

    Although the United Kingdom (UK) has not formally joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), it did not conceal its interest in closer cooperation with China on the initiative. The prospect of leaving the EU may provide the UK a new role in the BRI.

    China Focus以“一带一路”为主题,推出一系列海外知名人物高端访谈,今天推出对英国财政部“一带一路”金融和专业服务特使、前汇丰银行集团主席范智廉的专访。那么,他如何看待一带一路”与英国之间的投资项目?英国在“一带一路”建设中扮演了哪种角色?

    With the theme of Belt and Road construction, China Focus is set to launch a series of high-profile overseas interviews. Today we have an exclusive interview with Douglas Flint, BRI Financial and Professional Services Envoy for HM Treasury, UK, Former Group Chairman of HSBC. How does he view some case projects of the investments related to the BRI in the UK? What kind of role does the UK play in the Belt and Road construction?




    Interviewee: Douglas Flint, BRI Financial and Professional Services Envoy for HM Treasury, UK, Former Group Chairman of HSBC. His comments were provided in a personal capacity

    Interviewer: Xue Li, research fellow at the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

    Location: A Coffee House in London

    China Focus: 在您看来,中国提出“一带一路”倡议的主要原因是什么?

    China Focus: Why do you think China proposed the BRI?


    Douglas Flint:Over the last six years, the BRI has evolved into a much broader initiative to build trade links, promote economic growth, and share economic prosperity through effectively creating a group of nations allied through trade and economic opportunities.


    This concept is now much broader than recreating the original Silk Road in terms of the number of countries involved. I think China has created a vision of the world where, to deliver harmonious growth, the world needs to invest massively in infrastructure to ensure that the population growth that is projected to take place over the next 20 years can be accommodated in a way that is manageable.


    On top of that, I think it is also a recognition that if the world growth needed infrastructure particularly in an unsustainable way, the cost to the whole world will be huge.


    Delivering sustainable economic and trade links is the essence of the BRI.

    China Focus: 您如何评价“一带一路”倡议?

    China Focus: How do you evaluate the BRI?


    Douglas Flint:There is a clear advantage in creating economic growth in countries that would not be able to achieve that growth in the same time frame without the additional support from other countries available through the BRI. If countries like China are prepared to accelerate infrastructure development that enables the recipient economy to add to the prosperity of its citizens and create employment growth, there are demonstrable benefits.


    In aggregate this should create a greater global economy, develop more trade opportunities, and reduce the risk of geopolitical tension because there will be fewer states that cannot support their own communities; this benefit will also reduce the possibility of unsustainable economic migration as people will no longer need to move to seek employment.


    The sustainable execution of the BRI will enhance the green agenda in terms of the Paris Protocol, contributing towards a lower carbon-intense world.


    China is shouldering its responsibility as a major country. Through increasing its involvement in multilateral and super-national bodies, China has a significant role to play in terms of taking more responsibility for many things that are important for the world. President Xi's speech at the World Economic Forum about the benefits of globalization is evidence of this.


    China today is taking the lead in promoting globalization, a position that would have been difficult to imagine 20 years ago. So the BRI is evidence that China is willing to take responsibility and contribute to the prosperity of other countries through promoting trade and investment growth. The BRI is also evidence of China's stated objective to share prosperity and make sure countries that are behind it economically get help to grow, which is in everybody's best interest.

    China Focus: 您怎么看“一带一路”与英国之间的投资项目?

    China Focus: How do you view some case projects of the investments related to the BRI in the UK?

    范智廉:  在我看来,英国将为“一带一路”的成功实施作出重大贡献。我们从中欧班列中受益良多,其中有线路终点在英国,但很多项目并没有在英国实施。目前,大多数正在商议的项目都是在东欧、南亚和非洲这些急需基础设施的地方。

    Douglas Flint:I think the UK can be a major contributor to the success of the BRI but I don’t think many of the projects will end up here although we benefit from the railway links that go from China all the way to Europe, which are in the UK. Most of the projects that are being specified will not take place in the UK but in Eastern Europe, South Asia, and in Africa where the infrastructure is most needed.

    ▲  2019年4月,负责高铁二号线建设的英国国有企业首席执行官马克⋅瑟斯顿飞往北京,和5家中国国有铁路公司代表进行了会谈。

    Mark Thurston, the executive director of the British state-owned enterprise responsible for High Speed Two(HS2), flew to Beijing for talks with representatives of five Chinese state-owned railway companies in April 2019.


    (Xue: It seems that the UK is more positive towards the BRI than other European countries.)


    I think that this is connected with our history. The UK has always had an international outlook through business. The city of London and our legal framework are designed to support international trade and investment. London has always played a major role in attracting international money for international projects. 


    The UK has historic and current connections to most of the countries in the world, one way or the other. During the course of our history, as a commonwealth country and way back into the British Empire where Britain was connected by trade to most countries in the world, there has always been a spirit of adventure directed towards connecting countries and promoting trade.


    If you look at the statements of our political leaders, they emphasize that Britain is going forward as "global Britain".

    China Focus: 您认为英国在“一带一路”建设中扮演了哪种角色?

    China Focus: What kind of role does the UK play in the Belt and Road construction?

    范智廉: 中国建造的基础设施总量已超过其他国家的总和。英国在“一带一路”中的机遇与贡献在于我所说的“构建能力”方面。全世界基础设施建设所需资金数额庞大,中国很难凭一己之力做到全部覆盖。

    Douglas Flint:China has built more infrastructure than the rest of the world put together. The way I describe the UK's opportunity and its contribution is to "build capacity". The amount of money needed to be spent on infrastructure development around the world is beyond even China's ability to do so on its own.


    The UK's traditional skills in the city of London, such as gathering money from all over the world, demonstrating project viability, ensuring proper governance, providing a trusted mechanism for dispute resolution, offering clarity of contract through rule of law, fielding experts, auditing, and so on, are essentially the complete picture of what makes projects attractive to an international community.


    Investors want to know that the only thing they have to evaluate is the project itself and not the risk of failing to get the information they need nor how to resolve contractual disputes. That governance clarity is what the UK's financial and professional service industries do today all over the world.


    The UK working together with China creates the opportunity to build more financial capacity for the BRI than would otherwise be the case.


    Britain is the only country with a dedicated envoy role. In terms of what we are trying to achieve it is, along with China, to create a framework of financing and governance standards to promote international financing capacity for the BRI. The ultimate test of success will be whether the BRI has enabled infrastructure development around the world to be done that would not otherwise have been possible, or was done faster than it would otherwise have been.

    英国前首相特蕾莎·梅于2018年1月访华时清楚表态:英国渴望加强与中国的经济和贸易关系, 积极支持“一带一路”相关的经济与商业倡议。我认为她的访问非常成功。

    I think former Prime Minister Theresa May was very clear on her trip to China in January, 2018 that the UK is keen to build its economic and trade relationships with China and is keen to support the economic and commercial initiatives of the BRI. I think her visit went very well.

    China Focus: 在您看来,“一带一路”对中国的国家形象有哪些影响?

    China Focus: What do you think of the changes in China's national image since the launch of the BRI?


    Douglas Flint:People support the BRI because they believe it is designed to meet its stated objective in terms of promoting trade links, economic growth, and shared prosperity through infrastructure development throughout the world.


    From my perspective, I can see the genuine benefit, both to China and globally, from a major infrastructure push over the next 20 years to cope with demographic population growth and to cope with the social and economic challenges in the weakest countries.


    I think China has to recognize that there will be those who question whether that's the entirety of their motivation. But the only way to address that is through actions. That means making sure the projects are well designed, economically viable, and meet acceptable international standards. In this way people can see evidence that these projects have contributed to the participating countries.

    China Focus:习近平主席将“一带一路”称为“世纪工程”,这意味着需要推进“一带一路”的可持续发展,在您看来,在“一带一路”建设的可持续性方面有什么问题?该如何解决? 

    China Focus: President Xi Jinping referred to the BRI as a "Century Project", which means that it is necessary to promote the sustainable development of the initiative. In your opinion, what is the problem in the sustainability of the Belt and Road construction? How can it be addressed?

    范智廉: 全球对基础设施的需求源源不断。我们可以将目光放在100年之后,但更有必要去关注从现在到2050年这段时间。未来30年,人们需要在充分保护环境的前提下,以一种可持续的方式容纳新出生的大量人口。因此,全球对基础设施的需求将迅速上升。

    Douglas Flint:The need for global infrastructure never ends. So a hundred years is not beyond comprehension. But I think there are more reasons to talk about the period between now and 2050. For the next 30 years, the world has a dramatic need to build economic infrastructure to allow population growth to take place safely and in a sustainable way in terms of the environment.


    Whether the BRI will succeed is not a matter of whether the countries can afford to pay for the infrastructure that has been built, but whether the economic value of the economic ecosystem generated by the infrastructure is more valuable.


    The BRI needs to improve its transparency. There continues to be a lack of understanding in many countries surrounding the BRI. There are still attitudes towards China that are 20 years out of date. You know, many people are astounded when they go to China, when they haven’t been there for a while, when they go to the major cities, they see the progress of high-speed train rail networks and the sheer scale of development that has taken place. They see a vibrant economy. All in all, China has many things that those in the West need to develop a better understanding towards.

    【高端访谈】 凯利·布朗:“一带一路”让我们更好地了解中国

    【高端访谈】 郑永年:“一带一路”基础设施建设应与民生经济更好结合

    【高端访谈】 约瑟夫·奈:不要用“战略对手”来定义中美关系

    【高端访谈】 包天民: “一带一路” 为一些国家提供了新的发展模式






    【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃


    编辑 / 蔡海若

    Editor /  Cai Hairuo

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