1. What primary sentiment did Cheems bring to his audience, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic?
a. Despair and sadness.
b. Humor and light-heartedness.
c. Nostalgia and melancholy.
d. Enlightenment and knowledge.
a. Cheems' condition was extremely rare.
b. Shiba Inus are not typically prone to leukemia.
c. Larger dog breeds have shorter life expectancies than Shiba Inus.
d. Cheems had a genetic predisposition to leukemia.
Who was Cheems and how did the viral dog die?
From: The Sun
FANS of social media sensation Cheems have been left devastated by the dog's death.
The adorable pooch had been keeping his followers entertained ever since he first went viral over a decade before his passing.
What is the Cheems dog meme?
The Cheems dog memes are a popular type of meme on social media that feature pictures or animations of Cheems.
They are part of the group of Ironic Doge Memes, which feature dogs in strange and funny situations.
A photo of Cheems first went viral online in the early 2010s, leading to the dog gaining a following on many social media platforms.
An example of a Cheems memes is the "swole dog" meme.
Who was the Cheems dog?
Cheems was a Shibu Inu whose real name was Balltze.
The adorable dog was often referred to as "Ball Ball" by his owners on social media.
Cheems' owners regularly kept his Instagram followers up to date with his actions, posting adorable pictures of the dog and also keeping them informed about his health battle.
Is Cheems dead?
Sadly, in August 2023, it was confirmed that Cheems has died.
The beloved pooch was aged 12 when he passed away during surgery.
On his official Instagram, his owner posted: "Please don't be sad, please remember the joy that Balltze brought to the world.
"A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face connecting you and me, he has helped many people during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many of you, but now his mission has completed.
"I believe he is running freely in the sky and having a lot of delicious food with his new friends. He will always be inside my heart. I hope he can continue to bring joy to everyone in the online world, that’s my only humble request."
How did Cheems die?
Cheems died during an operation, their owner confirmed on Instagram.
He was receiving thoracentesis surgery, which is a procedure that is performed to remove fluid from the thoracic cavity.
Cheems battled leukemia before his death.
Leukaemia is a kind of cancer which is more present in bigger dog breeds but can impact any animal.
Cheem's breed, Shiba Inus, have an average life expectancy of between 12 to 15 years.
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Who was Cheems and how did the viral dog die?
From: The Sun
FANS of social media sensation Cheems have been left devastated by the dog's death.
1)表示“轰动;哗然;引起轰动的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise”举个🌰:The band became a sensation overnight. 一夜之间,这支乐队名声大振。
📍此前,戳爷Troye Sivan被传已分手数月?文中出现过,pop sensation可以理解为“流行巨星”,“流行天王”。还有,63岁中国爷爷成油管网红文中标题就是Master carpenter's ancient Chinese skills are a YouTube sensation.
2)作可数名词,还可以表示“感觉;知觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that you get when sth affects your body”如:a tingling/burning sensation 刺痛/烧灼的感觉。
3)作不可数名词,可以表示“感觉能力;知觉能力”,英文解释为“the ability to feel through your sense of touch”举个🌰:She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms. 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。
🎬电影《困在爱中》(Stuck in Love)中的台词提到:I was overcome by the oddest sensation. 我像是被一种怪异的冲动(感觉)驱使着。
1)表示“(极度)不安的,混乱的,震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely upset and shocked”举个🌰:His family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。
2)表示“被彻底摧毁的;毁灭的”,英文解释为“completely destroyed”举个🌰:Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains. 数千人已经离开完全被毁的村庄,逃进了山里。
📍devastate /ˈdɛvəˌsteɪt/ 本身可以作动词,表示“严重破坏;彻底摧毁”,英文解释为“If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.”
The adorable pooch had been keeping his followers entertained ever since he first went viral over a decade before his passing.
adorable /əˈdɔː.rə.bəl/ 表示“可爱的;讨人喜欢的”,英文解释为“used to describe people or animals that are easy to love because they are so attractive and often small”举个🌰:She has the most adorable two-year-old girl. 她两岁的小女儿真是可爱极了。
pooch /puːtʃ/ 表示“狗”,英文解释为“a dog”如:a pampered pooch 被过分呵护的狗。
表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。
📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.
What is the Cheems dog meme? “Cheems”狗狗表情包是什么?
The Cheems dog memes are a popular type of meme on social media that feature pictures or animations of Cheems.
meme (/ˈmiːm/ )是指在同一个文化氛围中,人与人之间传播的思想、行为或者风格,音译为媒母、米姆、谜米、弥母,又名模因、拟子等。
其实「meme」指的就是在网上迅速传播,流行起来的一些概念(或图像、视频等)等东西,可以直接解释成我们常说「梗」、「段子」、「表情包」,词典中定义为:a type of behaviour that is passed from one member of a group to another, not in the genesbut by another means such as people copying it;举个🌰:Take a look at the top ten internet memes for this past year. 看一下去年互联网上的十大梗。
表示“动画;动画片”,英文解释为“moving images created from drawings, models, etc. that are photographed or created by a computer”。
📍anime表示“(日本的)动画片”,英文解释为“Japanese films made using characters and images that are drawn rather than real, or one of these films”。
They are part of the group of Ironic Doge Memes, which feature dogs in strange and funny situations.
它们属于讽刺狗狗表情包(Ironic Doge Memes)系列,这些表情包都描绘了在各种搞笑和奇异场景中的狗狗。
表示“具有讽刺意味的;出乎意料的;令人啼笑皆非的”,英文解释为“interesting, strange, or funny because of being very different from what you would usually expect”举个🌰:It is ironic that although many items are now cheaper to make, fewer people can afford to buy them. 具有讽刺意味的是,虽然如今很多物品的制作成本下降了,但能买得起的人却少了。
feature 1)作名词,原意表示“特色;特征;特点,功能”,英文解释为“something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing”,此前在iOS 14来了!文中就出现了多次的feature,介绍iOS 14各种新功能,新特点,举个🌰:Which features do you look for when choosing a car? 你挑选轿车时要着重哪些特点?
2)feature = feature film表示“(电影)故事片,正片”,英文解释为“a film that is usually 90 or more minutes long”
3)feature作动词,表示“以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成”,英文解释为“to include a particular person or thing as a special feature”,作动词往往可以理解为“有...”(功能/特色),举个🌰:Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. 小册子列举的多家旅馆都有周末假日特别优待。The film features Cary Grant as a professor. 这部电影由卡里·格兰特饰演一位教授。
📍在英文歌中会经常看到这种说法,xxxa feat. xxxb,此处feat.实际上就是feature的缩写,大概意思是歌曲中穿插另外一个人的演唱或表演,xxxa和xxxb共同演绎,合作演出。据百度百科,feat.的是后面这个歌手(或者组合)他在这首单曲里面或者这张专辑里面并不是主角,前面那个人才是这首歌的灵魂或者主人。
A photo of Cheems first went viral online in the early 2010s, leading to the dog gaining a following on many social media platforms.
An example of a Cheems memes is the "swole dog" meme.
非正式用法,swole是俚语,来源于swollen(肿胀的),在健身和体育文化中,它通常用来描述一个人非常肌肉发达或身体非常健壮。当人们说某人get swole或is swole,是指这个人进行了大量的健身训练,使其肌肉显著增长。简而言之,swole是指肌肉大和强壮的。
Who was the Cheems dog? Cheems狗狗是谁?
Cheems was a Shibu Inu whose real name was Balltze.
Cheems是一只柴犬(Shibu Inu),本名叫Balltze。
The adorable dog was often referred to as "Ball Ball" by his owners on social media.
这只可爱狗狗的主人经常在社交媒体上亲切地称它为“Ball Ball”。
Cheems' owners regularly kept his Instagram followers up to date with his actions, posting adorable pictures of the dog and also keeping them informed about his health battle.
1)作名词,表示“职位,职务”,英文解释为“a job in a company or organization”举个🌰:Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper. 星期二的报纸上有招聘教师的广告。
📍二〇二一年新年贺词中提到“顽强不屈的坚守”时,原句:holding posts with tenacity. 其中posts指的是岗位,(坚守)岗位。
📍二〇二三年新年贺词:每个人都不容易中提到:Officials and the general public, particularly medical professionals and community workers, have bravely stuck to their posts through it all. 广大干部群众特别是医务人员、基层工作者不畏艰辛、勇毅坚守。
2)此外,经常在网上冲浪的就比较熟悉,post除了作名词,表示“网站上公布的信息;帖子”,英文解释为“something such as a message or picture that you publish on a website or using social media”,也可以作动词,表示“(在网站上)公布,发布(信息);发(帖)”,英文解释为“to publish something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:Lots of friends have commented on my post. 很多小伙伴给我的帖子评论了。
3)作动词,表示“公布(公司)财务结果”,英文解释为“to announce a company's financial results”举个🌰:The oil company posted profits of $25.1 billion. 石油公司公布利润为251亿美元。
Is Cheems dead? Cheems去世了吗?
Sadly, in August 2023, it was confirmed that Cheems has died.
The beloved pooch was aged 12 when he passed away during surgery.
beloved /bɪˈlʌv.ɪd/ 表示“钟爱的;深受喜爱的”,英文解释为“loved very much by sb; very popular with sb”如:the deep purple flowers so beloved by artists 受艺术家青睐的深紫色花。
表示“外科手术”,英文解释为“the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part”举个🌰:The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart. 这位病人接受了心脏外科手术。
On his official Instagram, his owner posted: "Please don't be sad, please remember the joy that Balltze brought to the world.
"A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face connecting you and me, he has helped many people during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many of you, but now his mission has completed.
"I believe he is running freely in the sky and having a lot of delicious food with his new friends. He will always be inside my heart. I hope he can continue to bring joy to everyone in the online world, that’s my only humble request."
humble /ˈhʌm.bəl/ 1)表示“谦虚的,谦逊的”,英文解释为“not proud or not believing that you are important”举个🌰:He's very humble about his success. 他对自己的成功十分谦虚。
2)表示“普通的,不起眼的”,英文解释为“ordinary; not special or very important”举个🌰:At that time she was just a humble mechanic. 那时她只是个不起眼的技工。
How did Cheems die? Cheems是怎么去世的?
Cheems died during an operation, their owner confirmed on Instagram.
He was receiving thoracentesis surgery, which is a procedure that is performed to remove fluid from the thoracic cavity.
thoracentesis /ˌθɔːrəkəʊsɛnˈtiːsɪs/ 等于 thoracocentesis 表示“胸腔穿刺术”,英文解释为“the surgical puncture of the pleural cavity using a hollow needle, in order to withdraw fluid, drain blood, etc”
1)表示“程序;步骤;常规”,英文解释为“a set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something”举个🌰:The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints. 公司采取了新程序处理投诉事宜。
2)表示“医疗处理;手术”,英文解释为“a medical operation”举个🌰:It's a routine/standard surgical procedure. 这是一个普通的外科手术。
fluid /ˈfluː.ɪd/ 表示“液体;流质”,英文解释为“a substance that flows and is not solid”举个🌰:If you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluids. 如果发烧,应多喝流质。
作形容词,表示“流畅的”,英文解释为“smooth and continuous”如:fluid movements 流畅的动作。
thoracic /θəˈræs.ɪk/ 表示“(人或动物)胸的”,英文解释为“in humans and animals, relating to chest”如:thoracic surgery 胸腔手术。
cavity /ˈkæv.ə.ti/ 1)表示“空隙;洞;腔”,英文解释为“a hole, or an empty space between two surfaces”举个🌰:The gold was hidden in a secret cavity. 金子藏在一个隐秘的洞穴里。
2)表示“(身体内的)腔”,英文解释为“a hollow space in an organ or body part”如:the upper nasal cavity 鼻腔上部。
Cheems battled leukemia before his death.
英式 leukaemia /luːˈkiː.mi.ə/ 美式 leukemia 表示“白血病”,英文解释为“a serious disease in which the body produces too many white blood cells”
Leukaemia is a kind of cancer which is more present in bigger dog breeds but can impact any animal.
作名词,breed /briːd/ 表示“(动植物的)品种,种”,英文解释为“a particular type of animal or plant”如:a breed of dog 某个品种的狗。
作动词,breed的过去式 bred 过去分词 bred,1)表示“(为育种目的)饲养”,英文解释为“to keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals in a controlled way”举个🌰:Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts. 交配繁殖梗狗是为了保持它们好斗的本性。
2)表示“(动物)交配繁殖”,英文解释为“(of animals) to have sex and produce young animals”举个🌰:The blackbird, like most birds, breeds in the spring. 乌鸫和大多数鸟一样是在春天繁殖。
3)表示“招致,导致”,英文解释为“to cause something to happen, usually something bad”举个🌰:Favouritism breeds resentment. 偏袒招致怨恨。
Cheem's breed, Shiba Inus, have an average life expectancy of between 12 to 15 years.
life expectancy
life expectancy /ˈlaɪf ɪkˌspek.tən.si/ 表示“预期寿命”,英文解释为“the length of time that a living thing, especially a human being, is likely to live”举个🌰:Life expectancy in Europe increased greatly in the 20th century. 欧洲人的预期寿命在20世纪大幅增长。
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