
新起点五年级英语下册Revision 2 朗读+知识点

班班通平台 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Unit 1 Keeping healthy

Unit 2 Special days

Unit 3 Making contact

Revision 1 复习

Unit 4 Last weekend

Unit 5 Having a great trip

Unit 6 Growing up

 Revision 2

Revision 2 复习2 知识点总结

Let s Review 回顾

A Listen and number. 听,标数字。


Look! I am riding a bike in this picture. 看,这张照片里我在骑自行车。

I learned to ride a bike when I was five. 我五岁时学习骑自行车。



I had a good time there. 我在那里玩得很开心。


Let s Spell 拼写

A Look, listen and write. 看,听和写。

Word Caterpillar 词语毛毛虫



speak 讲话

sport 运动

spring 春天



skirt 裙子

ski 滑雪

sky 天空



apple 苹果

table 桌子

fable 寓言



listened (过去式)听

climbed (过去式)爬

visited (过去式)参观;拜访


B Listen and write. 听听写写。


spider 蜘蛛

marble 弹珠

skip 跳

skirt 裙子

spring 春天

played (过去式)玩

temple 庙宇


Story Time 故事时间

A Let s read. 阅读

A Special Trip 特殊的旅程


In high school, Terry Fox was a popular and hardworking student. 在中学,泰瑞·福克斯是一名受大家欢迎的、刻苦的学生。

He loved sports. 他热爱运动。

He played on the school basketball team. 他在学校篮球队打球。


When he was 18, Terry got cancer. 泰瑞18岁时患了癌症。

The doctors had to take off his leg. 医生不得不给他的一条腿截肢。

Terry never gave up. 泰瑞从不放弃。

He learned to walk and run with his new "leg". 他学习用自己的新“腿”走路和跑步。

Terry saw so many people sick with cancer in the hospital. 泰瑞在医院里看到那么多的人患有癌症。

He wanted to run across Canada to get money for cancer research. 他想要跑步穿越加拿大,来给癌症研究筹集资金。


On April 12th, 1980, Terry started a special trip across Canada. 在1980年4月12日,泰瑞开始了穿越加拿大的特殊旅程。

Every day he ran about 42 kilometres. 每天他大约跑42公里。

He ran on rainy days, windy days and hot sunny days. 他雨天跑,刮风天跑,炎炎烈日下也跑。

He ran through small villages and big cities. 他跑过小村庄和大城市。

Terry ran for 143 days. 泰瑞跑了143天。

It wasn t easy, but Terry kept running. 这很不容易,但是泰瑞坚持跑下去。


On September 1st, 1980, Terry felt very sick. 1980年9月1日,泰瑞感觉很不舒服。

His doctors said that he had to stop his trip. 医生告诉他必须停止他的跑步旅行。

Terry was very sad. 泰瑞很难过。

He wanted to keep running. 他想要继续跑下去。

The people of Canada were very sad, too. 加拿大的人民也非常难过。

They gave more and more money for cancer research. 人们为癌症研究捐献了越来越多的钱。

They hoped Terry would get better and would start to run again. 他们希望泰瑞能好起来,再开始跑步。

Sadly, Terry died on June 28th, 1981. 不幸的是,泰瑞于1981年7月28日去世了。

He was 22 years old. 那年他22岁。


Canadians did not forget Terry. 加拿大人没有忘记泰瑞。

Every September, in many towns and cities in Canada, 每年九月,加拿大的许多大城小镇里,

there is the Terry Fox Run. 都举行“泰瑞·福克斯赛跑”。

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians, young and old, run for Terry. 成千上万的加拿大人,有老有少,为纪念泰瑞而跑。

They give money to find a cure for cancer. 人们捐钱帮助寻求治疗癌症的方法。

Since 1981, they have given 300 million dollars. 自1981年以来,人们已经捐献了3亿元。


The people of Canada were very proud of Terry. 加拿大人民为泰瑞而自豪。

They gave him Canada s highest award. 人们授予他加拿大最高奖。

He was the youngest person ever to win this award. 他是有史以来得此奖励的最年轻人选。

In 1999, Canadians named him Canada s greatest hero. 1999年,加拿大人民授予他“加拿大大英雄”(最杰出英雄)的称号。

Now in Canada, you can see Terry s statue everywhere. 如今在加拿大,到处都可以看到泰瑞的雕像。




