







































Unit 5 


Section A

Section A needs 1period. Section A需用1课时。

The main activitiesare 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

. Aims and demands目标要求

1.Master some new words and phrases:

tourist,a number of, fetch, introduce, lie in

2.Learn attributive clauses which use“that”and“which”.

(1)Chinais a great country that has about 5,000 years of history.

(2)It’sa book which introduces China in detail.

(3)It’s Mount Taithat/which lies in Shandong Province.

3.Learn about the geography of China.

4.Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography ofChina.

. Teaching aids教具


. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案

Step 1  Review 第一步 (时间:15分钟)


1. (学生很快谈论一下Myfavorite place is ...,激活他们的英语思维。)

T:  China has a long history. It’s very beautiful.It has many places of interest. What place have

you been to?

S1: I’ve been to Mount Huang.

T:  Do you like it? Why?

S1: I like it very much. The scenery is verybeautiful.

T:  What’s your favorite place?

S2: …

T:  Can you describe it for us?

S2: …

(结对活动,谈论My favorite place is …, 并对其加以描述。)


T:  Have youbeen to the Great Wall?


T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. TheGreat Wall lies in the north of Beijing. Every year many touristsvisit it. It attracts a number of tourists from all over theworld.


lie in→be in

tourist  n.→traveler

attract v.→interest you and make you like it

a  number of→many

T: Now work in groupsof four and talk about your favorite places with the new words and phrases. Youcan say them like this: My favorite place is … It lies in … It attracts many/anumber of tourists …

(然后介绍同组同学Kangkang’s favorite place is …)

T: In our country,many places of interest attract many tourists. And China also has a number ofbeautiful mountains and rivers. Can you say some?


T:  I think a number of students want to know moreabout our country. Now I can fetch you a book. Here“fetch”means“go and bring sth. back”.


fetch v. →go and bring sth.  back

T:  The book is Guide to China. It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/whichintroduces China in detail.


Guide  to China  is a book. The book introduces China in detail.=Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail.


China is a great country. It has about 5, 000 yearsof history./My favorite place is Kunming. It is known as the Spring City./InChina there are many places of interest. They attract millions of tourists fromall over the world every year.



Step 2  Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)


1. (学生合上课本,听1a的录音,准备回答问题,教师可以先把这些问题写在小黑板上。)

T:Now, please close your books and listen to the tape. Prepare to answer thequestions:


(1) How long have Mr. and Mrs.  Green been in China?

(2) How many years of history  does China have?

(3) What mountains appear in  the dialog? What about rivers?

(4) What book can introduce  China in detail?

2. (让学生找出定语从句,教师解释其用法。)

 T: Please find out attributive clauses. Then I will tell you how to usethem.

3. (让学生完成1b,教师抽查。)

T: Fill in the form of1b. Then I will ask some of you to give your answers.

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  (时间:7分钟)


1. (让学生跟录音朗读,两遍后,可让学生脱离课本跟录音朗读,并用/标出定语从句的停顿之处。)

T:  Please listen to the tape and read after it. Pay more attention tothe pronunciation and intonation and the pause of attributive clauses.

2. (让学生根据1b复述1a。)

T:  Please look at 1b and retell 1a.

Step 4  Practice 第四步  (时间:6分钟)


1. (教师展示一幅中国地图,练习定语从句。)

 T:  What place is this?

 Ss: It’s Hefei.

 T:  Where is it?

 Ss: It’s in Anhui Province.

 T:  We can also say this is Hefeiwhich/that lies in Anhui Province.



 T:        OK. Look at the examplein 2, please. Then you can make dialogs after the example while looking at thepictures.

  Ss: …




T:  Please look at 3. After a while, I will playthe tape. Just listen for the first time. For the second time, you can listenand write down the answers.


1. (由五岳名山过渡到学生家乡的山、水、人。)

T:  We all know, Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Mount Heng,Mount Song are in different areas. They also have their own special scenery.What about your hometown? Where is it? Are there any beautiful mountains orfamous rivers?


2. T:  Let’s describe our hometown. The information on the blackboard canhelp you.

Direction: east, west, north,  south …

Scenery: (mountains,  rivers)  beautiful, long, clear, high, green …

Food: delicious …

People: friendly, kind …

3. (为降低难度,教师也可以给学生提供一个范例。)


My hometown is a smalltown that lies in          . Thereis a beautiful river flowing in front of my house. It’s not wide, but long. Thewater is clean and clear. My hometown is surrounded by high mountains. Themountains are          all the year round.         is famous for the red mountains. There aremany kinds of delicious food in my hometown, especially         . It is made of         . The most important is that thepeople are very friendly. Welcome to         . Come on!

4.(任务设置的目的是调动全体学生参与到活动中来,展示的同时要注意让学生都有事做,所以在Group work的展示中,一个说,三个听并作评委,要求四个人中每个人都说一次,同时每个人都作三次评委,选出最优秀的那个。)

T:  Tell your partners about your hometown. Choosethe best one in your group.

5. (完成3。)

T:First read 3. Then fill in the blanks while listening to the tape.


Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)


1. (进行一个Group work, 复习所学的中国地理。)





T: Let’s find out thebeautiful mountains and famous rivers on the map of China. Write them down on apiece of paper.

(3分钟后)Group A reports yourresult to Group B. Group C reports to Group D …

(2分钟后)Please tell me yourresults.

GroupA: …

GroupB: …

GroupC: …

GroupD: …

2. (进行一个语法练习,巩固which/that引导的定语从句。)


T:Look at the small blackboard and connect these sentences using which or that.

① This is the photo.  You took the photo last summer.

② The building is a  supermarket. The building stands near the train station.

③ The computer was  sold out. I wanted to buy that computer.

④ That is the Yellow  River. The Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese culture.


3. Homework












  It’s Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province.此句并非强调句子,it代指place。

Section B

SectionB needs 1~2 periods. Section B需用1~2课时。

Themain activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。

. Aims and demands目标要求

1.Master some new words and phrases:

havefun, above, come true, so … that …, not only … but also …

2.Go on learning attributive clauses which use“that”and“which”.

(1)Could you tell me something about the places that you visited there?

(2)That’sthe most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.

3.Learn more about the geography of China—theQinghai-Tibet Plateau and West Lake.

4.Cultivate the students’ patriotism.

. Teaching aids教具


. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案

Step 1  Review第一步  (时间:10分钟)


1. (检查作业。)

T:  Last class I asked you to make a dialog abouttravelling. Who can act it out to us with your partner?

S1: ...

S2: …


T:  It’s a beautiful picture. Can you find me init?

Ss: Yes.

T:You can ask me somequestions according to the picture.

S3: Where did you go?

T: I went to Mount Tai that lies in ShandongProvince.

S4: When did you go there?

T: Last summer holiday.

S5: Did you have a good time and what didyou see?

T:  Yes. I saw sunrise. It made me surprised andexcited. The scenery there is fantastic. Mount Tai is well worth visiting. That’sthe most beautiful mountain that I have ever been to. I wish you to go theresome day.

Ss: OK. I will.

3. (学生与同伴交流他们去过或喜欢的景点,教师给出一些单词和词组。)

T: You and yourpartner can talk about your pictures. I’ll give you some words and phrases.


lie  in, wonderful, famous, fantastic, scenery, surprised, excited, be well worth  visiting, have a lot of fun, some day...


4. (1)(呈现青藏高原图片,并教授此词。)

T:  Can you guess what place it is?

Ss: 青藏高原。

T:   Yes. In English it’s the Qinghai-TibetPlateau.


Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原


T:  Where is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

S6: It’s in the west of China.

S7: It’s in the north of China.

T:  It’s in the southwest of China. It’s afantastic place. It’s more than 4, 000 meters above sea level. The weatherthere changes a lot. You can experience four seasons in a day. Do you want toknow more about it?

Ss: Yes.

T:  OK. Let’s learn 1a.

Step 2  Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)


1. (以听力的形式呈现1a。)

T:  Listen to the tape and mark True (T) orFalse (F).


(1)The Greens went to Tibet  last summer.

(2)They didn’t enjoy themselves  there.

(3)They visited Jokhang Temple  and Potala Palace.

(4)The weather there never  changes.

(5)Susanna looks forward to  visiting there as soon as possible.

T:Listen again and check the answers.

2. (Pair work. 读对话,找出关键词。)

(1)T:Read the dialog with your partner and find out the key words and phrases.




(教师可以在学生找出的关键词中解释be worth doing和seem的用法。板书)

be worth doing sth. 值得做……;做……是值得的

be  well worth doing 很值得做……

Harry  Potter  is well worth reading.

This idea is worth considering.

It seems/seemed that … 似乎……

seem+adj./to do sth. 好像,似乎,看来

You seem happy.

They seem to know me.

It seems that they know what  they’re doing...



That’s the most fantastic place  that I have ever heard of.

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  (时间:7分钟)


1. (利用Step 2中找出的关键词,不看课本复述对话,给学生大约3分钟的时间自己组织语言。)

T:  Let’s retell the dialog according to the keywords and phrases on the screen.

2. (展示复述的结果,选择优、中、差三个学生作示范。)

T:  Who can retell the dialog?

S1: … (中)

S2: … (差)

S3: … (优)

3. (为调动多数学生参与对课文的复述,进行Pair work,一个说,另一个听,再反之。)

T:   Retell the dialog in turn with your partner.

4. (完成1b。)

T:  Let’s finish 1b. Fill in the blanks accordingto the dialog.

Step 4  Practice 第四步  (时间:12分钟)


1. (直接进行2a的学习。)

T:Do you know West Lake?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T: What do you know about it?

S1: I know the story about West Lake.

S2: I know the poem about West Lake.


S3: I know it’s beautiful.

T: Do you know where is West Lake?

S4: It lies in Hangzhou.

T: What’s West Lake famous for?

2. (让学生带着问题读短文。)

T:  Read the passage and find out what West Lakeis famous for.


S5:West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery and some poems.

3. (Group work, 读短文,找出难以理解的短语或句子。小组讨论,尝试解决这些问题。)

T: Work in groups offour. Read the passage again and find out the phrases and sentences that youcan’t understand. Discuss and try to understand them.

(对本环节的处理,教师要本着这样的原则: 学生能自己解决的问题由学生自己来解决,学生不能解决的再提供必要的帮助。)


T: Have you ever heard of the love story which isabout Xu Xian and White Snake?



West Lake is surrounded on  three sides by mountains.

be surrounded on three sides by  mountains 三面环山

Besides, the surrounding area  of West Lake is the home of the famous Dragon Well Tea.

besides 而且,并且

the surrounding area 周边地区

4. (让学生两人一组根据2a中的内容,完成2b。)

5. (Group work, 教师把图解做在小纸片上,由各组快速完成。)


West Lake


The parts of West Lake:                 


Famous for:                          








T: Please report your informationabout West Lake to the class.



Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)


1. (根据活动3的要求,以小组形式介绍自己的家乡。)

  T: According to Activity 3 students introducetheir hometowns to each other in groups. Then report to the class.

2. (做一张明信片,一面是我国的名山或河流,另一面是英文简介。)


T:  Please make a postcard using the pictures ofthe famous mountains or rivers in China. Then write some information about themin English.

West Lake is in  Hangzhou.

It is  famous not only for the

beautiful scenery but also

for some poems.

3. Homework

Ask the students to write a short passage about theirhometowns. Let them use attributive clauses as many as possible.

Section C

SectionC needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。

Themain activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

. Aims and demands目标要求

1.Master some new words and phrases:

beknown as, think of, island, PC, license, giraffe, break down, neck, take away

2.Review attributive clauses which use“that”and“which”.

(1)Thereare three beautiful places which shouldn’t be missed by visitors to China.

(2)MayI use your PC that you bought last month?

3.Learn more about the geography of China—HongKong, Macao and Taiwan.

4.Improve the students’ abilities of reading and writing.

5. Cultivate thestudents’ patriotism through learning about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

. Teaching aids教具


. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案

Step 1  Review 第一步  (时间:18分钟)


1. (由多名学生扮演小记者,在班级随机采访学生,了解他们的家乡。老师先作示范。)

  T(Journalist): Hello! I’m a journalist fromCCTV. Could you tell me something about your hometown?



2. (利用上节课做的明信片,让学生口述其中的图片,复习中国的名山大川。)

T:  Who can come here and introduce your postcardto us?


S2:This is a picture about Guilin. Guilin lies in Guangxi Province. Guilin is abeautiful place which is famous 











