
专著推荐 | 如何研究新媒体话语分析(Bloomsbury系列3卷本)

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Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis

出版时间:10 Mar 2022



主编:Camilla Vásquez


Introducing the key questions and challenges faced by the researcher of digital discourse, this book provides an overview of the different methodological dimensions associated with this type of research. Bringing together a team of experts, chapters guide students and novice researchers through how to conduct rigorous, accurate, and ethical research with data from a wide range of online platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and online dating apps.

Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis focuses on the key issues that any digital discourse analyst must consider, before tackling more specific topics and approaches, including how to work with multilingual or multimodal data. Emphasizing concrete, practical advice and illustrated with plentiful examples from research studies, each chapter introduces a new research dimension for consideration, briefly exploring how other discourse analysts have approached the topic before using an in-depth case study to highlight the main challenges and provide guidance on methodological decision-making. Supported by a range of pedagogical tools, including discussion questions and annotated further-reading lists, this book is an essential resource for students and any researcher new to analyzing digital discourse.


List of Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction, Camilla Vásquez
2. The Role of Theory in Digital Discourse Analysis, Alla Tovares
3. Operationalizing Theoretical Constructs in Digital Discourse Analysis, Scott Kiesling
4. Data Sampling and Digital Discourse, Stephen Pihlaja
5. Data Collection, Preparation, and Management, Ramona Kreis
6. Research Ethics, Caroline Tagg and Tereza Spilioti
7. Digital Tools for Digital Discourse Analysis, Trena Paulus
8. Researching Multilingual Digital Discourse, Carmen Lee
9. Analyzing Multimodal Interactions in Social Media Contexts, Ruth Page
10. Analyzing Online Videos, Aditi Bhatia
11. Cross-Platform Analysis, Marie-Louise Brunner and Stefan Diemer
12. Using Corpus Linguistics to Study Online Data, Ursula Lutzky and Andrew Kehoe
13. Approaching Online Practices through Ethnography, Brook Bolander
14. Reflective Approaches to Analyzing Digital Discourse, Riki Thompson



Contemporary Media Stylistics

主编:Helen Ringrow , Stephen Pihlaja

Published21 Apr 2022




Media discourse is changing at an unprecedented rate. This book presents the most recent stylistic frameworks exploring different and changed forms of media. The volume collates recent and emerging research in the expanding field of media stylistics, featuring a variety of methods, multimodal source material, and a broad range of topics. From Twitter and Zooniverse to Twilight and Mommy Blogs, the volume maps out new intellectual territory and showcases a huge scope, neatly drawn together by leading scholars Helen Ringrow and Stephen Pihlaja.

Contributors write on topics that challenge the traditional notions and conceptualisations of "media" and the consequences of technological affordances for the development of media production and consumption. There is a particular focus on the ways in which contemporary media contexts complicate and challenge traditional media models, and offer new and unique ways of approaching discourse in these contexts.


1. Introduction, Helen Ringrow (University of Portsmouth, UK) and Stephen Pihlaja (Newman University, UK)

2. "Beautiful masterpieces": metaphors of the female body in modest fashion blogs, Helen Ringrow (University of Portsmouth, UK)

3. Wolfing down the Twilight series: metaphors for reading in online reviews, Louise Nuttall (University of Huddersfield, UK and Chloe Harrison (Aston University, UK)

4. The language of citizen science: short strings and 'we' as a group marker, Glenn Hadikin (University of Portsmouth, UK)

5. The pragma-stylistics of 'image macro' internet memes, Jane Lugea (Queen's University Belfast, UK)

6. The stylistics of emoji: an interactional approach, Dwi Noverini Djenar (The University of Sydney, Australia) and Michael Ewing (The University of Melbourne)

7. Rape victims and the law: Victim-blaming and victimisation in reports of rape in the British press, Alessia Tranchese (University of Portsmouth, UK)

8. Changing media representation of Gina-Lisa Lohfink as the icon of the “Nein heißt nein” (no means no)-movement in Germany, Ulrike Tabbert (University of Huddersfield, UK)

9. Child victims of human trafficking and modern slavery in British newspapers, Ilse Ras (University of Leeds, UK)

10. Reader Comments and Right-Wing Discourse in Traditional News Media Websites, Tayyiba Bruce (Newman University, UK)

11. Straight talking honest politics: rhetorical style and ethos in the mediated politics of metamodernity, Sam Browse (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)

12. The aura of facticity: the stylistic illusion of objectivity in news reports, Matt Davies (University of Chester, UK)

13. The style of online preachers, Stephen Pihlaja (Newman University, UK)

14. Conclusion, Caroline Tagg (The Open University, UK)




Stylistic Deceptions in Online News

Journalistic Style and the Translation of Culture

作者:Ashley Riggs

21 Apr 2022




This book demonstrates the central role played by the stylistic features of online news in constructing meaning and shaping cultural representations of people and places – in particular, France and Muslims/Islam. Taking the 2016 violent attack in Nice, France as a case study, Ashley Riggs analyses online news coverage of the attack from the UK, Spain, and Switzerland, three distinct linguistic and cultural spaces. An innovative mixed-methods approach, including content analysis and elements of translation criticism and comparative stylistics, is used to analyse this corpus, revealing the frequency and influence of stylistic devices found in online news and exploring how they help to shape reader interpretations.

Drawing conclusions about journalistic practices by place and interrogating the notions of 'European identity' and 'European journalism', Stylistic Deceptions in Online News reveals how stylistic features may vary according to both political leanings and national and regional contexts, and the influence these features have upon readers.


List of Tables
1. Introduction
2. Terrorism in “European” News: What Role for Translation Studies?
3. Comparing British, Spanish and Swiss Societies: Politics, Social Attitudes, Language and the News
4. Analysis of Stylistic Features in British, Spanish and French-Language Swiss News
5. Comparative Conclusions
6. Stylistic Features of News as a Catalyst for Change? Lessons for Journalism, Translation Studies and “Europe”
Appendix: List of Articles in the Corpus



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