

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Kabul's Sudden Fall to Taliban Ends U.S. Era in Afghanistan

The New York Times

Taliban fighters poured into the Afghan capital on Sunday amid scenes of panic and chaos, bringing a swift and shocking close to the Afghan government and the 20-year American era in the country.

President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan fled the country, and a council of Afghan officials, including former President Hamid Karzai, said they would open negotiations with the Taliban over the shape of the insurgency’s takeover. By day’s end, the insurgents had all but officially sealed their control of the entire country.

The speed and violence of the Taliban sweep through the countryside and cities the previous week caught the American military and government flat-footed. Hastily arranged American military helicopter flights evacuated the sprawling American Embassy compound in Kabul, ferrying American diplomats and Afghan Embassy workers to the Kabul military airport. At the civilian airport next door, Afghans wept as they begged airline workers to put their families on outbound commercial flights even as most were grounded in favor of military aircraft.

Amid occasional bursts of gunfire, the whump of American Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters overhead drowned out the thrum of traffic as the frenzied evacuation effort unfolded. Below, Kabul’s streets were jammed with vehicles as panic set off a race to leave the city.

The toll of war fell heavily on Afghan armed forces in recent years. But no amount of American training and matériel — at a cost of $83 billion — was sufficient to create a security force willing to fight and die for a besieged nation that American forces were leaving behind. Public declarations by, first, President Donald J. Trump and then President Biden calling for a quick and total troop pullout sent morale plummeting across Afghanistan.

In Washington, the speed of the collapse took the Biden administration by surprise, officials said — and left it with the realization that Mr. Biden will go down in history as the president who presided over a humiliating final act in a long and bedeviled American chapter in Afghanistan.

Now, Afghans suddenly face the prospect of complete domination by the Taliban again. In areas the insurgents have recently conquered, there is no sign they have turned away from the harsh Islamist code and rule by intimidation that characterized their government in the 1990s.

In the center of Kabul, people began painting over advertisements and posters of women at beauty salons, already fearing the return of the Taliban’s traditional bans against images of humans and against women appearing in public unveiled.

As darkness fell over Kabul, the United States Embassy warned Americans still in Kabul to shelter in place rather than trying to reach the airport. Witnesses at the civilian domestic terminal said they were hearing occasional gunshots nearby. Thousands of people had crammed into the terminal and filled the parking lots, desperately seeking flights out.

Inside the walled Green Zone in central Kabul, armored cars packed with diplomats, aid workers and private security contractors rushed to the American military command’s fortified compound near the embassy to be airlifted to Hamid Karzai International Airport. Others flocked to the Serena Hotel, a tightly secured hotel popular among foreigners.

As American and NATO troops began withdrawing in May, Afghan security forces swiftly collapsed, often surrendering without firing a shot. Many accepted Taliban offers of safe passage and cash, often relayed by village elders, and abandoned weapons and equipment confiscated by the Taliban.

Early in the day, senior Afghan politicians were seen boarding planes at Kabul airport. Bagram Air Base was captured by Taliban forces midday on Sunday, as was the provincial town of Khost in eastern Afghanistan, according to Afghan news media reports.

It was only eight days ago that a remote provincial capital, Zaranj, in the far west, became the first to fall to the Taliban. Since then, one provincial capital after another has collapsed as the American-trained Afghan security forces surrendered, deserted or simply stripped off their uniforms and fled. Taliban videos showed militants driving American Humvees and waving M-16 rifles in the conquered cities.

At the Kabul airport on Sunday, two Marines standing on the tarmac acknowledged that they were living a moment of history. A little earlier, they said, they saw someone exit a helicopter while cradling a poorly folded American flag: It had just been lowered from the shuttered embassy compound.

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Kabul's Sudden Fall to Taliban Ends U.S. Era in Afghanistan

The New York Times

Taliban fighters poured into the Afghan capital on Sunday amid scenes of panic and chaos, bringing a swift and shocking close to the Afghan government and the 20-year American era in the country.



📍Taliban 美音/ˈtæl.ə.bæn/ 英音 /ˈtæl.ɪ.bæn/ 表示“塔利班,塔利班组织(活跃在阿富汗和巴基斯坦的伊斯兰教政治和军事组织)”,英文解释为“an Islamic political and military organization, active in Afghanistan and Pakistan”。

📍Afghanistan 国家名,阿富汗(a country in Central Asia)

📍Afghan 作名词,表示“阿富汗人”,作形容词,表示“阿富汗人的,阿富汗的”。

📍Kabul 喀布尔,阿富汗的首都

President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan fled the country, and a council of Afghan officials, including former President Hamid Karzai, said they would open negotiations with the Taliban over the shape of the insurgency's takeover. By day's end, the insurgents had all but officially sealed their control of the entire country.

阿富汗总统阿什拉夫·加尼(Ashraf Ghani)逃往国外,包括前总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊(Hamid Karzai)在内的阿富汗官员组成的一个委员会表示,他们将与塔利班就叛军接管政权的形式展开谈判。当天结束时,叛军几乎正式控制了整个国家。


表示“叛乱,造反,暴动”,英文解释为“an occasion when a group of people attempt to take control of their country by force”。

📍insurgent指人,“叛乱者,造反者,暴动者”,也可以指“政党的反对派”(someone who opposes political authority)。


表示“接管,收购”,通常指公司,英文解释为“A takeover is the act of gaining control of a company by buying more of its shares than anyone else.”举个🌰:

They were involved in a takeover last year.



表示“确定;明确定下来;使成定局”,英文解释为“to make sth definite, so that it cannot be changed or argued about”举个🌰:

The two leaders sealed their agreement with a handshake.


The speed and violence of the Taliban sweep through the countryside and cities the previous week caught the American military and government flat-footed. Hastily arranged American military helicopter flights evacuated the sprawling American Embassy compound in Kabul, ferrying American diplomats and Afghan Embassy workers to the Kabul military airport. At the civilian airport next door, Afghans wept as they begged airline workers to put their families on outbound commercial flights even as most were grounded in favor of military aircraft.



flat-footed本义表示“平足的”,可以指“拖着脚走的,蹒跚而行的”(moving in an awkward way);此处,catch sb flat-footed表示“令某人猝不及防,措手不及的”,英文解释为“to surprise someone so that they cannot do something in the way they ought to”举个🌰:

He were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way.



hastily /ˈheɪstɪli/ 表示“匆忙地;急速地;慌忙地”,英文解释为“said or done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought”。


表示“疏散; 使…撤离”,英文解释为“To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area.”举个🌰:

They were planning to evacuate the ten officials still in the country.



表示“蔓延的;杂乱无序伸展的”,英文解释为“spreading in an untidy way”如:a modern sprawling town 一座杂乱无序拓展的现代城镇。


常见含义表示“化合物”,英文解释为“a substance formed by a chemical reaction of two or more elements in fixed amounts relative to each other”举个🌰:

Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.


📍此处熟词僻义,表示“(围起来的)场地,楼群,院落”,英文解释为“an area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings”


表示“(尤指定期)渡运;运送”,英文解释为“to transport people or goods in a vehicle, especially regularly and often”举个🌰:

I spend most of my time ferrying the children around.



表示“哭泣,流(泪)”,英文解释为“to cry tears”举个🌰:

People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced.



1)表示“使停飞;阻止…起飞”,英文解释为“to prevent an aircraft from taking off”举个🌰:

All planes out of Tehran have been grounded by the accident.


2)表示“(使)搁浅,触海底”,英文解释为“when a boat grounds or sth grounds it, it touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move”举个🌰:

The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Tehran.


Amid occasional bursts of gunfire, the whump of American Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters overhead drowned out the thrum of traffic as the frenzied evacuation effort unfolded. Below, Kabul's streets were jammed with vehicles as panic set off a race to leave the city.


whump & thrum

等同于whomp /wɑːmp/,拟声词,指的轰隆声;thrum /θrʌm/类似的,指嗡嗡声,连续低沉的声音,如:the thrum of refrigeration motors 制冷机低沉的嗡嗡声。

drown sth out

表示“(噪音)盖过,淹没”,英文解释为“If a loud noise drowns out another noise, it prevents it from being heard.”


字面意思就是“打开;展开;摊开”,也可以指形势或故事的“发展,展现,呈现,披露”,英文解释为“If a situation or story unfolds, it develops or becomes clear to other people.”举个🌰:

As the plot unfolds, you gradually realize that all your initial assumptions were wrong.


The toll of war fell heavily on Afghan armed forces in recent years. But no amount of American training and matériel — at a cost of $83 billion — was sufficient to create a security force willing to fight and die for a besieged nation that American forces were leaving behind. Public declarations by, first, President Donald J. Trump and then President Biden calling for a quick and total troop pullout sent morale plummeting across Afghanistan.

近年来,阿富汗武装部队的战争伤亡惨重。但是美国830亿美元的培训与物资也不足以创建一支安全部队,使他们愿为被这个遭受围困且被美国武装部队抛弃的国家战斗和牺牲。从唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)总统到拜登总统,他们呼吁迅速全面撤军的公开声明令整个阿富汗的士气直线下降。


1)表示“(道路或桥梁)收费;通行费”,英文解释为“A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use.”举个🌰:

Most people who drive the toll roads don't use them every day.


2)表示“(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数”,英文解释为“A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.”举个🌰:

There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.


Prepaid tolls only/ Pay toll

no amount of ...

表示“即使再大(或再多)的…(也不)”,英文解释为“used for saying that something will never be enough to have an effect”举个🌰:

No amount of money can make up for their loss.



besiege /bɪˈsiːdʒ/ 表示“围攻;围困”,英文解释为“to surround a place, especially with an army, to prevent people or supplies getting in or out”举个🌰:

The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted the aggressors.



morale /mɒˈrɑːl/ 表示“士气”,英文解释为“the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time”如:to boost/raise/improve morale 鼓舞/提高士气;增强信心。


plummet /ˈplʌmɪt/一词又来了,最近一次在《纽约时报》这头版,“爆表”了文中就提到过,表示“(数量、比率、价格)暴跌”,英文解释为“If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount.”举个🌰:

In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day.


📍瑞幸咖啡怎么了?文中也出现过,CNBC的标题Shares of China's Luckin Coffee plummet 80% after investigation finds COO fabricated sales 中国瑞幸咖啡的股价暴跌80%,就用到了plummet这个词。


📍slump表示“(价值等)暴跌”,英文解释为“If something such as the value of something slumps, it falls suddenly and by a large amount.”举个🌰:

Net profits slumped by 25%.


📍tank,熟词僻义,作名词是坦克的意思,作动词有“表现得很糟糕,快速减少,衰落,下跌”的含义,英文解释为“If something such as a stock price or a movie tanks, it performs very badly, for example because it loses a lot of money.”举个🌰:

Tech stocks have tanked.


In Washington, the speed of the collapse took the Biden administration by surprise, officials said — and left it with the realization that Mr. Biden will go down in history as the president who presided over a humiliating final act in a long and bedeviled American chapter in Afghanistan.


go down

表示“被记住;被记下;载入”,英文解释为“to be remembered or recorded in a particular way”举个🌰:

Hurricane Katrina will go down in the record books as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers.


preside over sth

表示“掌管;主持(尤指正式会议或审判)”,英文解释为“to be in charge of a situation or place”。

Now, Afghans suddenly face the prospect of complete domination by the Taliban again. In areas the insurgents have recently conquered, there is no sign they have turned away from the harsh Islamist code and rule by intimidation that characterized their government in the 1990s.



表示“占领;攻取;征服;击败”,英文解释为“to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force”举个🌰:

The Spanish conquered the New World in the 16th century.



1)表示“令人不快的;严酷的;(无端地)严厉的”,英文解释为“unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary”如:harsh criticism 严厉的批评。

2)表示“刺眼的;刺耳的;过于强烈的”,英文解释为“too strong, bright, loud, etc.”如:harsh lighting 刺眼的光线。


code表示“法典,法规;行为准则,道德规范”,英文解释为“a set of rules, laws, or principles that tell people how to behave”,如:fire code可以解释为消防规范,消防法规,highway code (英国)交通规则。

In the center of Kabul, people began painting over advertisements and posters of women at beauty salons, already fearing the return of the Taliban's traditional bans against images of humans and against women appearing in public unveiled.



In the center of Kabul, people began painting over advertisements and posters of women at beauty salons, already fearing the return of the Taliban's traditional bans against images of humans and against women appearing in public unveiled.

📍主句:people began painting (over advertisements and posters of women at beauty salons)

📍fearing 现在分词作状语,担心什么呢?担心的内容:the return of the Taliban's traditional bans.

再具体讲禁令的内容,两方面:1)bans against images of humans;2)bans against women appearing in public [unveiled]. 女性出现在公共场所[不戴面纱].


salon表示“(提供服务的)厅,院,室,店;(尤指)美容院,美发厅,时装店”,英文解释为“a shop where you can get a particular service, especially connected with beauty or fashion”,如:a beauty salon 美容院,a hairdressing/hair salon 美发厅。


1)表示“ 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔”,英文解释为“to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time”举个🌰:

She unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.


2)表示“(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众”,英文解释为“to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time”举个🌰:

They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.


🎬电影《复仇者联盟1》(The Avengers)中的台词提到:We look beyond the Earth to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil. 而我们则放眼地球之外 那些将被宇宙魔方开启的更广博的世界。

🎬电影《超人高校》(Sky High)中的台词提到:We can't unveil the Stronghold Three without Will. 我们不能在威尔(Will)不在场时 向大家介绍斯特朗霍德三侠(Stronghold Three)。

As darkness fell over Kabul, the United States Embassy warned Americans still in Kabul to shelter in place rather than trying to reach the airport. Witnesses at the civilian domestic terminal said they were hearing occasional gunshots nearby. Thousands of people had crammed into the terminal and filled the parking lots, desperately seeking flights out.



表示“塞满;塞进;挤入”,英文解释为“to force a lot of things into a small space”举个🌰:

Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.


Inside the walled Green Zone in central Kabul, armored cars packed with diplomats, aid workers and private security contractors rushed to the American military command's fortified compound near the embassy to be airlifted to Hamid Karzai International Airport. Others flocked to the Serena Hotel, a tightly secured hotel popular among foreigners.

在喀布尔市中心被围墙包围的绿区内,装甲车(armored cars)满载着外交官、援助人员和私人安全承包商,冲向美军司令部在大使馆附近戒备森严的大院,准备将他们空运到哈米德·卡尔扎伊国际机场(Hamid Karzai International Airport)。还有一些人涌向塞雷纳酒店,那是一家戒备森严的酒店,很受外国人的欢迎。


表示“(尤指为防御而)加强,增强”,英文解释为“to make something stronger, especially in order to protect it”如:a fortified town设防的城镇,举个🌰:

The argument had fortified her resolve to prove she was right.


As American and NATO troops began withdrawing in May, Afghan security forces swiftly collapsed, often surrendering without firing a shot. Many accepted Taliban offers of safe passage and cash, often relayed by village elders, and abandoned weapons and equipment confiscated by the Taliban.



1)表示“放弃;交出”,英文解释为“If you surrender something you would rather keep, you give it up or let someone else have it, for example after a struggle.”举个🌰:

She had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property.


2)表示“投降;屈服”,英文解释为“If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten.”举个🌰:

The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police.



confiscate /ˈkɒnfɪˌskeɪt/ 表示“没收”,英文解释为“If you confiscate something from someone, you take it away from them, usually as a punishment.”举个🌰:

The law has been used to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.


Early in the day, senior Afghan politicians were seen boarding planes at Kabul airport. Bagram Air Base was captured by Taliban forces midday on Sunday, as was the provincial town of Khost in eastern Afghanistan, according to Afghan news media reports.

当天早些时候,有人看到一些阿富汗政界要人在喀布尔机场登机。据阿富汗新闻媒体报道,周日中午,巴格拉姆空军基地(Bagram Air Base)和阿富汗东部的省城霍斯特(Khost)都被塔利班部队占领。

It was only eight days ago that a remote provincial capital, Zaranj, in the far west, became the first to fall to the Taliban. Since then, one provincial capital after another has collapsed as the American-trained Afghan security forces surrendered, deserted or simply stripped off their uniforms and fled. Taliban videos showed militants driving American Humvees and waving M-16 rifles in the conquered cities.



1)表示“除去,剥除,撕掉(外皮或表层)”,英文解释为“to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something”举个🌰:

The paintwork was so bad that we decided to strip off all the paint and start again.


2)strip/strip off表示“脱衣服;脱光…的衣服”的意思,英文解释为“to remove your clothing, or to remove all the clothing of someone else”,举个🌰:

Suddenly he stripped off and ran into the sea.


At the Kabul airport on Sunday, two Marines standing on the tarmac acknowledged that they were living a moment of history. A little earlier, they said, they saw someone exit a helicopter while cradling a poorly folded American flag: It had just been lowered from the shuttered embassy compound.



tarmac /ˈtɑːmæk/ 本义是指“(铺路用的)柏油碎石”,可以指“柏油碎石地面”,也特指“铺有柏油碎石的飞机跑道/停机坪”,英文解释为“an area covered in tarmac, especially the area in an airport where aircraft land and take off”举个🌰:

Journalists waited on the tarmac to question him.



表示“(尤指用手臂)轻托,轻抱”,英文解释为“to hold something or someone gently, especially by supporting with the arms”。








- 那年今日 -

2020 特朗普弟弟去世

2019 韩国男厕所掀起贴眼睛活动

2018 一首《凉凉》送给85度C

2017 多少钱才能撑起一个孩子的暑假?

2016 你知道香蕉的起源和传播历史吗?

2015 54人搭乗機、行方不明


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