

英语曰曰曰 语言生活研究 2021-09-20


Take a quick tipple and you could find yourself speaking a second tongue more naturally, according to new research. The foreign language skills of participants in the study were found to be improved after a drink of alcohol, which suggests the way booze can put us at ease outweighs the negative effects on our brain – at least for the first drink, anyway.

研究发现:一杯酒下肚,参与者的外语技能有所提升。这表明酒精让我们放松的程度超过了其对我们大脑的负面影响 —— 至少喝完第一杯酒以后是这样的。

The international team of researchers is warning against reading too much into their experiment, but it could reveal some interesting insights into the anxiety associated with speaking another language, and how alcohol can help us overcome it. 


"Our study shows that acute alcohol consumption may have beneficial effects on the pronunciation of a foreign language in people who recently learned that language," says one of the team, Inge Kersbergen from the University of Liverpool in the UK.

英国利物浦大学的 Inge Kersbergen 是该研究团队的成员,他表示:“我们的研究表明,快速摄入酒精可能对初学外语的人在发音上有所帮助。”

The study involved 50 native German speakers studying Dutch at a Dutch university, who had recently learned to speak, read, and write in the new language.


Based on random selections, participants were either given alcohol or water as a control beverage. The amount of alcohol varied based on body size, but was the equivalent of just under a pint (460 millilitres) of 5 percent beer for a 70 kg (154 lb) male. 


They then chatted to a researcher for five minutes, before an audio recording was assessed by two native Dutch speakers who weren't told whether alcohol had been consumed or not. The participants were also asked to rate their own Dutch language skills over the course of the chat.


While the alcohol didn't affect how the students rated themselves, those people who had been given the alcoholic drink were given better ratings by the observers, especially for their pronunciation.


原文:节选自Science Alert;译文:英语曰曰曰(yue)





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