交互项中主效应不显著, 交互项显著可怕吗?
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关于Interaction terms in regression,咱们推送的文章相当多了,里面的材料大多能够解决日常遇到的问题。不过如果咱们不细致地去看、去了解,就始终解决不了那个疑问,结果就是一而再再而三地请求他人相助。
11.具有调节变量的中介效应分析, moderated mediation
下面这个短文虽然是英文,但是非常易于理解。可以让你得到如下答案:1.连续自变量去中心化进行交乘易于解释,2.交互项显著但主项不显著也没什么大不了,3. 怎么画交互项的交互图(margins, marginsplot)。
1.The outcomes of a two-factor analysis are quite complex. However, you can think of four basic results: 1. Nothing at all is significant. After cussing furiously, you should think about whether or not you’ve designed a study with sufficient power. Is it worth pursuing your question with a more powerful design?
2. The interaction is not significant, but at least one main effect is significant. Here’s where the plot of means is important. Does it look like an interaction is present? If so, then you might (again) consider that your study did not have sufficient power. If so, then think about ways to increase power. If, however, your graph reveals lines that are roughly parallel, you might want to consider that the interaction is of no statistical or practical significance, which should lead you to focus on any main effects that are significant. In your focus on the marginal means, you are essentially reverting to a one-way ANOVA.
3. The interaction is significant, but is dominated by the main effects. In general, I think that when an interaction is significant, one has to be a bit careful in interpreting the main effects. Nonetheless, K&W illustrate situations in which one may wish to consider the main effects as important—even in the presence of a significant interaction. I think that their advice is particularly salient when the interaction may disappear with an appropriate transformation of the data.
4. The interaction is significant, and it dominates the main effects. I think that it will more often than not be the case that the significant interaction makes the main effects difficult to interpret in isolation. That is, the interaction so qualifies the interpretation of the main effect that you’re better off focusing on the interpretation of the interaction and ignoring any interpretation of the main effects.
Econometrics Circle
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计量系列:匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 |
数据处理:Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 |
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