

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

作为漫威(Marvel)系列作品的最新力作,《黑豹》(Black Panther)成为第一部连续四周蝉联票房冠军的漫威电影。该片上周末在中国上映时获得了不俗的票房成绩,在开始上映的三天内,它的票房收入就达到了6650万美元。



‘Black Panther’ storms China box office at weekend

Marvel's action movie Black Panther made more than 400 million yuan ($63.2 million) in three days at the Chinese mainland box office by Sunday.

The movie was finally released on the Chinese mainland on Friday after
premiering in the US in late January.

[1]premierethe first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment 首映,首演

The world premiere of the opera will be at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York.


Its 400 million yuan box office
takings[2] on Sunday night accounted for 42 percent of all takings in the Chinese mainland that day, according to Maoyan movie database statistics.

[2]takingsall the money that a business gets from selling things 毛收入

Our takings were down this week because the weather was so bad.



takemoney that is received from sales or as payment for entrance to an event 收取,收入

The box office take was huge for the new show.



taketo receive money from sales or as payment for entrance to an event 收取,收入

The show took an astonishing $100,000 in its first week.


"Marvel films have rarely featured the culture of black people, and the combination of tribes and high-tech was brand new to me," a moviegoer[3] told the Global Times on Friday. She requested anonymity.

[3]-goer:a person who goes to the stated type of place 常去(某种场所)的人

moviegoer, filmgoer, cinemagoer都可以表示“常看电影的人”

"Also, you can see women playing important roles in the success of T'Challa*, or Black Panther, which was really impressive," she said.

*特查拉(T'Challa)即黑豹(Black Panther)

"After learning about
Easter eggs[彩蛋] at the end of the film, I am expecting a lot from the Black Panther sequel," Robbie Wang, a Marvel fan from North China's Hebei Province, told the Global Times on Sunday.

The movie, although
featuring white actors Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis, has a mostly black cast. 

It rated
6.8 of 10 at douban.com and 8 of 10 at maoyan.com.

The film is very much like Blaxploitation* of the 1960s and 1970s, which presented African-Americans as winning big shots," Shi Wenxue, a Beijing-based film critic told the Global Times.

*Blaxploitation or blacksploitation is an ethnic subgenre of the exploitation film, emerging in the United States during the early 1970s. 黑人电影风潮时期

"Nowadays with Donald Trump as US president,
racist movements are booming again, which also contributed to the popularity of Black Panther in Western countries."

"The film combines the styles of both
African Nollywood and US Hollywood. The fictional kingdom of Wakanda in the movie shows the history, geography, religion and culture of Africa," Shi said, "It also satisfied Chinese audience's curiosity for the continent."

But not all Chinese viewers seemed to appreciate the change in stereotypes and typecasting.

I felt uncomfortable watching Black Panther because of the political correctness in it," a Sina Weibo user said. 

The plot of the film could hardly touch me. Maybe a foreigner feels like that watching Mulan," another user posted.

来源:Global Times


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