
外研版九下英语Module 8 My future life 知识精讲

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Travel

Module 2 Education

Module 3 Life now and then

Module 4 Rules and suggestions
Module 5 Look after yourself
Module 6  Eeating together
Module 7 English for you and me

Module 8   My future life


handbag [ˈhændbæg] n.(女用)小提包

beat [bi:t] n. 节拍;拍子

pardon [ˈpɑ:dn] int. [口]对不起,请原谅(用于礼貌地请求别人重复自己没听清或不理解的话)

intend [ɪ nˈtend] v. 计划;打算

fetch [fetʃ] v.(去)取来;拿来

pancake [ˈpænkeɪk] n. 薄烤饼;薄煎饼

rose [rəʊz] n. 玫瑰;蔷薇

laugh at 嘲笑;对……一笑置之

kindness [ˈkaɪndnəs] n. 善举;好意

give up 放弃(努力)

try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力

disappointed [ˈdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd] adj. 失望的;沮丧的

bedside [ˈbedsaɪd] n. 床边;床头

note [nəʊt] n. 短笺;便条

whom [hu:m] pron. ……的人;那个人;那些人(用于提供关于正在谈论的某人的信息或补充信息)

Unit 1 课文(录音+动画+翻译)

Unit 2 课文(录音+动画+翻译)


Unit 1 Here’s to ourfriendship!

1. I feel a bit sad. 我感觉有点伤心。 feel是连系动词,常接形容词作表语。

feel sb. /sth. do sth. 感觉某人/某物做了某事 feel sb. /sth.doing sth.

feel like sth. 想要某物 feel like doing sth. = want to do sth. 想要做某事

2. on the wall 在墙上(某物在墙的表面上) in the wall (某物镶嵌在墙内或在墙上)

3. beat n. 节拍;拍子 beat v. 战胜;敲;跳动

4. Pardon? 能再说一遍吗?/你说什么?相当于 I beg your pardon.

5. intend to do sth. 打算做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事

6. for long = for a long time 很长时间

7. I hope so. 我希望是这样的。(同意) I hope not. 我希望不是这样。(不同意)

8. even if = even though 尽管;即使

9. become = be v. 成为

10. Good for you! 太好了!/祝贺你!/适合你!(表赞赏)

11. fetch sb. sth. = fetch sth. for sb. 去拿某物给某人 fetch sth. from sw. 去某地拿来某物

12. raise our glasses 举杯 raise vi. 升起;起身 raise vt. 举起;提高;筹钱raise money

13. Here’s to sb. /sth.!为某人/某事干杯! Cheers!干杯!(喝酒时)

Unit 2-Unit3 I know that you will be better at maths.

1. I’m proud +that 从句我很自豪…

2. choose sb. to do sth. 选某人做某事 choose to do sth. 选择去做某事 make a choice n.

3. a group of 一群;一组 in groups 以小组为单位;成群结队的

4. thank sb. for (doing) sth. 感谢某人(做了)某事 thank sb. 感谢某人

give thanks for sth.为……而感谢 give thanks to sb.感谢某人

give thanks to sb.for doing sth. 为做某事而感谢某人

5. laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 smile at / to sb. 对某人微笑

6. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb. 教某人某事

teach oneself sth. =learn sth. by oneself 自学……

7. kind adj. 好心的;和蔼的 kindness n. 善举;好意

8. There is no success without effort. 没有努力就不会有成功。

9. try / do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事

10. not only … but also … 不仅……而且…

11. work hard at 在……方面努力学习;致力于

13. disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的 be disappointed with sb. 对某人失望

disappointing adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的

14. make / takenotes 记笔记

15. be sure that从句确信 be sure of /aboutsth. 对……确信/有把握

be sureto do sth. 务必/一定做某事

16. happy adj. 快乐的 happily adv. 快乐地 happiness n. 快乐;幸福;高兴

17. stay in touch = keep in touch 保持联系 out of touch 失去联系

stay / keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系 lose touch with sb. 与某人失去联系

18. match v. 与……相配 The tie matches your clothes. 那条领带与你的衣服相配。

match … with… 把……与……搭配起来 Match the words with thepictures.

19. It’s time to do sth. = It’s time for sth. 到做某事的时间了

It’s time for sb.to do sth. 到某人该做某事的时间了

20. make a living 谋生 His father made a living by sellingnewspaper. 他父亲以卖报为生。

21. He believes that he has a bright future aheadof him. 他相信他前面有一片光明的未来。

22. What are you planning to do in the nextthree years.?你计划在接下来的三年里做什么?


Module8 My future life

Unit1 Here’s to our friendship!

3.Listenand read. Now complete the notes.

贝蒂: 你看起来很可爱,玲玲!

玲玲: 谢谢,你看上去也很漂亮。你的手提包不错。






















Module 8  My future life

Unit1   Here’s to our friendship!

1.refuse to do sth.    拒绝做某事

 refuse sth.    拒绝某事

2.(1) a bit “稍等;有点儿”修饰形容词、副词、动词

  = a little “有点儿”后接不可数名词

 Eg: He came a bit earlier than me.

(2) a bit of + 不可数名词  “有点儿”

Eg: There is a bit of bread on the plate.

(3) not a bit “一点也不;一点也没有”

   not a little “相当多;非常”

Eg: He wasn’t a bit angry.   


 He wasn’t a little angry.    他非常生气。

3.miss (v.) 思念;想念;错过;漏掉

 miss doing sth.    错过做某事

4.each other 互相;彼此

其所有格为each other’s

5.make… look wonderful     



Eg: (1) –Jim likes listening to music, doesn’t he?

   ---Yes, he does. 是的,他喜欢。

   ---No, he doesn’t.   不,他不喜欢。

(2) –Li Lei didn’t go to school yesterday, did he ?

 ---Yes, hedid.   不,他去了。

 ---No, he didn’t.  是的,他没去。


(1)以Let’s开头的祈使句,反义部分用shall we,

 let us开头的祈使句,反义部分用will you.

(2)肯定形式的祈使句,反义部分用will you 或won’t you?

 否定祈使句,反义部分will you.

(3)陈述句部分是there be句型,反义部分以there结尾。

(4)陈述部分中有no, nobody, nothing, never, hardly, little, few等,反义部分用肯定


7.pardon?    再说一遍好吗?

(n.)pardon “原谅;宽恕”

ask/ beg one’s pardon   请求某人原谅

8.intend to do sth. = intend doing sth.


9.I hope so. 我希望如此。/但愿如此。

 I hope not…    希望不会…

10.one day  表将来和过去的“某一天”

 some day  表将来的“某一天”

11.Good for you!   挺好的!

12.something to eat   吃的东西

 something to drink   喝的东西

13.fetch 有个往返的过程“去拿来”

 take 原来说话者“拿走;带走”

 bring 靠近说话者“拿来;带来”

14.raise glasses   举起酒杯

15.Here’s to…    为…干杯,祝(某人)…


16.look lovely  看起来很可爱

17.hang 悬挂(hung, hung)

  绞死(hanged, hanged)

18. on the menu   在菜单上

19.make a speech   做演讲


Unit 2   I know that you will be better at maths.

1.choose sb. to do sth.     选择某人做某事

2.a group of + 可数名词复数  “一群…”

 in groups    成群结队的

3.laugh at sh.    嘲笑某人

4.teach sb. to do sth.    教某人做某事

 teach sb.sth. = teach sth to sb.  


 teach oneself sth. 

= learn sth. by oneself   自学某物

5.invite sb. to do sth.    邀请某人做某事

6.join 加入(团体、阻止等)

 join sb.   与某人(一起做某事)

 join in  参加小规模的活动

  join in sth./ doing sth.

 take part in    参加(群众性活动、会议、运动会等)

7.thanks to   幸亏、由于

8.start to do sth./ start doing sth.  


9.give up doing sth.    放弃做某事

10.fast enough   足够快

11.try one’s best to do sth.  


12.not only … but also…  


not only位于句首时,not only引起的句子通常用倒装语序;

not only…but also…连接两个名词或代词作主语时,位于动词取决于but also后的名词或代词

Eg: Not only can he sing, but also he can dance.

 Not only the students but also their teacher likes the story.

13.whatever = no matter what   


Eg: Whatever/ No matter what you do, I believe you.


Eg: something else

other “别的;其余的”用于名词之前

Eg: other things

15.work hard at…   


16.be disappointed with/ in sb.    


 be disappointed at/ by sth.   


 be disappointed to do sth.   


17.on the morning of…      在…的早上

on a/ an + adj. + morning/ afternoon/ evening/night


Eg: on a cold morning   


18.wake up  醒来   

   wake sb. up   把某人唤醒

19.be sure    确定、确信

 主语 + be sure of…   “对…确信无疑”

 Eg: He is sure of success.

 主语 + be sure to do sth.  


 Eg: It is sure to rain.

 主语 + be sure + 宾语从句“确信…”

 Eg: I’m sure that he must make progress.

 be sure(not) to do sth. 


 Eg: Be sure to finish your homework before I come back.

20. get thanks from…     从…得到感谢

21.be proud of… = take pride in…       以…为傲

22.There is no success without effort.     没有努力就没有成功。

23.learn to do sth.   学习做某事


Unit 3  Language in use

1.control the future    支配未来

2.be excited about doing sth.  


3.take a new step      步入新阶段

4.make a living (by…)     (以…)谋生

5.be happy about sth.   


 be happy with sb.       对某人感到满意

 be happy to do sth.      很高兴做某事

6.ahead of…     (时间、空间)在…之前

 Eg: He was always ahead of his time.

 ahead of…     比…强

 Eg: He is ahead of me in English.

 go ahead  说吧、做吧、继续…吧!



Dear head teacher, teachers, parents and friends.

I’m honoured today to be able to give you all my thanks for three of the best years of my life, right here at school. There are many people who I’d like to thank. First, I want to thank my class teacher,Mrs. Xiang. She always encouraged me when I felt like giving up. I must also thank my music teacher, Mr Zhang. I’ve made great progress in music, and it’s all thanks to him. And of course I’d like to thank our head teacher, Ms. He,who has made such a fantastic school for us to learn and grow up in. And last of all --- don’t think I’ve forgotten you! --- I want to thank my many friends,who have made junior high such a wonderful time. Thank you all, and I wish everyone the very best for the future.



