
硬核 | 驰援意大利,中国防疫翻译志愿者再出发!

防疫翻译志愿者 语言服务 2021-03-17

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At present, while the epidemic situation gradually becomes stable in China, COVID-19 is quietly spreading around the world.  Italy, Iran, South Korea, and other countries were suffering from the virus.  In the face of the severe situation of the epidemic prevention around the world, China National Epidemic Prevention Volunteer Translation Association serves as a bridge for communication between Chinese and foreign epidemic prevention personnel, and actively responds to the world and continued to fight against the epidemic.



On March 8th, the China National Epidemic Prevention Volunteer Translation Association provided Italian and English translation services of donation documents, material certification documents, shipping marks, etc. for Wenzhou Blazing Youth Community to air support Italy. During this period, many volunteers worked day and night, and successfully finished all translation works by the night of March 9th.  In total, they helped 12 donors to translate 13 sets of donation documents and 5 sets of qualification certificates of manufacturers and products, which sped the progress of China’s revitalization campaign to Italy.

At 5:50 a.m. on March 11th,the flight to Italy finally took off at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport. We believe these aid supplies in this difficult time will effectively help Italy prevent the epidemic spread.



In addition, to solve the daily problems of foreign guests in the quarantine area, the China National Epidemic Prevention Volunteer Translation Association provides multilingual translation services for the Foreign Affairs Office of Ouhai District, Wenzhou City. We originally convey the government's policies to the guests and also relay their reasonable demands to the corresponding agencies. We help them communicate barrier-free and feel at home in China.



Recently, the volunteer translation team is working on video subtitle translation. English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Arabic versions of the two videos, COVID-19 Prevention Guide and [CC lecture] Wenhong Zhang: What You Must Know to Keep the Flu at Bay, is coming soon. We hope that it will help people in those countries to stay alert and do an excellent job in epidemic prevention and control. 

The videos will be posted on YouTube after the translation is completed. Let us look forward to it! 


During the days when the disease was rampant, Wenzhou-Kean University Education Foundation and Wenzhou-Kean Youth Volunteer Association formed a volunteer management team and carried out the recruitment of translation volunteers. During this period, our Epidemic Prevention Volunteer Translation Team provided translation assistance in 31 different languages, including German, Italian and Japanese, which helped a large number of foreign companies and overseas Chinese to solve language problems in the global medical materials procurement process and promoted the smooth development of China's epidemic prevention.



We pass rapidly on into the March, to a breezy day with full of vigor.  We shall never give up until the end of the epidemic. We will keep an eye on the development of the world epidemic prevention and control situation, and we are committed to providing more high-quality language translation volunteer services to more people and more countries in the future. Let us work together until the overall victory against the epidemic!


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