Public Lecture Series- Debates on New Development Knowledge (No.6)主题:推动有效发展的三因素:情境、能力和联盟Topic: Understanding the Politics of Development: Context, Capacity and Coalitions
Moderator: Zhang Chuanhong, Asst. Professor of COHD, Director of Center for International Development Aid Studies, CISSCA, CAU
Speaker: Prof. David Hulme, Executive Director of Global Development Institute, Manchester University
时间:2019年10月31日 09:30-11:30
Time: 09:30-11:30, 31st October, 2019
Venue: Conference Room 240, Minzhu Building, China Agricultural University East Campus
This presentation provides an overview of the findings of the Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre (ESID) a partnership of global universities and research institutes directed from the University of Manchester (www.effective-states.org). It reviews earlier thinking about the politics of development and then introduces ESID’s ‘political settlements +’ analytical framework. Briefly, it presents a number of key findings and concludes with an examination of the three factors that ESID considers essential for getting ‘development to work’: Context, capacity and coalitions. See the ESID website for more details – and open access to the many books that ESID has published with Oxford University Press and others.
戴维·赫尔姆(David Hulme)是曼彻斯特大学发展研究教授,同时也是曼彻斯特大学全球发展研究所执行主任。他在农村发展、全球贫困和减贫、小额信贷、非政府组织、环境管理和社会保护等方面有着30多年的研究经历,并曾在南亚,东非和太平洋等多地有着广泛的工作经验。
【IDT】 从“铁幕”到一带一路——捷克1989年以来经济转型发展之路
【IDT】 坦桑归来话坦桑(三):坦桑尼亚地方政府设置和人员配置