

新华社/IOC 英语世界 2022-11-06







Welcome to the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. To all our Chinese friends: a very happy new year. Happy New Year! Best wishes for the Year of the Tiger!
This Year of the Tiger is also an Olympic Year. Both the Year of the Tiger and the Olympic Year stand for ambition, courage and strength.今年是虎年,也是奥运年,虎年和奥运年都代表着雄心、勇气和力量。
Today, thanks to this ambition, China is a winter sport country. Well over 300 million people are engaged in winter sports in about 2,000 ski resorts and ice rinks. 如今,正是凭借着这份雄心,中国已是一个冬季运动之国。在中国,有超过3亿人在约2000座滑雪场和溜冰场上参与冬季体育运动。
This extraordinary achievement opens a new era for global winter sport. It will raise the global participation to new levels, benefiting the Chinese people as well as winter sport enthusiasts around the world.中国在冬季运动方面取得的非凡成就,开启了全球冬季运动的新时代,将使全球冬季运动参与度登上新台阶,让中国人民和全球各地的冬季运动爱好者从中受益。
We can only write this new chapter in sporting history, because of our gracious hosts – the Chinese people, whom we thank wholeheartedly for welcoming us all so warmly. Thank you, our Chinese friends!今天,我们之所以能够书写体育运动史的这一全新篇章,要归功于我们热情的东道主,也就是全体中国人民。我衷心地感谢中国人民的热情款待。谢谢你们,中国朋友!
A special thanks goes to all the volunteers. You make us feel at home from the very first moment we arrived. Your smiling eyes are warming our hearts.  Thank you volunteers.我们要特别感谢全体志愿者。从我们抵达的第一刻起,你们就给了我们宾至如归的感受。你们眼中的微笑温暖着我们的心。谢谢你们,志愿者!
Unfortunately, the global pandemic is still a reality for all of us. Therefore, our gratitude is even deeper for the Beijing 2022 Organising Committee, the public authorities and all the Chinese people. Thank you for making these Olympic Winter Games happen – and making them happen in a safe way for everyone.遗憾的是,目前全球疫情仍然是我们要面对的现实,因此,我们要感谢北京冬奥组委、中国政府部门和全体中国人民,感谢你们让本届冬奥会能够举办,感谢你们让所有的人都能够安全地参与本届冬奥会。
We all could only get here because of the countless medical workers, doctors, scientists, everybody in China and around the world who is going beyond the call of duty. Thank you for your outstanding efforts and solidarity.我们之所以能够在这里相聚,得益于中国及世界各地无数的医护人员、科研人员以及所有人员的主动奉献。谢谢你们的辛勤付出与团结协作。
In the same spirit, our heart goes out to all the athletes who because of the pandemic could not make their Olympic dream come true.基于同样的精神,我们也心系所有因疫情而无法实现奥运梦想的运动员们。
Dear fellow Olympians,Your Olympic stage is set.You have arrived here after overcoming so many challenges, living through great uncertainty. But now your moment has come: the moment you have been longing for – the moment we all have been longing for.
Now – your Olympic dream is coming true – in magnificent venues, supported by hundreds of millions of new Chinese winter sport fans. 现在,你们将在中国数亿新冬季运动爱好者的支持下,在恢弘的运动场馆内,实现你们的奥运梦想。
You the Olympic athletes – you will show how the world would look like, if we all respect the same rules and each other.作为奥林匹克运动员,你们将向世人展示,如果我们遵守同一规则,并且彼此尊重,世界将会是怎样的一番景象。
Over the next two weeks you will compete with each other for the highest prize. At the same time, you will live peacefully together under one roof in the Olympic Village. There – there will be no discrimination for any reason whatsoever.在未来的两周时间里,你们将为最高荣誉展开激烈角逐,与此同时,也将在奥运村的同一个屋檐下和谐共处,在奥运村里,不会有任何理由的歧视存在。

In our fragile world, where division, conflict and mistrust are on the rise, we show the world: yes, it is possible to be fierce rivals, while at the same time living peacefully and respectfully together. 我们所在的这个世界是脆弱的,分裂、冲突和猜疑正在日益升级。我们要向世界证明,是的,竞争激烈的对手也能够和平共处、彼此尊重。
This is the mission of the Olympic Games: bringing us together in peaceful competition. Always building bridges, never erecting walls. Uniting humankind in all our diversity.这就是奥林匹克运动会的使命,让人们在和平竞争当中团结一心。奥运会总是搭建沟通的桥梁,绝不会筑起一道道高墙。奥运会让我们保留多样性的同时,把我们团结在一起。
This mission is strongly supported by the United Nations General Assembly. It adopted the Olympic Truce Resolution by consensus of all 193 UN Member States. The resolution explicitly mentions you, the Olympic athletes, welcoming how you promote peace and human understanding through the Olympic ideal.这一崇高使命,得到了联合国大会的强力支持。联合国大会以193个会员国全体协商一致通过了《奥林匹克休战决议》。决议当中明确提到了奥林匹克运动员,感谢你们借助奥林匹克理想,促进世界和平与人类的相互理解。
In this Olympic spirit of peace, I appeal to all political authorities across the world: observe your commitment to this Olympic Truce. Give peace a chance.本着奥林匹克和平精神,我呼吁全球各国政府,遵守你们对奥林匹克休战的承诺,给和平一个机会。

Dear athletes, we all are standing with you. We all are supporting you. We all are cheering you on.亲爱的运动员们,我们与你们站在一起,我们都在支持着你们,我们都在为你们加油喝彩!
May this encourage you to go faster, to aim higher, to become stronger – together. In this way you will inspire the world in this Olympic Year with the same ambition, courage and strength like the Year of the Tiger.愿这样的支持能够鼓励你们团结一致,共同实现更快、更高、更强。如此一来,你们将在这个奥运年,以虎年的雄心、勇气和力量来鼓舞全世界的人们。















