
【视频&双语】抗击新冠肺炎:岂曰无衣 与子同袍

抗击新冠肺炎:岂曰无衣 与子同袍

Battling the novel coronavirus: United we stand


The novel coronavirus has swept across China. As of Feb. 10, the number of people infected with the virus in the country has exceeded 40,000, with 908 recorded deaths. Scary as the virus is, many people have chosen to engage in the battle and race against death, undeterred by the dangers ahead.


On the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year — a time normally marked by family reunions — a letter covered with thumbprints in red ink went viral online. The prints belonged to members of a special medical team at Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, who travelled to Beijing to fight SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2003. 

The medical team voluteering to fight on the frontline
[source: www.fimmu.com]


This time they volunteered again to fight on the frontline against the novel coronavirus. However, they are not alone. Medical teams from all over the country have ventured to the epicenter of the virus in Wuhan to offer their support. Once the medical staff have donned their protective hazmat suits, they work ceaselessly, often for hours without even taking bathroom breaks. They are soaked in sweat, with marks and blisters on their faces caused by the tight protective goggles and surgical masks. 

A medical worker before and after fighting against the outbreak in Wuhan
[source: www.gmw.cn] 


People have also been touched by four medical workers from Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University who volunteered to return to their posts after recovering from infection by the novel coronavirus during work. These medical staff are praised as angels dressed in white, whose dedication and tireless effort have allowed more patients to recover.

The 4 medical workers returned to their positions
[source: xinhuanet.com]


Medical staff save lives on the frontline, while countless ordinary people have been providing help in whatever ways they can. One vegetable farmer in Wuhan, whose left hand is physically impaired, rode 40 kilometers by electric tricycle to the hotels where the medical teams were staying. Not knowing how to use GPS app, he asked for directions all the way as he battled against the cold wind. After locating the hotel, he handed over 24 boxes of fresh vegetables from his own farm to the medical team free of charge.


Since the coronavirus outbreak, there have been numerous moving stories like this, offering up the light of hope. Such light not only shines in China, but also from all over the world. People are becoming increasingly aware that this war against the virus is a war for all mankind. Only by joining hands together can we win the battle.

[source: Internet]

2月5日,俄罗斯军机带着人道主义救援物资飞抵中国,一同来到的,还有5位防疫专家。巴基斯坦、伊朗、韩国、朝鲜等国家也纷纷伸出援手 。日本汉语水平考试HSK事务局寄来的物资箱上,写着“山川异域,风月同光”,日本四家机构联合捐赠的物资箱上写着“岂曰无衣,与子同裳。

On Feb. 5, Russia sent humanitarian aid to China — their military planes containing not only medical supplies, but also a delegation of five experts in epidemic prevention. Many other countries including Pakistan, Iran, the Republic of Korea, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have also reached out to support China. On the packages donated to Wuhan by the Japan HSK Office were the words: “Far apart, close at heart”, and “Together we stand, my armors thine” 


on others. These phrases taken from Chinese classics are truly heartwarming for Chinese netizens. Meanwhile at a news conference, an official from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare denounced extreme and discriminatory remarks from some countries, saying what is at fault here is the virus, and certainly not the people. The virus rages, but love has no border.

The Japanese official
[source: NHK]


The united Chinese people will continue to work all-out with the international community in fighting the outbreak. It is our belief that spring is just around the corner. 

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