

芮安牟 天同诉讼圈 2020-11-13

栏目主持人顾嘉按:芮安牟(Anselmo Reyes)教授是香港大学法学院教授,现任新加坡国际商事法庭国际法官。他曾在香港高等法院担任法官多年,并在其间处理了大量的有关国际仲裁的诉讼案件,且于今年被聘为中国最高人民法院国际商事专家委员会的32名专家之一。2018年9月8日,芮安牟教授出席了在西安举办的“一带一路”背景下国际商事争议解决高峰论坛。


Distinguished guests, fellow judges, ladies and gentlemen:


Time is short, so I am going to make four short points. The first is to list out the number of international commercial courts that now exist or are about to come into existence. Second, you will see that there are now a lot of international commercial courts. I am going to ask: What is the point of going to an international commercial court, unless the judgments can be recognized and enforced elsewhere? Third, why bother to go to an international commercial court? Why not just go to a regular court? What is so special about an international commercial court that people should go there, for the settlement, for the resolution, of their cross-border commercial disputes? Finally, I will ask: What are the implications for dispute resolution along the Belt and Road? In particular, how does going to an international commercial court stack up against going to international commercial arbitration?


My first point: There are about, by my count, 10 international commercial courts that have recently sprung up, or that are being talked about. Let me list them. There are the Dubai International Financial Center Courts. There is the Singapore International Commercial Court. There is the Astana International Financial Center Court in Kazakhstan. There is the Netherlands Commercial Court. There is the International Chamber of the Court of Appeal in Paris. There is the English Commercial Court. There is the New York Federal Court (the Second Circuit Federal Court). There is the Court of Chancery in Delaware. Of course, there is the China International Commercial Court, the CICC. And there is talk about an EU (European Union) Multinational Investment Court.


One might ask: Are there too many international commercial courts now?  I will come back to and answer that question at the end of what I have to say. At the moment, notice that international commercial courts are not all alike. They have, or pursue, different strategies and have different selling points. For instance, the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts are targeting the markets around the Gulf and the Mediterranean. The Netherlands Commercial Court is saying:  “After Brexit, don’t bother to go to the English Commercial Court. Come to us, because we are cheaper, we are good, we can speak English, and our judgments can be enforced in the EU.” The International Chamber of the the Court of Appeal in Paris says the same thing:  “You can argue before us in English and our judgments will be enforceable in the EU. So don’t bother to go to the London Commercial Court after Brexit.” The main point here, the take-away point, is that different commercial courts are catering to different markets with different strategies.


Let me go to the second point: Are international commercial courts relevant? How are their judgments going to be recognized and enforced in other counties? Let me take as a specific example here the court with which I am most familiar, the Singapore International Commercial Court, the SICC. One way to have your judgments recognized and enforced in other countries is to enter into treaties, bilateral treaties with other countries for the mutual recognition and enforcement of each other’s judgments. Singapore does not have too many such bilateral treaties. Those treaties only cover 10 or so jurisdictions. Another way is to enter into multinational treaties or international conventions for the recognition and enforcement of judgments. One example of such convention is the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention. Singapore is a party to that convention. The European Union (including Denmark) is also a party to that convention. So that, as a result, the judgments of the SICC can be enforced in all countries of the European Union and the judgments of the countries in the European Union can be enforced in Singapore. China has signed the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention, but has yet to ratify it. It is anticipated that it will be ratified in the future. From the Singapore point of view, being a party to the Hague Choice of Court Convention adds another 30 jurisdictions in which Singapore judgments can be recognized and enforced. So, that makes about 40 jurisdictions in which, the SICC’s, my court’s, judgments can be recognized and enforced around the world.


You might say: “Professor Reyes, 40 jurisdictions, that is very small, in comparison with the 159 jurisdictions that are party to the New York Convention. It does not add up, who would go to your court when you can enforce an arbitral award in 158 other jurisdictions. 158 versus 40 jurisdictions? You simply do not match!”


But the answer, I suggest, is not so simple. Most civil law and common law countries, have modernized their codes of civil procedure or their laws of civil procedure, so that foreign judgments will normally be recognized and enforced. The judgments can normally be enforced, even in the absence of a treaty under modern rules of civil procedure, subject to conditions of indirect jurisdiction, reciprocity, due process and public policy. Because of the shortage of time, I cannot go into details now, but I will be happy to do so, if anyone is interested, during the roundtable discussion later today.


Simply by way of example, I will point this out. Recently there has been the Nanning Statement issued by ASEAN Chief Justices and the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court of China. Paragraph 7 of the Nanning Statement puts forward a liberal regime for the recognition and enforcement of judgments. More recently, last Friday (31 August 2018), the Chief Justices of China and Singapore entered into a Memorandum of Guidance on the mutual recognition and enforcement of Singapore and Chinese judgments. I suggest then that, even in the absence of a convention, even in the absence of a treaty, there are possibilities for recognizing and enforcing judgments mutually in different jurisdictions under ordinary domestic law. I therefore suggest that international commercial courts are relevant and that they can compete with international commercial arbitration.


Let us go to my third point: Why bother to go to an international commercial court? Why not just go to a regular court? What does an international commercial court offer that the regular courts do not? Because international commercial courts are precisely that——international, they have to adopt an international procedure, an international legal procedure. They cannot have the complex procedures of the regular courts, but have to simplify their procedures (and we are trying to do that in Singapore for the SICC). International commercial courts have to have a procedure for the whole of world: common law and civil law jurisdictions. For this reason, as touched upon Professor Shan a moment ago, we are trying to adopt the best practices of arbitration, the best practices of litigation, the best practices of the common law, and the best practices of the civil law. That is our target in the SICC, insofar as civil procedure is concerned. We may not quite be there yet in the SICC, but we are working towards it. In particular, we are looking at our rules relating to discovery, disclosure, and the proof of foreign law in order to ensure that they are as simple and accessible to everyone as possible. Consequently, I suggest that what international commercial courts offer that the regular courts may not, is fast, efficient, cost-effective, and fair procedures. You have to do this, because the survival of international commercial courts depends on establishing an international credibility. People have to believe in the court, if they are going to come to the court.


Then we go to my final point:  What are the implications for the Belt and Road? Some implications are self-evident. All of us must encourage greater legal cooperation amongst the many countries in the Belt and Road. That greater legal cooperation can be in a form of a procedure for service abroad if a respondent is situated abroad. We have got to develop the means to serve process abroad. We have got to develop the means to take evidence abroad where witnesses are abroad.


I think that we should not just be looking at litigation as a means to resolve disputes. International commercial courts can also encourage the use of mediation. Mediation in commercial cases is said to be effective in about 70% of cases. Next year (2019), around about August, the Singapore Convention will be open for membership of Contracting States. That convention will enable settlement agreements, agreements that are reached through mediation, to be enforced across borders. Therefore, litigation, coupled with mediation will become an effective counterpoise to arbitration. This is, I think, the key benefit for the Belt and Road. People now go to international commercial arbitration, because they see no alternative. If you want to enforce an arbitral award, you can rely on the New York Convention. Until now, there has been no equivalent to that convention in litigation or mediation. With the rise of international commercial courts, there is now competition for arbitration. There are alternativse to international commercial arbitration. If arbitration is too expensive, put in a choice of the court clause in your commercial agreement. Go for the CICC, for example, or the SICC. On the other hand, if litigation is too expensive, put in an arbitration clause in your commercial agreement. Let there be competition between the different modes of dispute resolution. International commercial arbitration is notoriously expensive. This competition from international commercial courts can only bring down the cost of dispute resolution along the Belt and Road. That can only be for the good of ordinary citizens.


There is one other benefit of the rise of international commercial courts.  There will inevitably be a degree of competition among international commercial courts themselves. I suggest that this competition would help to make courts more responsive to the needs of the public. Judiciaries and judges along the Belt and Road will have to raise their game. If courts are not responsive to the needs of the public, the public will not go to you.


It will also lead to greater comity or harmony among different jurisdictions. There will be a benefit to recognizing and enforcing each other’s judgments. If you don’t recognize another jurisdiction’s judgments, then it will not recognize yours. Judgments of your international commercial court would have no effect, unless you recognize the judgments of other jurisdictions, subject only to conditions of indirect jurisdiction, due process and public policy. So, I suggest, international commercial courts are not only relevant, but that they are also special. They respond to the needs of the public at large around the world. They will conceivably lead to a lowering of the cost of dispute resolution generally, along the Belt and Road and also, hopefully, to commercial harmony around the world. 


Thank you very much!



Roundtable Discussion


Anselmo Reyes:


Thank you very much. I will answer the specific question asked to me by Professor Wang in a moment. Let me respond to some of the topics that were raised by the others peakers just now.


First, capacity-building and the need for capacity-building. Here, I fully endorse what Professor Wang, Professor Shan, and Judge Liu have said about the need for capacity-building. Where I perhaps differ with Professor Wang (possibly also with Professor Shan), but where I agree with Judge Liu, is that I believe Professor Wang has underestimated the ability of Chinese law students, of Chinese lawyers and of Chinese judges, to adapt to this very new and ground-breaking situation of the CICC. I have lectured widely at various law universities and met numerous law students in Beijing. I regularly go to Shanghai and meet law students there. I’ve talked to judges in Shenzhen. Everyone has struck me as highly intelligent, highly diligent, highly resourceful, all ready to put the time and effort needed in order to make the CICC a success. I do not think the situation is any different here in Xi’an. So, I am certain that, in a short period of time, everyone will be working towards the success of the CICC.


Second, let me deal with the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention. Obviously, China has to decide for itself if (and when) it will accede to the Hague Convention. I can only speak from my own personal experience. When I was a Hong Kong judge, I was completely against the Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention or at least its early drafts. From the point of view of a common lawyer, acceding to the Convention means giving up what I thought was the greatest doctrine in the world, forum non conveniens. Then I became Representative of the Hague Conference’s Regional Office Asia Pacific in Hong Kong. My job was to sell the Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention. When I was selling the convention.  I realized I was wrong in thinking that there were problems with the convention. It seems to me now that what the convention brings is certainty. If you have a choice of court agreement, you can guarantee that a judgment arising from the designated court will be recognized and enforced elsewhere, subject to a few exceptions mirroring those in New York Convention. That certainty is very important to commercial investors. What is the situation of the Belt and Road? Who are likely to be the major commercial investors along the Belt and Road? It is likely that the major investors will be Chinese companies. They will have disputes with companies in Belt and Road countries. Let us say that the parties have designated the CICC in a choice of court clause in their agreement, as the forum to resolve any commercial disputes arising out of their contract. Assume that a Chinese investor company goes to the CICC pursuant to such clause and eventually obtains a judgment in its favor against a foreign company from the CICC. The Chinese company will seek to enforce that judgment in a relevant country along the Belt and Road. If it seeks to enforce the judgment in Singapore, no problem. What if it seeks to enforce the judgment in, perhaps, a developing or less-developed country? The courts of that country may say: “We don’t recognize your CICC judgment, because you do not recognize the judgments of our court.” So that’s the dilemma (I think) facing countries: If I want my judgments to be enforced elsewhere, I have to have put in place reciprocal arrangements with other countries, either under the ordinary law, by bilateral treaty, or through the Hague Convention, I have to have reciprocal arrangement with other countries, otherwise my international commercial court judgments will not be enforced elsewhere. It seems to me that one of the easiest ways to establish reciprocal arrangements is to become a party to the Hague Conventionon Choice of Court Agreements.


Finally, let me answer now Professor Wang’s question, about economic circumstances in Singapore.


Unlike China, Singapore is a small jurisdiction. If lawyers there simply were to look to Singaporeans, Singapore business or Singapore clients, there may not be enough legal work to go around. If we only deal with cases that have a Singapore connection, there will not be enough to go around for our lawyers. Consequently, the Chief Justiceof Singapore suggested that what we have to do is to bring cases into Singapore that would not normally come to Singapore. Hence, the logic of having choice of court agreements designating the SICC.


Such choice of court agreements will in due course become the main source of SICC’s jurisdiction. We are saying: “If there is some case, that has no other connection with Singapore apart from a choice of court agreement designating the Singapore court as the court to resolve dispute, we are prepared to consider hearing it. Come to us. In that way, we will have more legal business.” So, for Singapore, there is an economic imperative to look outwards.


If I might respectfully compare China. China is a large country, so it has a large internal market. And, as a result, competition within China is also great. We hear about the adverse effects of the trade war. Here in China and also in the United States, the trade war may well be having some adverse effects. The trade war will not go away tomorrow. It may not go away for a long time. In those circumstances, it is imperative to look outwards, especially to Belt and Road countries, for further trade opportunities, for further business opportunities.  I think that is one of the key points of the logic behind the CICC may be this: “Come to us, the CICC, to resolve disputes arising out of the Belt and Road Initiative, in respect of your commercial contracts. We will deal with your cases. We will resolve your disputes in a fair, time-efficient and cost-effective manner.”


Ultimately, I suggest that, even though Singapore and China are in different economic situations, the economic imperatives are similar. Thank you.







