

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
当地时间4日,黎巴嫩(Lebanon)首都贝鲁特(Beirut)发生巨大爆炸,官方证实是2700余吨硝酸铵(ammonium nitrate)引发了爆炸。

Ammonium nitrate has the chemical formula NH₄NO₃. It's one of the world's most widely used fertilisers. It is also the main component in many types of mining explosives.



fertiliser /'fɜːtɪlaɪsə/ 表示“肥料”,英文解释为“a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully”,如:化学肥料 chemical fertilisers。

📍2018年政府工作报告中提到,化肥农药使用量实现零增长 achieved zero growth in chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.

Powerful explosion rock Beirut’s port area, killing dozens, injuring thousands (from: CBC News: The National)


I Was Bloodied and Dazed. Beirut Strangers Treated Me Like a Friend.

The New York Times

I was just about to look at a video a friend had sent me on Tuesday afternoon — “the port seems to be burning,” she said — when my whole building shook, as if startled, by the deepest boom I’d ever heard. Uneasily, naïvely, I ran to the window, then back to my desk to check for news.

Then came a much bigger boom, and the sound itself seemed to splinter. There was shattered glass flying everywhere. Not thinking but moving, I ducked under my desk.

When the world stopped cracking open, I couldn’t see at first because of the blood running down my face. After blinking the blood from my eyes, I tried to take in the sight of my apartment turned into a demolition site. My yellow front door had been hurled on top of my dining table. I couldn’t find my passport, or even any sturdy shoes.

Later, someone would tell me that Beirutis of her generation, who had been raised during Lebanon's 15-year civil war, instinctively ran into their hallways as soon as they heard the first blast, to escape the glass they knew would break.

I was not so well-trained, but the Lebanese who would help me in the hours to come had the heartbreaking steadiness that comes from having lived through countless previous disasters. Nearly all of them were strangers, yet they treated me like a friend.

When I got downstairs, dodging the enormous broken window that rested jaggedly in my stairwell, my neighborhood, with its graceful old-Beirut architecture and arched windows, looked like a picture from the wars I had seen from afar — a mouth missing all its teeth.

Someone passing on a motorbike saw my bloody face and told me to hop on. When we couldn’t get any closer to the hospital, our way blocked by hillocks of broken glass and stranded cars, I got off and started walking.

Everyone on the street seemed to be either bleeding from open gashes or swathed in makeshift bandages — all except one woman in a chic, backless top leading a small dog on a leash. Only an hour before, we had all been walking dogs or checking email or shopping for groceries. Only an hour before, there had been no blood.

As I neared the hospital, elderly patients sat dazed in wheelchairs, still hooked to their IV bags. A woman lay on the ground in front of the exploded emergency room, her whole body dripping red, not moving much. It was clear that they weren’t taking new patients, certainly not any as comparatively lucky as I was.

Someone named Youssef saw me, sat me down and started cleaning and bandaging my face. Once he was satisfied I could walk, he left and I started wandering, trying to think of another hospital I could try.

I ran into a friend of a friend, someone I had met only a few times before, and he bandaged the rest of my wounds, disinfecting the lacerations with splashes of Lebanon’s national liquor, an anise-flavored drink called arak.

His roommate swept up their terrace as I bloodied their towels. “I can’t think unless it’s clean,” he explained.

Until then, I hadn’t had more than the vaguest guesses about what might have happened. Someone was reporting that fireworks had exploded at the port. Much later, Lebanese officials acknowledged that a large cache of explosive material seized by the government years ago was stored where the explosions occurred.

Survivors walked by, moving faster than the jammed-up traffic. To anyone who appeared unhurt, people called out, “alhamdulillah al-salama,” or, roughly translated, thank God for your safety.

Before the end of the night, after my co-workers had found me, after a passing driver named Ralph had offered to take us to one of the few hospitals still accepting patients, after a doctor had put 11 staples in my forehead and another sprinkling on my leg and arms, people would be saying the same thing to me: Thank God for your safety.

“Thank you,” I said in reply, truly “thank you,” and I didn’t mean just for the good wishes.

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I Was Bloodied and Dazed. Beirut Strangers Treated Me Like a Friend.


The New York Times


I was just about to look at a video a friend had sent me on Tuesday afternoon — “the port seems to be burning,” she said — when my whole building shook, as if startled, by the deepest boom I'd ever heard. Uneasily, naïvely, I ran to the window, then back to my desk to check for news.



表示“使惊吓;使吓一跳;使大吃一惊”,英文解释为“to surprise sb suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them”举个🌰:

Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.



📺美剧《迷失》(Lost)第六季中的台词提到:I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.抱歉 我不是故意吓你的

Then came a much bigger boom, and the sound itself seemed to splinter. There was shattered glass flying everywhere. Not thinking but moving, I ducked under my desk.



Then came a much bigger boom.

其实很简单的一句话,不知道你还记不记得高中经常出现的一句话,Here comes the bus. 地点副词(如:here,there)或时间副词(如:now,then)放在于句首时,谓语动词为be/come/go这类表示移动或状态的词时,通常句子会用完全倒装。此处的Then came a much bigger boom. 就是完全倒装。原句就是A much bigger boom came. 更大的轰隆声/更大的爆炸声来了。

📺英剧《性爱自修室》(Sex Education)男主阿沙·巴特菲尔德(Asa Butterfield)演过的一部电影就叫《Then Came You》,字面意思就是“然后你来了”,中文名叫《终点到达》。


表示“(使)裂成碎片”,英文解释为“to break, or to make sth break, into small, thin sharp pieces”举个🌰:

The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces.



熟词僻义,1)作动词,表示“(尤指为避免被击中而)猛低头,猛弯腰”,英文解释为“to move your head or the top part of your body quickly down, especially to avoid being hit”举个🌰:

He had to duck as he came through the door.


2)作动词,表示“(尤指为了避免被发现而)赶忙躲藏起来”,英文解释为“to move quickly to a place, especially in order not to be seen”举个🌰:

When he saw them coming, he ducked into a doorway.


🎬电影《旗鼓相当》(Grudge Match)中的台词提到:Now Kid has stopped ducking and going to Sharp's left. 基德不再躲避 走到了夏普的左侧。

When the world stopped cracking open, I couldn't see at first because of the blood running down my face. After blinking the blood from my eyes, I tried to take in the sight of my apartment turned into a demolition site. My yellow front door had been hurled on top of my dining table. I couldn't find my passport, or even any sturdy shoes.



表示“眨眼睛”,英文解释为“when you blink or blink your eyes or your eyes blink , you shut and open your eyes quickly”举个🌰:

She blinked and forced a smile.


🎬电影《危狱惊情》(Stone)中的台词提到:she'll just blink and keep on laughing, man. 她也就眨眨眼 笑个不停。


demolition /ˌdeməˈlɪʃn/表示“拆毁”,英文解释为“The demolition of a structure, for example, a building, is the act of deliberately destroying it, often in order to build something else in its place.”

hurl /hɜːl/

1)原意表示“猛扔;猛投;猛摔”,英文解释为“to throw sth/sb violently in a particular direction举个🌰:

He hurled a brick through the window.


2)此处的含义指的就是火箭发射把恐龙玩偶和宇航员“送上”了太空,英文解释:to move your body with speed and force in a particular direction, or to be moved in this way.

3)hurl也有“ 大声说出(辱骂或斥责等)”的意思,英文解释为“to shout insults, etc. at sb”举个🌰:

Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.


4)另外还有“呕吐”的意思(to vomit)。

🎬电影《伴娘》(Bridesmaids)中的台词提到:I'm going to hurl. I feel really sick, Annie! 我要吐了,好难受。

🎬电影《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》(Finding Dory)中的台词提到:Hey, dude, if you're gonna hurl, 如果你要吐的话,

Later, someone would tell me that Beirutis of her generation, who had been raised during Lebanon's 15-year civil war, instinctively ran into their hallways as soon as they heard the first blast, to escape the glass they knew would break.



表示“本能地”,英文解释为“in a way that is not thought about, planned, or developed by training”。

I was not so well-trained, but the Lebanese who would help me in the hours to come had the heartbreaking steadiness that comes from having lived through countless previous disasters. Nearly all of them were strangers, yet they treated me like a friend.



The Lebanese [who would help me in the hours to come] had the heartbreaking steadiness [that comes from having lived through countless previous disasters].

主语:The Lebanese


宾语:the heartbreaking steadiness

定语从句1:先行词the Lebanese,引导词who. 什么样的“黎巴嫩人”?那些在接下来几小时里帮助我的“黎巴嫩人

定语从句2:先行词the heartbreaking steadiness,引导词that. 什么样的“令人心碎的镇静”,经历过无数次灾难而得来的“令人心碎的镇静”。

When I got downstairs, dodging the enormous broken window that rested jaggedly in my stairwell, my neighborhood, with its graceful old-Beirut architecture and arched windows, looked like a picture from the wars I had seen from afar — a mouth missing all its teeth.


dodge /dɒdʒ/

表示“闪开;躲开;避开”,英文解释为“to move quickly and suddenly to one side in order to avoid sb/sth”举个🌰:

He ran across the road, dodging the traffic.


🎬电影《科洛弗档案》(Cloverfield)中的台词提到:You're dodging the question right now. 你在逃避问题。

Someone passing on a motorbike saw my bloody face and told me to hop on. When we couldn't get any closer to the hospital, our way blocked by hillocks of broken glass and stranded cars, I got off and started walking.


hop on

hop on 快速移动到某位置或某地,此处可以理解为“快速上车,跳上车”;hop作动词,有“快速去(某地);快速跳上(或跳下)(车辆)”的含义,英文解释为“to go somewhere quickly or to get into or out of a vehicle quickly”举个🌰:

I hopped on the bus at the traffic lights.


🎬动画片《鬼妈妈》(Coraline & the Secret Door)中的台词提到:Hop on, kiddo. I wanna show you something. 上来 孩子 我给你看点东西。

Everyone on the street seemed to be either bleeding from open gashes or swathed in makeshift bandages — all except one woman in a chic, backless top leading a small dog on a leash. Only an hour before, we had all been walking dogs or checking email or shopping for groceries. Only an hour before, there had been no blood.


swathe /sweɪð/

表示“包;裹;覆盖”,英文解释为“to wrap or cover sb/sth in sth”举个🌰:

He was lying on the hospital bed, swathed in bandages.


🎬电影《简爱》(Jane Eyre)中的台词提到:He doesn't like to arrive and find everything all swathed up, 他不喜欢回来时发现所有东西都被包裹起来。


表示“权宜的;临时代用的”,英文解释为“temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need”举个🌰:

Thousands of refugees are living in makeshift camps.


As I neared the hospital, elderly patients sat dazed in wheelchairs, still hooked to their IV bags. A woman lay on the ground in front of the exploded emergency room, her whole body dripping red, not moving much. It was clear that they weren't taking new patients, certainly not any as comparatively lucky as I was.



IV为intravenous的缩写,表示“进入静脉的;静脉的”,如:IV drug users 静脉注射毒品的人。

和drip一样,其实IV本身也可以直接指“静脉点滴,输液器,滴注器”,An IV or an IV drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient's blood.

而文中的drip作动词,表示“含有;充满;充溢”(to contain or hold a lot of sth)举个🌰:

His voice dripped sarcasm.


此外,drip常见意思是“(使)滴下”(If a liquid drips, it falls in drops, or you make it fall in drops.)举个🌰:

Water dripped down the wall.


Someone named Youssef saw me, sat me down and started cleaning and bandaging my face. Once he was satisfied I could walk, he left and I started wandering, trying to think of another hospital I could try.


I ran into a friend of a friend, someone I had met only a few times before, and he bandaged the rest of my wounds, disinfecting the lacerations with splashes of Lebanon's national liquor, an anise-flavored drink called arak.


laceration /ˌlæsəˈreɪʃən/

表示“伤口,口子;割伤;划伤”,英文解释为“a cut”。


表示“溅上的液体;洒上的液体”,英文解释为“a small amount of a liquid that has fallen or been dropped”举个🌰:

There were several splashes of white paint on the carpet.


His roommate swept up their terrace as I bloodied their towels. “I can't think unless it's clean,” he explained.


terrace /ˈtɛrəs/

terrace /ˈtɛrəs/ 表示“(房屋旁的)露台;草坪”,英文解释为“A terrace is a flat area of stone or grass next to a building where people can sit.”举个🌰:

Some guests recline in deck chairs on the sea-facing terrace.


Until then, I hadn't had more than the vaguest guesses about what might have happened. Someone was reporting that fireworks had exploded at the port. Much later, Lebanese officials acknowledged that a large cache of explosive material seized by the government years ago was stored where the explosions occurred.


Survivors walked by, moving faster than the jammed-up traffic. To anyone who appeared unhurt, people called out, “alhamdulillah al-salama,” or, roughly translated, thank God for your safety.

幸存者来来往往,移动速度比拥堵的交通快。人们对那些看起来没受伤的人喊着“alhamdulillah al-salama”,大致翻译过来的意思就是感谢真主保佑你的平安。

Before the end of the night, after my co-workers had found me, after a passing driver named Ralph had offered to take us to one of the few hospitals still accepting patients, after a doctor had put 11 staples in my forehead and another sprinkling on my leg and arms, people would be saying the same thing to me: Thank God for your safety.


“Thank you,” I said in reply, truly “thank you,” and I didn't mean just for the good wishes.


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