

世青News 世青创新中心 2022-04-24

“世青创新中心” 一起成为更好的自己,看到更大的世界

“全球最新发展前沿+青年成长”智库和行动网络(Think+Do Tank)


    希拉里·黛安·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton,1947年10月26日-),美国律师、民主党籍政治家,第67任美国国务卿,纽约州前联邦参议员,美国前第一夫人。2000年,希拉里在纽约州联邦参议员选举中胜出,成为该州历史上第一位女性联邦参议员,更成为历史上第一位拥有公职的第一夫人,并在6年任期满后以大幅度的领先优势获得连任。希拉里·克林顿是一位富有争议的政治人物,当第一夫人期间曾主持一系列改革。2018年5月20日,前美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿受邀回到母校耶鲁大学毕业典礼进行演讲。在长达28分钟、共3700多字的演讲中,她不仅回顾了当年在纠结读耶鲁还是斯坦福法学院时的“遭遇”、作为法学生的自己与比尔·克林顿在耶鲁相识的过程,还坦言:对于输掉大选这件事,我依旧没放下。





   Right now we are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy. There are not tanks in the streets, but what is happening right now goes to the heart of who we are as a nation. And I say this not as a democrat who lost an election but as an American afraid of losing a country. There are certain things that are so essential they should transcend politics. Waging a war on the role of law and a free press delegitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption, and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity. Attacking truth and a reason, evidence and facts should alarm us all.

   You and your parents have just paid for a first-class, world-class education.As Yale history professor, Timothy Snyder writes in his book, On Tyranny, ‘To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle.’I think Professor Snyder both in that book and his new one, the Road to Unfreedom, is sounding the alarm as loudly as he can. Because attempting to erase the line between fact and fiction, truth and reality, is a core feature of authoritarianism. The goal is to make us question logic and reason and to sow mistrust toward exactly the people we need to rely on. Our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, even ourselves.Just this week, former secretary of state Rex Tillerson said, if our leaders seek to conceal the truth, are we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom. Perhaps it’s late, but he is absolutely right.

  So how do we build our democratic resilience? I think it starts with standing up for truth, facts and reason, not just in the classroom or on campus, but every day in our lives. It means speaking out about the vital role of higher education in our society to create opportunity and equality. It means calling out actual fake news when we see it, and supporting great journalists and their reporting, maybe even by subscribing to a newspaper. Most of all, as obvious as it seems, it means voting. In every election, not just the presidential ones.

  So yes, these are challenging times for America but we have come through challenging times before. You know I think back to the night Barack Obama was elected president. So many of us were jubilant, even I, who had once hoped to beat him was ecstatic. It was such a hopeful moment. Yet in some ways, this moment feels even more hopeful because this is a battle-hardened hope. Temperate by loss, and clear eyed about the stakes.We are standing up to policies that hurt people, we are standing up for all people being treated with dignity. We are doing the work to translate feelings into action. The fact that some days it is really hard to keep at it just makes it that much more remarkable that so many of us are in fact keeping at it.It is not easy to wade back into the fight every day, but we are doing it. That is why I am optimistic because of how unbelievably tough Americans are proving to be. I have encountered lots of people in recent months to give me hope. The Parkland students who endured unthinkable tragedy and have responded with courage and resolve. The leaders and groups I have gotten to know throughout work together an organization is tarted after the election to encourage grassroots engagement that we were seeing. Everyone who is registering voters and diving into the issues facing us like never before. Some for the very first time in their lives. I find hope in the wave of women running for office and winning, and hope in the women and men who are dismantling the notion that women should have to endure harassment and violence as a part of our lives.

     We have a long way to go, there are many fights to fight and more seem to arise every day. It will take work to keep up the pressure, to stay vigilant. To neither close our eyes nor numb our hearts or throw up our hands and say, someone else take over from here.At this moment in our history, our country depends on every citizen believing in the power of their actions, even when that power is invisible and their efforts feel like an uphill battle. Every citizen voting in every election, even when your side loses, it is a matter of infinite faith, this faith we have in our ability to govern ourselves, to come together, to make honorable compromise in the pursuit of ends that will lift us all up and move us forward.So yes, we need to pace ourselves that also lean on each other. Look for the good wherever we can, celebrate heroes, encourage children, find ways to disagree respectfully. We need to be ready to lose some fights, because we will. As John McCain recently reminded us, ‘No just cause is futile, even if it is lost. What matters is to keep going, no matter what, keep going.’

    The Yale you are graduating from is very different from the Yale I graduated from. It is different even from the Yale that welcomed you four years ago. Four years ago, not one of Yale's colleges was named after a woman. Today, students are carrying on the legacy of a trailblazing LGBT civil rights activist, at Pauli Murray College, and celebrating one of Yale's own hidden figures, at Grace Hopper College, named after the naval officer who happened to be one of the first computer programmers in the America. Those changes didn’t happen on their own. You made them possible. You kept fighting, you kept the faith. And because of that, in the end, you changed Yale as much as Yale changed you.

     And now is the time for you to make your mark on the world. I know the best. The best for you, for Yale and for Americans yet to come, and you each will have a role to play and a contribution to make. 





   是的。我们处在一个富有挑战性的时代。但是我们曾经经历过许多挑战。奥巴马当选总统的那晚我们许多人都充满希望,甚至包括我自己—他的党内对手。但是从某种意义上说,我们今天应该比当时更充满希望— 经历过逆境冲刷和实战考验的,清晰的希望。我们鲜明反对那些伤害人民的政策,我们要为了每一个人的尊严而战。我们要将我们的情感转化为行动。那些所有令人难以前行的苦难使得我们共同的坚持变得格外可贵。夜以继日的奋斗是极其困难的,但是我们做到了。我因此变得乐观,因为你们展现了美国人民令人难以置信的坚毅和力量。我近几个月遇到的许多人和事都给了我希望:帕克兰的学生以勇气和决心面对常人难以想象的校园惨案;通过我选举后创办的组织“共同向前”,我认识了许多社会运动团体和领导人,并和他们共同激励草根层面的政治参与;许多人自此开始了人生中第一次真正意义上的政治活动,他们鼓励选民参加投票或事调研自己所关心的政治议题;一波又一波的女性参加选举并赢得政治席位;男性和女性携手改变女性遭受性骚扰和性暴力的现状。





世青News 专注分享青年成长的故事,报道有趣斜杠好青年。



世青创新中心(Youthink Center) 团队秉承"全球化视野,青年化视角,本土化实践“的理念,努力成为一家提倡青年参与可持续发展,培养国际视野,推动跨代际对话和行动的创新型组织。






