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Journal Quality List
Anne-Wil Harzing - Sat 6 Feb 2016 16:10 (updated Thu 12 Nov 2020 18:41)Compiled and edited by Prof. Anne-Wil Harzing67th edition, 24 June 2020Please note: The 48th edition was recalled, because a sorting error resulted in inaccurate entries for the Cranfield and Aeres rankings. Please destroy any versions of the 48th edition.Introduction
The Journal Quality List is a collation of journal rankings from a variety of sources. It is published primarily to assist academics to target papers at journals of an appropriate standard. We would be concerned if the list were used for staff evaluation purposes in a mechanistic way.The list was originally collated while the editor was associated with the Bradford University School of Management (1997-2001). Since then, the list has been updated and extended periodically to keep it current.Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Journal Quality List, we recommend that it be checked before used extensively for evaluation purposes. The editor will not be held responsible for omissions or errors. The current version of the JQL contains 13 different rankings of more than 900 journals.See also Frequently Asked Questions about the JQL.The Journal Quality List comprises academic journals in the following broad areas: Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing. Where available, the rankings for each journal from the following sources are included:Rankings of a variety of countries included
Where available, the rankings for each journal from the following sources are included:HCRES (Haut conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur) 2020
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique June 2020
FNEGE (Foundation National pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) June 2019
Australian Business Deans Council 2019
Danish Ministry ranking 2018
British Association of Business Schools (ABS) Ranking 2018
Financial Times 50 Ranking 2016
Erasmus Research Institute of Management Journals Listing 2016
Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft 2015
University of Queensland 2011 (combined UQ and ERA ranking)
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien 2008
European Journal of Information Systems 2007 (with and without CI)
Note - The editor regrets to inform users of the Journal Quality List that Thomson Scientific Inc. have requested removal of the Journal Impact Factor scores from the JQL. Please destroy any previous versions of the JQL in your possession. Thomson Scientific Inc. remind academics and universities that they do not permit any republication or re-use of their Impact Factor lists.Download information
The Journal Quality List is available for downloading by using the link below. There are three versions of the JQL: by journal title, by subject area, and by ISSN.Journal Quality List by title (67th edition, 24 June 2020)
Journal Quality List by subject area (67th edition, 24 June 2020)
Journal Quality List by ISSN (67th edition, 24 June 2020)
Note - The JQL is provided in Adobe® Acrobat® (PDF) format; you will need Acrobat Reader to read the JQL. Acrobat Reader is available free of charge from Adobe's web site www.adobe.com.Copyright © 2000-2020 Anne-Wil Harzing. All rights reserved.Permission to use or copy this list in its entirety is hereby granted, provided that all copies include the title page, copyright notice, and all explanatory notes. All other uses, copying, or other forms of reproduction are prohibited.Like to support the Journal Quality List?
If you use the JQL often, you might like to consider to support its continued availablity through a small donation for another one of my free resources: the Publish or Perish software.Related topics
Frequently Asked Questions
Publish or Perish
The Publish or Perish Book
Research quality, journal rankings and the RQF (PDF)
Research quality - a comparative perspective (PDF)
Publishing in good journals and getting cited (PDF)
The value of Google Scholar for extended impact monitoring (PDF)
Source: https://harzing.com/resources/journal-quality-list
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