

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,一位叫阿木爷爷(Grandpa Amu)的老木匠在油管火了,118万粉丝,视频播放量最高达4241万次。



Master carpenter’s ancient Chinese skills are a YouTube sensation


A 62-year-old Chinese man’s traditional carpentry skills are delighting tens of millions of viewers on the internet as he creates intricate toys for his toddler grandson out of nothing more than a single piece of wood, without glue, screws or nails.

Wang Dewen, known as Grandpa Amu on YouTube, has been dubbed a modern day Lu Ban – the legendary woodworker credited in China with the invention of the saw and other tools, who today is regarded as the god of builders.

Wang’s most popular works include a sophisticated folding stool, a model of the China pavilion from the 2010 Shanghai Expo, and an apple-shaped interlocking puzzle, in the style known to enthusiasts around the world as a Lu Ban lock. His young grandson’s favourites are a walking Peppa Pig and a bubble blowing machine.

“Some of them I invented on my own, and some I learned online,” Wang said.

His extraordinary woodworking skills – using the same mortise-and-tenon joints found in the Forbidden City – were developed from the age of nine as a means of supporting his family in the eastern province of Shandong. Wang’s first piece was a cooking pot cover he made for his mother soon after his father died.

“We lived a hard life. There were four kids and my mother simply did not have enough food for us,” he said.

One day, the sweet potatoes Wang’s mother was steaming did not cook all the way through because the lid on the pot was cracked.

“We didn’t have money for a new one, so I asked a relative who was a carpenter how to make one, and he taught me. With my new cover, we had fully cooked sweet potatoes. I was so happy.”

Wang then started learning carpentry from the relative and doing odd jobs for him.

“In the beginning I didn’t get paid. I was a kid. I just asked them to cover my meals in order to save food at home,” he said.

For the next five decades, Wang worked as a farmer and, in the slack season, as a carpenter, making furniture, as well as beams and doors for local building projects.

Two years ago, Wang left Shandong to live with his children in Mengshan county in the autonomous region of Guangxi Zhuang. It was a natural step to turn his breadwinning skills into an opportunity to make all kinds of toys for his young grandson, and it was not long before his son and daughter-in-law decided to video Wang’s efforts.

“We came up with the idea of making the videos because we wanted to bring our rural culture to others and let people learn about these ancient Chinese techniques,” said Huang Chunmei, Wang’s daughter-in-law.

His son, who used to work as an animated video producer, films and edits the clips, which have also included Wang’s cooking on self-built stoves, using locally produced ingredients from the mountains of Guangxi, that have garnered millions of likes.

The videos were first shared on Chinese content platforms Toutiao and Xigua Video, where Gong Shi Dao, as the programme is known in China, is followed by 2.25 million people, and later on YouTube, where the master carpenter has so far attracted nearly 600,000 followers.

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Master carpenter's ancient Chinese skills are a YouTube sensation


A 62-year-old Chinese man’s traditional carpentry skills are delighting tens of millions of viewers on the internet as he creates intricate toys for his toddler grandson out of nothing more than a single piece of wood, without glue, screws or nails.


1)此处表示“轰动;哗然;引起轰动的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise”举个🌰:

News of his arrest caused a sensation.


此前,有的人能从数字里看到颜色?!?文中刚好也出现这个词:Project sensations outside the mind, such as seeing colors floating through the air when they hear sounds.

2)可数名词,表示“感觉;知觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that you get when sth affects your body”,如:a tingling/burning sensation 刺痛/烧灼的感觉。

3)不可数名词,表示“感觉能力;知觉能力”,英文解释为“the ability to feel through your sense of touch”,举个🌰:

She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms.


🎬电影《困在爱中》(Stuck in Love)中的台词提到:I was overcome by the oddest sensation. 我像是被一种怪异的冲动(感觉)驱使着。


carpentry /ˈkɑːpɪntrɪ/ 表示“木工活;木工;木工工艺;木匠活”,英文解释为“Carpentry is the activity of making and repairing wooden things.”



toddler /ˈtɒdlə/ 表示“学步的儿童”,英文解释为“A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps.”举个🌰:

I had a toddler at home and two other children at school.


🎬电影《相助》(The Help)中的台词提到:She's trying to blame it on a toddler. 她想把错赖在小孩子身上。


1)表示“螺钉”,英文解释为“A screw is a metal object similar to a nail, with a raised spiral line around it. You turn a screw using a screwdriver so that it goes through two things, for example, two pieces of wood, and fastens them together.”举个🌰:

Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws.


2)表示“用螺钉固定”,英文解释为“If you screw something somewhere or if it screws somewhere, you fix it in place by means of a screw or screws.”举个🌰:

I had screwed the shelf on the wall myself.


Wang Dewen, known as Grandpa Amu on YouTube, has been dubbed a modern day Lu Ban – the legendary woodworker credited in China with the invention of the saw and other tools, who today is regarded as the god of builders.


表示“把…戏称为;给…起绰号;把…称为”,英文解释为“to give sb/sth a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way举个🌰:

The Belgian actor Jean Claude Van Damme has been dubbed ‘Muscles from Brussels’.

比利时演员Jean Claude Van Damme被戏称为“布鲁塞尔的肌肉”。


表示“认为是…的功劳;把…归于”,英文解释为“to believe or say that sb is responsible for doing sth, especially sth good”举个🌰:

The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.



1)作名词,表示“锯”,英文解释为“A saw is a tool for cutting wood, which has a blade with sharp teeth along one edge. Some saws are pushed backward and forward by hand, and others are powered by electricity.”

2)作动词,表示“锯”,英文解释为“If you saw something, you cut it with a saw.”举个🌰:

He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell.


3)作名词,还可以表示“格言”,英文解释为“a wise saying, maxim, or proverb”。

Wang's most popular works include a sophisticated folding stool, a model of the China pavilion from the 2010 Shanghai Expo, and an apple-shaped interlocking puzzle, in the style known to enthusiasts around the world as a Lu Ban lock. His young grandson's favourites are a walking Peppa Pig and a bubble blowing machine.

pavilion /pəˈvɪljən/

1)表示“(为举行户外活动而搭建的诸如帐篷的)大的临时建筑物”,英文解释为“ pavilion is a large temporary structure such as a tent that is used at outdoor public events.”如:heading across the beautiful green lawn toward the International Pavilion穿过美丽的绿草坪前往国际展篷。

2)表示“亭子”,英文解释为“A pavilion is an ornamental building in a garden or park.”举个🌰:

Despite persistent rain showers, the lawn and pavilion were packed with fans.



表示“智力问题 (或游戏、玩具);拼图;拼板玩具”,英文解释为“a picture printed on cardboard or wood, that has been cut up into a lot of small pieces of different shapes that you have to fit together again”。

“Some of them I invented on my own, and some I learned online,” Wang said.

His extraordinary woodworking skills – using the same mortise-and-tenon joints found in the Forbidden City – were developed from the age of nine as a means of supporting his family in the eastern province of Shandong. Wang’s first piece was a cooking pot cover he made for his mother soon after his father died.



A mortise (or mortice) and tenon joint connects two pieces of wood or of other material. Woodworkers around the world have used it for thousands of years to join pieces of wood, mainly when the adjoining pieces connect at right angles.

“We lived a hard life. There were four kids and my mother simply did not have enough food for us,” he said.

One day, the sweet potatoes Wang's mother was steaming did not cook all the way through because the lid on the pot was cracked.


表示“盖子”,英文解释为“A lid is the top of a box or other container which can be removed or raised when you want to open the container.”举个🌰:

She lifted the lid of the box and displayed the contents. 


“We didn’t have money for a new one, so I asked a relative who was a carpenter how to make one, and he taught me. With my new cover, we had fully cooked sweet potatoes. I was so happy.”

Wang then started learning carpentry from the relative and doing odd jobs for him.

odd jobs

表示“零散的工作;杂活;零活儿”,英文解释为“small jobs of various types”如:to do odd jobs around the house 在家里干杂活。

🎬电影《鹰眼》(Eagle Eye)中的台词提到:Did odd jobs here and there. 到处打零工。

“In the beginning I didn't get paid. I was a kid. I just asked them to cover my meals in order to save food at home,” he said.


熟词僻义,表示“足够支付;足以支付;够付”,英文解释为“to be enough money to pay for something”举个🌰:

The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials.


🎬电影《朱莉与朱莉娅》(Julie And Julia)中的台词提到:BareIy enough to cover the costof the food, but who cares?几乎还不够食物的成本 但谁在乎呢?

For the next five decades, Wang worked as a farmer and, in the slack season, as a carpenter, making furniture, as well as beams and doors for local building projects.

slack season

slack season 淡季,slack作形容词,表示“萧条的;冷清的;清淡的”,英文解释为“not having many customers or sales; not busy”。


表示“梁”,英文解释为“A beam is a long thick bar of wood, metal, or concrete, especially one used to support the roof of a building.”

Two years ago, Wang left Shandong to live with his children in Mengshan county in the autonomous region of Guangxi Zhuang. It was a natural step to turn his breadwinning skills into an opportunity to make all kinds of toys for his young grandson, and it was not long before his son and daughter-in-law decided to video Wang’s efforts.


表示“养家糊口;挣饭吃的”,英文解释为“The earning of a household's primary income.”

📍常用:breadwinner,负担家计的人;养家糊口的人(a person who supports their family with the money they earn)

🎬电影《黄铜茶壶》(The Brass Teapot)中的台词提到:This is the first time I've been the breadwinner. It feels good. 这是我第一次赚钱养家 感觉不错。

“We came up with the idea of making the videos because we wanted to bring our rural culture to others and let people learn about these ancient Chinese techniques,” said Huang Chunmei, Wang's daughter-in-law.

His son, who used to work as an animated video producer, films and edits the clips, which have also included Wang's cooking on self-built stoves, using locally produced ingredients from the mountains of Guangxi, that have garnered millions of likes.

The videos were first shared on Chinese content platforms Toutiao and Xigua Video, where Gong Shi Dao, as the programme is known in China, is followed by 2.25 million people, and later on YouTube, where the master carpenter has so far attracted nearly 600,000 followers.

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