建筑 | 设计师讲述 BIT Sports Center 北京理工大学文体中心
BIT Sport Center, one of the important representative works of Atelier Alter Architecture, was designed and won the bid in 2013, designed for three years, built in 2016 and completed in 2019, has been officially put into use for three years. Won dozens of awards at home and abroad, In 2022, it was selected as one of the 6 award Winning StadiumsThat Take Sport Architecture to the Next by Architizer Level). (“6 Award Winning StadiumsThat Take Sport Architecture to the Next Level” please click "Read the original article")
These sports centers skillfully address these challenges with skill and innovation, setting new standards for what sports facilities can do for their communities. Take inspiration from the unique solutions they have found to this complex design challenge.
The curved roof of the sports center and stadium combines a single double-curvature surface, which forms the entrance to the new CAMPUS of The North Institute of Technology, gently carving a unique space into the Beijing skyline. While drawing inspiration from Leonardo Da Vinci's "flying machine", the flowing horizontal roof form is not merely a reference to the trajectory parabola of engineering experiments -- the research that forms an important area of research at the University of North Technology -- these curved forms occur on the walls of the building.
The design promotes spatial penetration between the two dimensions of the city and the building: through vertically nested functions, or through the space below the elevated seating area of the auditorium to achieve a more open ground floor. This provides approximately 170,000 square feet of athletic space, including a 3,000-seat basketball court, a 10-lane pool, a gym, a martial arts center, and rooms for boxing, taekwondo, table tennis, and more.
Located in Liangxiang, the satellite city of Beijing, the BIT Sports Center, along with the BIT Stadium, framean entrance to the new BIT campus.
建筑主入口 Main entrance
The sports center adds about 15,692 square metersathletic space to the school, includes a 3000 seats basketball stadium, a 10lanes swimming pool, a gymnasium, a martial art space, and rooms for boxing,taekwondo, table tennis, etc.
篮球场 Basketball court
游泳馆 Indoor swimming pool
The swimming pool can be seen from the hall
BIT is a university focused on military science. Theproject continues Leonardo Da Vinci’s dialogue on the interdisciplinarydiscourse between science, architecture and art. After researching on related art and history of material science, the project drawsinspiration from Da Vinci’s flying machine, as well as thegeometry of trajectory parabola widely used in military science.
概念推导 The concept derived
从概念到实景 From concept to action
Accordingly, two sets of parametric surfaces arecreated to suspend in the air as the roof for the building.
屋顶构成 The roof structure
屋顶搭建过程 Roofing process
Three related objects serve as floating roofs
呈弧线形屋面 Curved roof
屋面 Roof
屋顶细节 The roof details
The topological volume framed by the two curve layersare constructed through space frame structurally and covered by standing seamroofing from above and aluminum curtain wall system from below.
屋顶分化 Roof differentiation
细节 Details
曲面结构 Surface structure
屋面和立面 Roof and facade
金属链接屋面和幕墙 Metal links roof and curtain wall
Aluminum are used over roof, cantilever and facade togive a uniform tone to the building and to response to the industrial aestheticin military science.
屋顶细节 The roof details
南立面 South elevation
As the Renaissance man in Da Vinci’s time understoodintellects as polymaths excelled both in body and mind, the BIT sports centeraims for a “multidimensional open campus” that builds students’ body and mindsimultaneously and meanwhile, encourages intercollegiate dialogues amongstudents.
A wider space for communication and interaction
大厅 Hall
By doing that, the architecture creates spatialpermeability in both urban and architecture scales, through plan and section.
Spatial penetration in plane and section
透视剖面 Perspective section
The basketball hall, located at the south east cornerof the building, merges the play field with major artery and street life, whilethe swimming pool at the west is linked to campus central square.
南侧沿街 South along the street
东立面 East elevation
室内流线 Interior streamline
Besides urban scale connections, as the seating forbasketball hall is elevated for one floor, the programs beneath it are allinterconnected and also well connected to the exterior. A horizontal physicaland visual permeability, from street to campus, is established at the groundfloor. An enclosed entrance promenade, cut between swimming pool and basketballhall, connected north and south campuses together. In the section, the top ofbasketball seating at the third floor has a large window overlooking theentrance hall and the swimming pool across the hall, as well as the campusbeyond the swimming pool. At second, third and fourth floors, the programsbehind the swimming pool—taekwondo, table tennis and testing center—all have differentapertures into the swimming pool and also share the skylight from the swimming.With transparent interface, vertical permeability is achieved by nestingprograms within one and another in section.
功能分析 Functional Analysis
负一层平面图 Negative first floor plan
一层平面图 1st Floor Plan
An elevated seat in a basketball arena
舞蹈室 Dance Studio
内置的长廊 Built-in gallery
走廊 Corridor
二层平面图 Second floor plan
三层平面图 3rd Floor Plan
四层平面图图 4th floor plan
Up to now, the Project of Beijing Institute of Technology Cultural and Sports Center has received attention and recognition from all sides, and shines brilliantly on the international stage.
1. 在本项目中,设计团队运用了哪些数字化技术/工具,发挥了怎样的作用?
屋面造型 Roof styling
屋面结构 Roof structure
2. 在项目的不同阶段中,各个团队是如何协作助力项目建成的?
3. 您认为数字化技术在建筑领域有何发展趋势?
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