代购了。” 还有一位四川游客表示:“之前免税额度是3万元,7月份以后是增加到10万元,想买什么就买什么。” "Earlier we used to buy (luxury goods) overseas, but now that the duty-free shop in Hainan has opened … it meets our requirements," said a patron from Beijing. The new tax exemption policy for offshore islands, which took effect on July 1 this year, not only pumps up duty-free shopping, but also expands the scope of duty-free goods, now including consumer electronic products. “It is convenient for us to buy mobile phones at the duty-free shop, so that we don't have to make an effort on buying them abroad,” customer from Guizhou. 国庆黄金周前2天,海口、三亚、琼海四家免税店,每天人流总量超过100万人次。从7月1日至10月2日共94天,离岛免税销售额已超90亿元,有力助推海南国际旅游消费中心建设。 中国旅游集团海南区域总部总经理王轩告诉记者:“通过政策的调整,吸引在韩日、在欧洲进行购买的国人消费能力,回流到海南来。” 省商务厅相关负责人表示,今年内,海南将新开3家免税店,并从省外具有免税品经营资质企业中择优选定一家企业作为离岛免税的经营店经营主体,结合“十四五”规划,海南将合理规划建设零关税日用品经营店。 Two days before the National Day holiday, four duty-free shops in Haikou, Sanya and Qionghai welcomed more than one million visitors. From July 1 to October 2, the tax-free sales volume of offshore islands exceeded nine billion yuan, boosting the investment in the construction of the Hainan International Tourism Consumption Center.Officials from the Provincial Department of Commerce said that Hainan will inaugurate three more duty-free shops this year, and select one of the enterprises, with experience in duty-free business, from outside the province to run a duty-free shop. In its 14th five-year plan, Hainan also aims to build zero-tariff commodity shops.