
9-11月热点汇总 | 明天的四六级你准备好了没?

2016-12-16 LearnAndRecord


A court in South Korea has formally issued an arrest warrant[逮捕令] for a confidante[闺蜜] of the country's president.

  • 股市(听力重点)

Stocks in North America and Europe slide(下滑) once again on concerns over the US election.

  • 长征5号运载火箭发射

The successful inaugural launch[首次发射] of China's new heavy-lift[重型] Long March 5 carrier rocket[运载式火箭]

  • 上合组织

The Chinese premier calls for increased cooperation among member-nations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization[上海合作组织].

The Chinese president has sent a message of congratulations to US president-elect[候任总统] Donald Trump.

China's government says it’s ready to work with the new administration of US President-elect Donald Trump.

  • 主席和航天员隔空对话

Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks with astronauts aboard the Tiangong-2 space lab.

Alibaba setting new sales records[创造新的销售记录] early to start out this year'sversion of "Double 11"

  • APEC峰会

Chinese president Xi Jinping promotes Asia-Pacific Free trade agreement at the APEC summit.

  • 宇航员安全返回

A pair of Chinese astronauts are back safely on earth after spending over a month in orbit.

  • 中美关系

The Chinese president has had a phone call with US President-elect Donald Trump to discuss Sino-US ties[中美关系].

  • 新西兰地震

A powerful earthquake has killed at least two people in New Zealand, and prompted a tsunami warning.

  • 中国经济

Analysts say China's growth goals are within reach, but uncertainties remain

Jackie Chan gets an honorary Oscar for his lifetime of work(终身成就)


  • 人民币入篮

The Chinese currency is now officially included in the International Monetary Fund's reserve basket.

  • 改革

The Chinese premier has called for additional reforms to aid economic development and social justice.

  • 房价

Two more major Chinese cities have taken steps to try to put the breaks on[遏制] property speculation[房地产投机].

  • 经济

A new IMF report suggesting China is poised to[轻松的] maintain its current level of growth through the rest of this year.

  • 印巴冲突

Tensions between India and Pakistan are rising over the disputed Kashmir territory.

US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have squared off[启动] in the first debate of the 2016 election campaign.

The president of Colombia has accepted his Nobel Peace Prize.

  • 空气污染

Air pollution alert levels have been elevated[升级] in Beijing, with smoggy conditions expected through this weekend.

  • 外交

Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Cambodia[柬埔寨] for the first leg[站] of his latest international trip abroad.

The UN General Assembly has officially approved former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres[安东尼奥古塔雷斯] to take over for Ban Ki-moon[潘基文] as the next UN Secretary-General at the start of next year.

  • 长征

Xi Jinping hails Long March as "epic[史诗]," and Calls for the realization of "centenary goals"

  • 今年是长征胜利结束80周年

the 80th anniversary of the end of the Long March.

China's astronauts aboard Tiangong-2 said to be in good health as space agencies around the world observe the Shenzhou-11 mission.

  • 中国男足换帅

An Italian has been tapped to take over the reigns[负责] of China's national football team.

  • 可持续能源

Government, business, and other world leaders gathered at UN headquarters in New York to discuss sustainable energy.

  • 十八大闭幕

The 6th plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China[十八届中国共产党中央委员会] has officially concluded.


Chinese President Xi Jinping calling for unity among the world's top leaders attending the G20 Summit in Hangzhou.

  • 台湾巴士大火

Prosecutors[检察官] say the fire that killed many Chinese mainland tourists in Taiwan was deliberately set.

  • 朝鲜核试验

China expresses firm opposition[强烈不满] to the latest North Korean nuclear test.

  • 美军无人机

A US drone[无人机] strike may be responsible for the deaths of dozens of Syrian soldiers.

  • 阿里巴巴市值亚洲登顶

Alibaba now leads all listed[上市的] Asian firms in terms of market value.

In New York for the UN General Assembly[联大], the Chinese premier makes a promise to eliminate poverty[消除贫困] in the country by 2020.

  • 难民问题

Li Keqiang has also met with other world leaders to talk about the global refugee crisis[难民危机].











