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. 单项选择。(30分)

(   ) 1.                               Don’t make any noise in the livingroom! My baby is sleeping.


A. Sorry, I won’t.                                  B. It doesn’t matter.

C. Excuse me, I’m wrong.                       D. Certainly, I won’t.

(   ) 2.                               MissGao has taught us English       two years. I have been here       two years ago.

A. since; for             B.since; since          C. for; since          D. for; for

(   ) 3. Thanks for giving me       many presents. I haven’t never seen       beautiful presents

            in my life.

A. so; such               B.such; so               C. so; so               D. such; such

(   ) 4.                               How long has he       this book?

For several days.

A. borrowed            B.bought                C. lent                  D. kept

(   ) 5.                               Maria’s learned Chinesein our school all the time,      ?

A. isn’t she              B.doesn’t she          C. didn’t she         D. hasn’t she

(   ) 6.                               The meat has beenkept in the bag for several days without being frozen. It smells      


A. nice                    B.terrible                C. well                 D. badly

(   ) 7.                               What’s more,planes or machines produce       noise.

A. much too             B.many too             C. too much          D. too many

(   ) 8.                               Li Ming’s mother       for 5 years.

A. has died              B.died                    C. has been dead   D. has dead

(   ) 9.                               There is a paperfactory       waste water into the river nearby.

A. poured                B.pouring               C. pours               D. pour

(   ) 10. I can’t stand       for you so long.

A. to wait              B. waiting               C. waits                D.waited

 (   ) 11.We shouldn’t       the tress because trees can clean air and savea lot of water.

A. cut off                B.cut out                C. cut up                 D. cut down

(   ) 12. Hi, Bob! I can’t find my historybook. Have you seen it      ?

Sorry, I haven’t. Why don’t you ask Jim? Perhaps he’s seen it.

A. somewhere          B.every where         C. nowhere              D. anywhere

(   ) 13.Trees can prevent thewind       the earth away.

A. from blowing      B.to blow               C. blow                   D. blows

(   )1 4. Oh, dear! Who made the wall sodirty?

      Jack       Martin. They were drawing on it just now.

A. Neither; nor         B.Not; but              C. Either; or            D. Both; or

(   )1 5.This kind of animalshas nearly       because their homelands are gone.

A. died out              B.died of                C. died                    D. been dead

(   ) 16.The driver was badlyhurt       of the traffic accident.

A. at a result            B.in the result         C. with the result      D. as a result

(   ) 17.You made manymistakes in your English exams. What will you       them?

A. deal with             B.do with               C. take with             D. bring with

(   )1 8.You’d better not readtoday’s newspaper because there is       in it.

A. something interesting                          B. nothing special

C. important thing                                  D. anything new

(   )1 9.      trees are planted in our city every year.

A. The millions of    B. Million of           C.Millions of          D. Million

(   ) 20. Remember this, boys and girls.       careful you are,       mistakes you will make.

               We know, Miss Wang.

A. The more; the more                         B. The fewer; the more

 (   )2 1.You’d better ride a bike to go toschool       taking a bus every day.

  A. instead of         B.instead                C. thanks to                   D. because of

(   )2 2.I don’t like the bigcomputer. It       too much money and       up a lot of space.

  A. takes; not         B.costs; takes          C. takes; takes                D. costs; costs

(   ) 23.Bad luck! My watch isbroken,       it doesn’t      .

  A. and; work        B.but; go                C. so; turn                     D. or; run

(   )2 4. These problems are really hard      .

  Let me help you       them.

  A. to deal with; with                            B. to do with; with

  C. dealing with; for                             D. doing with; for

(   )2 5.She asked his son to       the cup       me when I wanted it.

  A. push; forward   B. push; towards      C.pull; towards             D. pull; to

(   )2 6.About 75% percent ofthe students can go swimming       the rest can’t.

  A. while               B.and                     C. so                             D. or

(   )2 7.Now the air in our hometown is       than it was before, and we must do somethingfor that.

  A. much better      B.more worse         C. more better                D. much worse

(   ) 28.       is the Olympic Games held?

  Every four years.

  A. How long         B.Where                 C. How often                 D. When

(   )2 9.Though the workersare tired, they don’t want to stop      .

  A. working           B.work                   C. to work                     D. works

(   ) 30. Every student is       to obey the school rules.

A. suppose          B. supposed             C. should                       D.ought

C. The more; the fewer                        D. The less; the fewer

. 完形填空。(20分)(A)

Some people saythey have an answer to the problems of car crowding and pollution. In manycities, hundreds of people   31   bikes to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders have even set up a group, Bike for a Better City.They say if   32   people rode bikes to work, there would befewer cars and less dirty air.

For severalyears this group has tried to provide help for bike riders. They want to havespecial roads for bikes only, because   33   bikes and cars use the same roads, there maybe accidents. Bike for a Better City believes if therewere bike roads, more people would use bikes.

But   34   bike roads have been ready yet. Not everyonethinks it’s a good   35  . Drivers don’t like it, and some shopowners don’t like it,   36  .And most people live   237  

far from the city to travel by bike. Still,  38  has been done about it. On Saturdaysand Sundays, the largest open park in New  York is   39   to cars, and the roads may be used by bikesonly, but the group still says this isn’t enough and it goes on fighting   40   bike roads. The group are sure they can besuccessful one day.

(   ) 31. A. on                    B. ride                  C. by                           D. take

(   ) 32. A. fewer               B. less                   C. many                       D.more

(   ) 33. A. until                 B. for                    C. when                       D.why

(   ) 34. A. no                    B. only                  C. some                        D. many

(   ) 35. A. hope                 B. way                  C. help                         D.idea

(   ) 36. A. so                    B. and                   C. neither                            D. either

(   ) 37. A. very                 B. quite                 C. too                          D.so

(   ) 38. A. everything        B. something         C. anything                   D.nothing

(   ) 39. A. closed               B. open                 C. opening                    D.closing

(   ) 40. A. get                   B. to get                C. ask                          D. to ask


Dear Sir,

Everyone uses theplastic bags in their daily life. I would like to make a comment(评论) on it.

I thought thatthe   41   effect from all these bags on our environmentwas well   42   and that most people know they should not keep  43  them everywhere but collectthem in the dustbin. However, one of the   44   near my home seems to   45   more of these bags than ever before. Red ones,white ones and blue onesit makes no   46  . They don’t care about the

 47   of the environment. They keep using plasticbags to wrap(包裹) most ofthe things every day.   48   Iwent shopping the other day, I bought two things, and I was given three bags towrap   49  . Is it necessary to use so many bags? Everyoneshould realize how   50   itis to clean our environment.


(   ) 41. A. fun                   B. good                 C. bad                   D. interesting

(   ) 42. A. known                     B. learned              C. done                 D. taken

(   ) 43. A. buying                     B. bring                C. sending             D. throwing

(   ) 44. A. schools             B.classes               C. factories            D. shops

(   ) 45. A. buy                  B. use                   C. have                 D.give

(   ) 46. A. difference         B. difficulty           C. useless              D.matter

(   ) 47. A. questions          B. problems           C. business            D.mistakes

(   ) 48. A. Where                     B. When                C. While               D. How

(   ) 49. A. this                  B. that                   C. them                 D.those

(   ) 50. A. important          B. impossible         C. comfortable              D.excellent

. 阅读理解。(30分)


Scientists are trying to make the deserts into goodland again. They want to bring water to the deserts so that people can live andgrow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of theearth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to changethe deserts in time.

Why is more and more land becoming deserts?Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to theearth.

Some places on the earth don’t get very much rain,but they still don’t become deserts. This is because some green plants aregrowing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don’t let thewind blow the dirt(泥土) away. When a little bit of(一点儿) rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the landcan become a desert much more easily.


(   ) 51. Plants can keep dryland from becoming deserts.

(   ) 52. It is good to getrid of(消除) the grassin the deserts.

(   ) 53. All places withoutmuch rain will become deserts.

(   ) 54. It’s important forus to plant trees and protect(保护) forests.

(   ) 55. If there aren’tplants, the hot sun will make the earth even drier.


 A kind of little cars may take the place oftoday’s big ones many years later. If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space forparking cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded.

The little carsof the future will cost less. Driving will be safer, too, as these little carscan go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine forgoing around a city, but they’ll not be useful for a long way. Little cars willgo 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline(汽油). If big cars are still used withthe small ones, two kinds of roads will be needed in the future. Some roadswill be needed for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for thesmall, slower ones.

(   ) 56. There’s muchpollution in the air today because      .

A. people drive big cars   

B. people drive little cars

C. small cars will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop formore gasoline

D. the usual size of cars today is too small

(   ) 57. The usual sizeof cars today is      .

A. much smaller than the future ones                  B.as big as the future ones

C. as small as the future ones                             D.bigger than the future ones

(   ) 58. Which of thefollowing statements(叙述) is NOT TRUE?

A. Big cars cost more.

B. Big cars aren’t useful for a long way.

C. The cars of the future will be smaller than today’s cars.

D. Small cars are slower than big ones.

(   ) 59. The streetswill be less crowded because      .

A. there will be fewer cars in the future

B. there will be fewer people in the streets

C. three kinds of roads will be built

D. future cars will be smaller

(   ) 60. Two kinds ofroads will be needed in the future because      .

A. there will be too many cars in the future

B. more and more people will go to cities

C. big cars run faster and little cars run slower

D. it looks more beautiful to have two kinds of roads 


It is important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a5R rule for us:

1. Reduce

If you want to reduce the waste, you should use things wisely.People are cutting down millions of trees to make paper; if everyone uses papercarelessly and throws it out, soon we should not have any trees left. We arealso wasting other things and don’t know what to do with the waste in bigcities, so it is necessary to reduce the waste.

2. Reuse

You should always think of reusing the things before throwing themaway. Give your used clothes or small ones to the poor. Within a family, youmay pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.

3. Recycle

We can recycle bottles, cans and paper easily. By doing this we savelots of time and money. For example, We can send waste coke cans to a factory.Workers smash them flat and melt them, and then the metal things are made fornew coke cans.

4. Recover

When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten apples, youhave two choices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you should cut offthe rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering theeatable parts of food.

5. Repair

If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair itinstead of throwing the table away. If you want to change for better ones, itis better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who canuse them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away” society, but the time has come to changeour way of life so that we can protect our environment. Everyone should try ourbest.

 (   ) 61.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. We’ll have no resourcesof nature unless we can deal with the waste.

B. Recycling is the bestway to save resources.

C. If we waste less, wecan save more resources of nature.

D. More things are wastedin developed countries than in developing countries.

(   ) 62. The “Reuse” rule mainly requires us      .

A. to make full use of ourthings

B. to give our things tothose who want them

C. to use our things againand again

D. not to throw away ourthings

(   ) 63.       can be recycled.

A. Only hard things                                                                    B.Many things

C. Few soft things                                       D. Allthings

(   ) 64. What’s the right order of recyclingcoke cans?

a. collect the used cans

b. melt them

c. smash them flat

d. send them to a factory

A. a b c d                   B. a d c b                  C. d b c a                  D. c a b d

(   ) 65. The “Recover” rule mainly requires us      .

A. to use the good partsof things

B. to cover waste things

C. to throw away theuseful parts

D. to throw the wholethings away


. 词汇。用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。10分)

66. My friend      (change)in many ways during the past four years.

67. It’s our duty      (protect)the environment.

68. Mr. Black is one of      (produce) about MP4.

69. None of them      (pass)the exam. How sad they are!

70. You may become either an      (art) or a singer when you grow up.

71. Our classmates want to set up an      (organize) to protect our environment.

72. The boy is so      (power) that he can carry the heavybox.

73. Sometimes we shake our heads to showthe d     .

74. The      (follow) day, they will set off topick up litter.

75. The students can always recycle lots of     (can) and plastic bags.

. 书面表达。(10分)

    环境污染是当今世界上最令人头痛的问题,你见过哪些污染环境的现象?针对这些现象,我们该如何去做?请以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。











