

UNESCO CCCI 中传文产 2022-07-09

What price will education pay for COVID-19?


  • 危机期间,短期内教育成本将受到何种影响?

  • 长期来看,教育界的资金将受到何种影响?

  • 为减轻危机对教育的影响,可以采取哪些措施?

As the world comes to terms with thescale and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of the globalpopulation is rightly taking priority over education for the time being. Fortoday’s students, the coronavirus outbreak means a huge loss of learning time,with potential repercussions for their schooling and careers in the years tocome. But what predictions can be made about the financial impact on educationmore broadly? 



According to BlandineLedoux and KoffiSegniagbeto, IIEP specialists in education costs and financingin Paris and Dakar respectively, the crisis will have a significant impact attwo different levels: 

1.    the loss of education spending forthe duration of the crisis, as well as the resulting additional cost, and

2.    the expected downturn in futurefinancial resources available to the education sector. They point out that ‘globalinequalities in access to education will widen and the global learning crisiswill be exacerbated’, disrupting progress towards Sustainable Development Goal(SDG) 4, which calls for universal access to quality education.

联合国教科文组织国际教育规划研究所(IIEP)巴黎和达喀尔分部的教育成本和融资问题专家勒杜(Blandine Ledoux)和塞尼亚格贝托(Koffi Segniagbeto)认为,这场危机将在两个不同层面产生重大影响:

  1. 危机期间教育支出的损失,以及由此产生的额外费用;

  2. 教育界未来可获得的资金预计将会减少。


How will short-term education costs be affected duringthe crisis?


Huge losses owing to school closures: As of 25 March 2020, 184 countries have shut down schools nationwide, affecting more than 1.5 billion learners. Most costs for the current 2019/20school year have already been incurred (goods and services, for example, areusually purchased early on in the year; teachers who are public servants willstill be paid despite closures), meaning that these expenses, for the mostpart, do not translate into learning however long schools are closed. If the2020 exam cycle cannot be completed, then the full year’s spending will beimpacted. It is impossible to say at this point how long the crisis will last, butif closures were to last into the next academic year, losses would of coursecontinue to mount up.


Costs of mitigating the consequencesof schools closing: Where possible, distance learning systems are beingused to limit the loss of learning time. The financial cost of this varies fromcountry to country, depending on the existing infrastructure and the level ofpreparedness for a crisis such as this. Ledoux and Segniagbeto explain that‘the additional expense may be marginal for some countries, but could besubstantial for others, representing an additional burden for the educationsystem and/or families’. Governments, particularly in high-income countries,might also look to replace some in-school services (such as meals) with at-homealternatives, generating further costs. Factors like this will need to bequickly and properly assessed at country level if we are to avoid seeinginequalities in education widen, even in the short to medium term.


What will be the longer-term impact when it comes tofinancing the education sector?


Dramatic drop in government revenues: ‘This is probably what will havethe greatest effect on the education sector in financial terms,’ according toLedoux and Segniagbeto. They refer to the International Monetary Fund’s warning thatglobal growth in 2020 will fall below last year’s level, and therefore so willgovernment revenues. With so much still unknown at this stage, however, it ishard to predict by how much, and what will happen in 2021 - let alone in theyears beyond. 


What is certain is that containment efforts to halt the spread ofthe disease will have a major impact on global supply and demand, and theresulting economic slowdown will have worldwide repercussions. Governments’revenue, for example from taxes, will be severely affected, reducing the levelof public spending – including on education systems – in the future.


Lower prioritization of education,nationally and internationally: Exceptional measures will have to be put in place tolimit the damage to countries’ economies and healthcare systems, and these willinevitably be costly. Whether education’s share of public expenditure willremain stable (UNESCO data indicate that this wasmore or less the case after the financial crisis of 2008) is in doubt:

Education could become a victim ofspending cuts, as money is channelled elsewhere. As ever, low-income countriesare the most vulnerable.


Theymay suffer from an inadequate supply of education services: insufficientteacher numbers, for example, will lead to a deterioration of educationquality, which is sometimes already very low. In addition, low-income countrieswill be doubly impacted if there is a reduction of official developmentassistance from high-income countries, who will have to realign their fiscalpriorities in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. For these reasons, it iseasy to see how COVID-19 will push SDG 4, and quality education for all,further out of reach of those most at risk.


What can be done to mitigate the effects of the crisison education?


Much remains unknown at this stage interms of the duration and scope of the crisis, and understandably the currentemphasis is on slowing and stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Moreover,this crisis will affect all countries, and each nation will face differentproblems during the outbreak and in its aftermath. 


That said, Ledoux and Segniagbetobelieve that the impact of the crisis will disproportionately affect educationsystems in low-income countries: ‘the risk to the most marginalized populationsis huge, and governments need to pay close attention to the situation in theirown country.’ One such situation is the danger of temporarily interruptedlearning becoming permanent. Many students may not return to the classroom evenonce the crisis is resolved, increasing the numbers of out-of-school childrenand youth. Girls may be disproportionately among them, halting progress made inaddressing gender disparities in education.


Blandine Ledoux and Koffi Segniagbetoalso point out that the crisis will provide lessons that can be used asopportunities. ‘It has the potential to transform educational service deliveryin many countries, especially distance learning. Countries that are able totake advantage of this will prepare themselves well for the future of educationin the 21st century.’ In addition, they add, ‘school health has never receivedthe attention it deserves in the educational programmes of developingcountries. This crisis is undoubtedly an opportunity to redesign curricula togive school health the place it deserves.’



While the full repercussions ofCOVID-19 are yet to be seen, IIEP’s work with planners and policy-makers willcontinue, adapting to the situation as it evolves in each country. The world’seducation sector must learn quickly if it is to effectively overcome theunprecedented – and largely unknown –challenge now facing it.
















