

51找翻译 2023-06-20



1. 我相信,冬奥期间汇聚起的团结与合作之光必将穿透阴霾和风雨,照亮人类携手前行的未来之路。

I am confident that the light of unity and cooperation created by the Olympic and Paralympic Games will shine through mist and rain, and illuminate the path for humanity to jointly forge ahead into the future.


2. 面对动荡变革的世界,中国始终代表着稳定性和正能量,始终站在历史前进的正确方向上。

In a world of instability and transformation, China always serves as an anchor for stability and a force for good, and always stands on the right side of history.


3. 中俄关系发展有着清晰的历史逻辑,具有强大的内生动力,两国人民的友谊坚如磐石,双方的合作前景广阔。不管国际风云如何险恶,中俄都将保持战略定力,将新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系不断推向前进。

The China-Russia relationship is grounded in a clear logic of history and driven by strong internal dynamics, and the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples is rock-solid. There is a bright prospect for cooperation between the two sides. No matter how precarious and challenging the international situation may be, China and Russia will maintain strategic focus and steadily advance our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.


4. 我们愿继续用行动告诉每一位海外同胞,无论什么时刻、无论身处何方,你的身边有我们,你的背后是祖国!

With everything we do, we will continue to show every one of our compatriots overseas that we stand with you at all times, wherever you may be, and your motherland will always have your back.


5. 在一个相互依存的全球化时代,中美两个大国如何找到正确相处之道,既是人类社会没有遇到过的课题,也是两国必须共同解开的方程式。

In a globalized and interdependent world, how China and the US find the right way forward and manage to get along is both a new question for humanity and a formulation that must be worked out by China and the US together.


6. 全球发展倡议是继“一带一路”之后,习近平主席提出的又一重大倡议,是对全球发展合作的“再动员”,是对以人民为中心这一核心人权理念的“再确认”。

The GDI is another major initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping after the BRI. It is another clarion call to mobilize global development cooperation, and another endorsement of putting people front and center as a core concept of human rights.


7. 亚太地区不是大国博弈的“棋盘”,东盟国家不是地缘争夺的“棋子”,而是促进地区发展繁荣的重要“棋手”。

The Asia-Pacific should not be a chessboard for major-power rivalry. ASEAN countries are not chess pieces in a geopolitical contest, but are important chess players who will help promote regional development and prosperity.


8. 去年国庆前夕,经过不懈努力,被非法拘押一千多天的孟晚舟女士终于平安回国,一句“如果信仰有颜色,那一定是中国红”,道出了14亿中国人民的共同心声。

On the eve of China’s National Day last year, our unremitting efforts finally paid off and Ms. Meng Wanzhou, who had spent over 1,000 days in illegal detention, was safely back to home. Her remark that “if conviction has a color, it must be red — the color of China” struck a deep chord with her 1.4 billion fellow Chinese.


9. 台湾的前途希望在于两岸关系和平发展,在于实现国家的统一,而不是依靠什么外部的“空头支票”。“挟洋谋独”没有出路,“以台制华”注定失败,台湾终将会回到祖国的怀抱。

Taiwan’s future and hope lies in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and reunification with the mainland, not in counting on the empty promises of external forces. Seeking foreign support to gain independence is a dead end. The scheme to use Taiwan to contain China is doomed to fail. Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland.


10. 我相信,域外的逆流掀不起南海的风浪,外部的干扰挡不住地区合作的步伐。

I am confident that no countercurrents created by outside forces could make waves in the South China Sea, and no external disturbance could stand in the way of regional cooperation. 




State Councilor and Foreign Minister 

Wang Yi Meets the Press



On 7 March 2022, a press conference was held via video link on the margins of the Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People, during which State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign media about China’s foreign policy and external relations.



Wang Yi: Friends from the media, good afternoon. I am very pleased to meet you again. For the world, the year ahead continues to be full of challenges. The world has not completely defeated COVID-19, and yet it is now facing the Ukraine crisis. An international situation already rife with uncertainties is becoming more complex and fluid. At such a critical moment, countries need solidarity, not division; dialogue, not confrontation. As a responsible major country, China will continue to hold high the banner of multilateralism. We will work with all peace-loving and development-seeking countries to strengthen solidarity and cooperation, jointly meet challenges, and continue to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. We will strive together for a brighter and better future for the world. With these words, I’m ready to take your questions.


China Central Television: The Beijing Olympic Winter Games has been a great success, which was not easy under the current international circumstances. Some foreigners say that China has more confidence and strength than it staged the Olympic Games in 2008. What is your view?



Wang Yi: With the joint efforts of China and the international community, the Beijing Olympic Winter Games has achieved a full success. We have presented to the world a streamlined, safe and splendid Games, and a more confident, self-reliant, open and inclusive China. Around 170 official representatives from close to 70 countries and international organizations were at the Opening Ceremony, supporting China with concrete actions. Here, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to friends from all countries that have participated in and supported Beijing 2022.


Beijing 2022 is not only a success for China, but also a success for the world. It represents not just the triumph of sport but, more importantly, the triumph of solidarity. The Games was held amid the spread of Omicron and rising tensions over regional hot-spots. It also faced politically-motivated attempts of disruption and sabotage by a handful of countries. Under such circumstances, it was inspiring to see that the overwhelming majority of countries and people chose to unite under the Olympic spirit, bringing hope to people beset by the pandemic and confidence to a world overshadowed by instability.



As we speak, athletes from around the world are giving their best performance on the winter Paralympic field of play. I am confident that the light of unity and cooperation created by the Olympic and Paralympic Games will shine through mist and rain, and illuminate the path for humanity to jointly forge ahead into the future.


Reuters: Russia’s military action in Ukraine has expanded to non-military targets. Will China do more to help resolve the conflict?



Wang Yi: On the Ukraine issue, China has adopted an objective and impartial attitude. We independently assess the situation and make our position clear on the basis of the merits of the issue.

As a Chinese proverb puts it, it takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice. The situation in Ukraine has become what it is today for a variety of complex reasons. What is needed to solve complex issues is a cool head and a rational mind, not adding fuel to the fire which only intensifies the situation. China believes that to resolve the current crisis, we must uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations (UN) and respect and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. We must adhere to the principle of indivisible security and accommodate the legitimate security concerns of the parties involved. We must settle disputes by peaceful means through dialogue and negotiation. And we must keep in mind the long-term peace and stability of the region and put in place a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture.



As things stand, the international community must make continuous efforts on two priorities.



One priority is to facilitate dialogue for peace. China has made some efforts in this regard and had close communications with the relevant parties. On the second day of the conflict, President Xi Jinping spoke to President Vladimir Putin on the phone and expressed China’s desire to see Russia and Ukraine hold peace talks as early as possible. President Putin responded positively, and Russia and Ukraine have since had two rounds of talks. We hope that the upcoming third round will make further progress. China believes that the more tense the situation, the more important that the talks continue. The wider the disagreement, the greater the need to sit down and have negotiation. China is prepared to continue playing a constructive role to facilitate dialogue for peace and work alongside the international community when needed to carry out necessary mediation.



The other priority is to prevent a massive humanitarian crisis. To this end, China wishes to propose a six-point initiative:



First, make sure that humanitarian operations abide by the principles of neutrality and impartiality, and avoid politicizing humanitarian issues;



Second, give full attention to the displaced persons in and from Ukraine, and provide them with proper shelter; 



Third, ensure the protection of civilians, and prevent secondary humanitarian disasters in Ukraine;



Fourth, provide for safe and smooth humanitarian aid activities, including providing rapid, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access;



Fifth, provide for the safety of foreign nationals in Ukraine, allow them safe departure and help them return to their home countries; and



Sixth, support the UN’s coordinating role in channeling humanitarian aid and the work of the UN Crisis Coordinator for Ukraine.



China will continue its efforts to stem the humanitarian crisis. The Red Cross Society of China will provide Ukraine with a tranche of emergency humanitarian supplies as soon as possible.






《坚持公平正义 推动全球人权事业健康发展》讲话
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