

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据外媒,有白宫官员整理了传染病学专家福奇(Anthony Fauci)此前的错误言论清单,来试图“抹黑”他,以削弱其在公众中的影响力并为抗疫不力甩锅。

White House is accused of trying to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci (cr: ABC News)


Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro claimed Fauci is 'wrong about everything,' as the White House seeks to discredit him on COVID-19

Business Insider

Peter Navarro, a trade adviser to President Donald Trump, has claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci is "wrong about everything" as the White House steps up its bid to discredit its own top infectious-disease expert.

"Dr. Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public, but he has been wrong about everything I have ever interacted with him on," Navarro said in a statement to The Washington Post in a story about Fauci being sidelined.

He continued: "Now Fauci is saying that a falling mortality rate doesn't matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide the pace of our economic reopening. So when you ask me if I listen to Dr. Fauci's advice, my answer is only with caution."

The president has claimed that a continuing decline in the proportion of the US population dying from the coronavirus is proof that his strategy has worked, despite an alarming increase in infections.

In a livestream press conference last week, Fauci said, "It's a false narrative to take comfort in a lower rate of death."

"There's so many other things that are very dangerous and bad about this virus — don't get yourself into false complacency," he said.

Last week, the death rate began to climb in several US states for the first time in several months. There is usually a lag between an increase in infections and in deaths.

Navarro's statement over the weekend came as an unnamed White House official also began circulating a list of old, outdated comments Fauci had given news outlets about the coronavirus, seemingly in a bid to undermine someone polling has suggested is one of the more trusted US government officials.

In recent weeks Fauci has delivered blunt assessments of US failings in response to the coronavirus, calling for states where infection rates are climbing to reintroduce restrictions.

His statements have contrasted with the upbeat message that Trump has delivered as he seeks to stimulate the US economy ahead of November's presidential election.

Navarro has long called for the government to rapidly lift the restrictions advocated by public-health officials such as Fauci. He warned in an interview with The New York Times in April that the damage done by the lockdown could exceed that of the virus.

Navarro is one of several White House officials to lobby against Fauci, according to The Post. The two fell out, according to the report, over the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which Trump and Navarro touted as a coronavirus cure.

Fauci, in public statements and internally, refused to endorse it, saying it had not been proved effective.

The Food and Drugs Administration withdrew its emergency permission for the drug to be used to treat patients after studies suggested it was dangerous for some, particularly those with underlying heart conditions.

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Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro claimed Fauci is 'wrong about everything,' as the White House seeks to discredit him on COVID-19

Business Insider

Peter Navarro, a trade adviser to President Donald Trump, has claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci is "wrong about everything" as the White House steps up its bid to discredit its own top infectious-disease expert.

美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的贸易顾问彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)声称,安东尼·福奇博士“什么都错了”,白宫正在加大抹黑其顶级传染病专家的力度。


表示“使名誉受损;使受到怀疑”,英文解释为“to cause people to stop respecting someone or believing in an idea or person”举个🌰:

Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited him.


🎬电影《聚焦》(Spotlight)中的台词提到:But the church made a huge effort to discredit him. 但教会费了很大功夫去败坏他的名声。


短语 in a bid to “为了”,应该都比较熟悉;此处bid作名词,表示“努力争取;努力;努力尝试;企图得到”,英文解释为“A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it. An effort to do sth or to obtain sth”,如:a bid for power 权力之争,举个🌰:

Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful.


📍昨天,7月13日,刚好是北京申奥成功是19周年纪念日。2001年7月13日申奥成功,就是won the bid in 2001. 申奥奥运会申办the bid for the Olympic Games.

"Dr. Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public, but he has been wrong about everything I have ever interacted with him on," Navarro said in a statement to The Washington Post in a story about Fauci being sidelined.


bedside manner

字面意思就是“床边的行为”,指的是“(医护人员等)对待病人的态度”,英文解释为“the way in which a doctor or other person talks to sb who is ill/sick”。

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季中的台词提到:If that's an example of your bedside manner, Mrs Patmore, I think I'd sooner face it alone. 帕特莫太太 你要是就这么安慰人 我还是自己去吧。

📺美剧《迷失》(Lost)第二季中的台词提到:我向来就不太擅长和病人沟通 I was never that good at bedside manner anyway.


表示“把…排除在外;使靠边”,英文解释为“If someone or something is sidelined, they are made to seem unimportant and not included in what people are doing.”举个🌰:

For months he had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway.


📺美剧《风城火情》(Chicago Fire)第二季中的台词提到:But I still think it's wrong that she has no idea you're gonna sideline her. 在她不知情的情况下排挤她 我还是觉得这样不好

He continued: "Now Fauci is saying that a falling mortality rate doesn't matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide the pace of our economic reopening. So when you ask me if I listen to Dr. Fauci's advice, my answer is only with caution."


📍the mortality rate 死亡率

The president has claimed that a continuing decline in the proportion of the US population dying from the coronavirus is proof that his strategy has worked, despite an alarming increase in infections.



表示“令人惊恐的;令人惊慌的;引起恐慌的”,英文解释为“Something that is alarming makes you feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.”如:an alarming increase in crime 犯罪活动骇人的增加。

In a livestream press conference last week, Fauci said, "It's a false narrative to take comfort in a lower rate of death."


"There's so many other things that are very dangerous and bad about this virus — don't get yourself into false complacency," he said.



complacency /kəmˈpleɪsənsɪ/ 表示“自满,自鸣得意”,英文解释为“a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder”举个🌰:

There's no room for complacency if we want to stay in this competition!


🎬电影《他和她的孤独情事:他》(The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him)中的台词提到:Yeah, well, complacencyscares the shit out of me. 别,自满让我害怕。

Last week, the death rate began to climb in several US states for the first time in several months. There is usually a lag between an increase in infections and in deaths.



表示“(两件事之间的)间隔,延迟”,英文解释为“a delay between two things happening ”举个🌰:

You have to allow for a time lag between order and delivery.


📍time lag 时间间隔,时滞

📍我们所谓的“时差”除了time difference,还有个说法就是jet lag,jet表示“喷气式飞机”,是不是很好奇,jet lag喷气飞机和间隔,为什么会表示“时差”?The term "jet lag" is used because before the arrival of passenger jet aircraft, it was uncommon to travel far and fast enough to cause desynchronosis. Travel by propeller-driven aircraft, by ship, or by train was slower and of more limited distance than jet flights, and thus did not contribute widely to the problem.

Navarro's statement over the weekend came as an unnamed White House official also began circulating a list of old, outdated comments Fauci had given news outlets about the coronavirus, seemingly in a bid to undermine someone [polling has suggested] is one of the more trusted US government officials.*



表示“传播;流传;散布”,英文解释为“if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another ”举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.



outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet/ news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;

outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:

At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 



In recent weeks Fauci has delivered blunt assessments of US failings in response to the coronavirus, calling for states where infection rates are climbing to reintroduce restrictions.



1) 此处作形容词,表示“(说话)不客气的,直言不讳的,耿直的”,英文解释为“speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people”举个🌰:

To be blunt, many of the candidates cannot read or write.


His blunt words hurt her.


2) 还可作动词,表示“减弱(情感)”,英文解释为“to make a feeling less strong”举个🌰:

The bad weather blunted their enthusiasm for camping.


🎬电影《霍比特人:意外之旅》(The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)中的台词提到:I don't mean to be blunt, but I had to speak my mind. 我不想失礼,但我必须直说。

His statements have contrasted with the upbeat message that Trump has delivered as he seeks to stimulate the US economy ahead of November's presidential election.



表示“乐观的;快乐的;积极向上的”,英文解释为“positive and enthusiastic; making you feel that the future will be good”举个🌰:

The tone of the speech was upbeat.


🎬电影《新娘靠边闪》(27 Dresses)中的台词提到:Our advertisers want fun, upbeat, colorful human-interest stories... 广告商要生动有趣的故事。

Navarro has long called for the government to rapidly lift the restrictions advocated by public-health officials such as Fauci. He warned in an interview with The New York Times in April that the damage done by the lockdown could exceed that of the virus.


Navarro is one of several White House officials to lobby against Fauci, according to The Post. The two fell out, according to the report, over the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which Trump and Navarro touted as a coronavirus cure.



表示“游说”,英文解释为“to try to influence a politician or the government and, for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law”。

fall out

表示“闹翻;争吵”,英文解释为“If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people fall out.”举个🌰:

She fell out with her husband.


🎬电影《复仇者联盟3:无限之战》(Avengers: Infinity War)中的台词提到:Cap and I fell out hard. 我跟队长闹翻了。

📍hydroxychloroquine 羟化氯喹,一般指羟氯喹。


表示“标榜;吹捧;吹嘘”,英文解释为“to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it”举个🌰:

A local car dealership was touting its services/wares on the radio.


🎬电影《大谎言家》(Big Fat Liar)中的台词提到:Big Fat Liar is already being touted as next summer's must-see movie event. 《大谎言家》已被誉为明年夏天必看的电影。

Fauci, in public statements and internally, refused to endorse it, saying it had not been proved effective.



表示“公开支持;赞同”,英文解释为“If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them.”举个🌰:

I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.


🎬电影《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)中的台词提到:After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park. 仔细考虑以后 我决定不为你的公园背书。

The Food and Drugs Administration withdrew its emergency permission for the drug to be used to treat patients after studies suggested it was dangerous for some, particularly those with underlying heart conditions.



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