
Legislative Updates (Issue 60) | 法宝双语新闻

Mani 北大法律信息网 2020-09-20








1. Measures for the Administration of Securities Brokerage Business (Exposure Draft) Issued

On July 26, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the Measures for the Administration of Securities Brokerage Business (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until August 26, 2019.

The main contents of the Exposure Draft include: (1) defining the securities brokerage business for the first time, clarifying the nature as the entrustment relationship, grasping the core links, and providing specific basis of rules for cracking down on illegal securities brokerage business; (2) earnestly protecting legal rights and interests of investors, and providing necessary institutional guarantees for such specific matters as charging of securities transaction commissions, protection of clients’ assets, provision of account statements, handling of account transfer and cancellation, and responses to complaints; (3) comprehensively standardizing main business links by stipulating marketing, account opening, transaction, settlement and other aspects involved in the securities brokerage business, especially containing specific rules for the registration of an account with a legal name, suitability management, transaction management, and abnormal transaction monitoring; (4) enhancing the responsibilities of securities companies in internal management and control by putting forward regulatory requirements for such aspects as setup of separation walls, personnel management, organizational guarantees, compliance audit, information systems, and business premises; (5) strengthening supervision and management and accountability, clarifying corresponding administrative supervision and administrative punishment measures within the scope of legal authorization, and making specific provisions on responsibilities of companies and their liable persons according to the law.





2. Interim Measures for the Regulation of Financial Holding Companies (Exposure Draft) Issued

On July 26, 2019, the Notice by the People’s Bank of China of Requesting Public Comments on the Interim Measures for the Regulation of Financial Holding Companies (Exposure Draft) was issued. The public may provide their comments on the website of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, or by email, letter or fax prior to August 24, 2019.

The Measures apply to the financial holding companies in which their actual controllers are domestic non-financial enterprises or natural persons. For financial groups formed through cross-sector investment holding by financial institutions, the financial regulators are required to conduct the supervision and develop the detailed rules for its implementation in accordance with the Measures.

The Measures are mainly to establish the market access permission for financial holding companies, strictly regulate qualifications of shareholders, strengthen the supervision over authenticity of capital sources and compliance of capital utilization, clarify the equity structure management, enhance the supervision over corporate governance and related transactions, improve the risk “firewall” system, and set a transitional period.

3. 市场退出制度改革推动破产制度建设



3. Reform Plan of the Exit System for Market Participants Promotes Establishment of the Bankruptcy System

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and other 12 departments jointly issued the Reform Plan for Accelerating the Improvement of the Exit System for Market Participants, and the relevant person in charge of the Department of Fiscal and Financial Affairs of the NDRC answered reporters’ questions regarding the Plan.

The Plan sets out the following key measures targeting the bankruptcy system: first, the legal system for bankruptcy should be improved, including improving the bankruptcy system for enterprises, advancing the establishment of a natural person bankruptcy system step by step, intensifying the coordination and cooperation between judicial authorities and administrative authorities, and strengthening the building of judicial capacity and intermediaries. Second, an out-of-court reorganization and pre-reorganization system should be established and the effective connection with in-court procedures should be realized under certain conditions so as to effectively utilize limited judicial resources, maintain the operating value of enterprises, reduce the reorganization cost, and improve the reorganization flexibility. Third, supporting rules for bankruptcy should be improved. The Reform Plan requires the improvement of a coordination mechanism between judicial authorities and administrative authorities and the clarification of functions of government departments to administer bankruptcy in order to fine-tune the judicial and administrative relations in the process of exit of market participants. Meanwhile, the training of specialists in bankruptcy trials and the team building of bankruptcy administrators should be enhanced so as to provide an important guarantee for resolving the difficulties in accepting or trying bankruptcy cases.




4. Law on Land Value-Added Tax (Exposure Draft) Issued

On July 16, 2019, the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration issued the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Land Value-Added Tax (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until August 15, 2019.

The Exposure Draft means that the Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Land Value-Added Tax will be upgraded to a law. Compared with the Regulation, the Exposure Draft mainly has the following changes: incorporating collective real estate into the scope of taxation; adjusting preferential tax policies and increasing the authority of local governments to enjoy tax reduction and exemption for ordinary housing and collective real estate; clarifying the time of occurrence of the obligation to pay tax as well as the time limit for filing a tax return, and consolidating two separate time limits for filing tax returns and paying tax in the Regulation; and changing the tax collection management mode into follow-up management.



5. Measures for Equity Custody of Commercial Banks Issued

On July 12, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Measures for the Equity Custody of Commercial Banks, which should come into force on the date of issuance.

With a total of 21 articles in four chapters, the Measures include as follows: first, the ways of equity custody are specified. The equities of commercial banks listed for trading or quoted on the New Third Board should be placed under custody in accordance with the existing laws and regulations, while unlisted commercial banks may select the eligible equity custody institutions by themselves under the market-oriented principle. Second, the basic business framework for equity custody is stipulated. Commercial banks are required to provide custody institutions with the shareholder register and relevant equity information materials in a complete, timely and accurate manner, and custody institutions should manage the shareholder register with due diligence in strict accordance with the service agreements signed by both parties so as to ensure that the equity-related activities of commercial banks are carried out in a safe, efficient and lawful manner. Third, the responsibilities of regulators should be strengthened. The Measures provide for the responsibilities of regulators in a separate chapter, which include not only imposing administrative penalties on commercial banks in violation of the provisions of the Measures, but also establishing a blacklist of equity custody institutions, and sharing information with relevant departments or government organs though the national credit information sharing platform.




Legislative Updates (Issue 59)

Legislative Updates (Issue 58) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 57) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 56) 








