
活动回顾 | 浙江大学中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心正式成立




会议回顾 | 2018年“中世纪与文艺复兴欧洲文学研究青年学者国际研讨会”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开

会议回顾 | 2017年“转折中的早期英国文学研究:青年学者论坛”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开

工作坊回顾 | 中西比较文献学与书籍史研究工作坊在浙江大学紫金港校区成功举办

活动回顾 | 著名莎学家David Scott Kastan教授竺可桢杰出学者讲座暨首次访华圆满成功


Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Established at Zhejiang University

Hangzhou—On December 30, 2016, the unveiling ceremony of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies was held at Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University. Presumably the first of its kind in China, the Center will pursue in-depth study, promote sound scholarship, and serve the society with its fruits of research. After the unveiling ceremony, the Center launched its first lecture presented by its international consultant Professor John Peter Rumrich named “Reading Blood.”

Based in Hangzhou, the Center will, according to its director Professor Hao Tianhu, cherish and inherit the outstanding tradition of early English literary studies in China represented by late Professors Li Funing, Yang Zhouhan, Wang Zuoliang, Bao Lvping, and Fang Zhong. It is expected to upgrade the level of early English and European literature studies at Zhejiang University, contributing thereby to the development of the School of International Studies of the University, which provides a multi-lingual platform with English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish.

The Dean of the School, Professor Cheng Gong, extended his congratulations, expressed his enthusiasm, and pledged his support. He characterized the establishment of the Center as “a significant event both for the University and for the country.” Professor Hao Tianhu gave a passionate speech concerning his feeling of the weight of responsibility associated with directorship. In his formulation, the Center will cultivate a wholesome and vibrant academic community with an international perspective. Chinese scholarship needs to meet the international standard, but it also needs to face the world with due confidence, announced Professor Hao.

The Center aims at better communication in East Asia and the world. East Asian countries like Korea and Japan and the mainline Western countries such as the U.K. and the U.S. have long founded research centers on medieval and Renaissance studies. The newly-opened Center at Zhejiang University will greatly facilitate academic exchanges between China and the world. Fortunately, the Center boasts a strong team of international consultants. In addition to the distinguished Miltonist Professor John Rumrich, current president of Milton Society of America, who was present to witness the unveiling ceremony, Professor Richard Beadle of Cambridge University, the FBA Professor Thomas Corns, Professor Daniel Donoghue of Harvard University, Professor David Scott Kastan of Yale University, Professor Nicholas Koss of Fu Jen University, and Professor Peng Xiaoyu of Peking University have also accepted the invitation to be consultants and sent messages of congratulations and support. Among others, Professor Kastan wrote, “This seems to me a wonderful opportunity to develop links of meaningful cooperation between Chinese and Western scholars of this important period in which China and Europe first became aware of one another.” (See Appendix I)

After the ceremony, Professor Rumrich delivered his lecture “Reading Blood,” chaired by the Center’s honorary director Professor Shen Hong. His attractive lecture concerned Milton’s definition of a good book in Areopagitica as “the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.” The lecture was insightful and inspiring, concluding with a lively discussion between the speaker and the audience, composed of faculty and students of the University and outside it. The Center plans a variety and succession of academic activities in the new year and the years to come, including lectures, conferences, reading sessions, translation series, research monographs, and other publications.

Appendix I: message from Professor Kastan, Yale University

Dear Tianhu, I am very sorry that I cannot upload the video (I am away in a small town in Spain), but I wanted to send my congratulations to you and to the University for the establishment of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the School of International Studies, at Zhejiang University, and also to thank you for including me as part of the Consultant Committee. This seems to me a wonderful opportunity to develop links of meaningful cooperation between Chinese and Western scholars of this important period in which China and Europe first became aware of one another, and I am very much honored to be part of this new project. Both you and the University should be proud of what is a very significant accomplishment, and I look forward to helping in any way I can to ensure the Center’s success.

Warmest regards,


David Scott Kastan

George M. Bodman Professor of Literature and Culture

Yale University

Appendix II: message from Professor Beadle, Cambridge University

Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Zhejiang University

Thank you for your kind invitation to become an honorary consultant to the proposed Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Zhejiang University.

I feel sure that the Centre will prove to be an innovative and productive development for the School of International Studies, and I am honoured to accept an invitation to be associated with it.

Please do not hesitate to let me know how I can be of assistance as the project moves forwards.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Beadle

Richard Beadle, MA DPhil LittD

Professor of Medieval English Literature and Paleography

Faculty of English, University of Cambridge

Fellow in English, St John’s College, Cambridge

Appendix III: message from Professor Corns, FBA

As primarily a Milton scholar, I am acutely aware of the rapidly emerging importance of a proper understanding of that author’s international significance. Indeed, I included a long section on his global reach in my recently published New Companion to Milton (Wiley-Blackwell), to which Professor Tianhu Hao contributed. But that understanding is part of a far wider recognition that the great traditions of literature in English are not the exclusively property of the Anglophone nations but belong, properly, to the peoples of the world.

In this context the establishment by Zhejiang University of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the School of International Studies is a very timely project, which I heartily applaud. I wish it every success.

Thomas N. Corns, FBA

Honored Scholar of the Milton Society of America

Emeritus Professor of English Literature, Bangor University, Wales


  浙江大学外语学院中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心(Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,简称CMRS)于2016年12月30日在杭州成立。作为国内第一家中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心,CMRS的使命是整合研究力量,推进浙江大学的中世纪与文艺复兴研究,搭建中国大陆、海峡两岸和国际学术交流平台,服务中世纪与文艺复兴研究学术共同体。著名学者沈弘教授担任中心名誉主任。CMRS目前出版三套丛书:中世纪与文艺复兴译丛、《中世纪与文艺复兴研究》丛刊和文艺复兴论丛,均由中心主任郝田虎教授主编,浙江大学出版社出版。


