
专四专八 | 女性专用公交车是否性别歧视? - 专八写作

2017-03-10 蔡雷英语



Female-only buses have been introduced in many countries withvarying degrees of success. Some think these buses can more or less protectwomen from groping and harassment. But some hold that such single-sex transportis a relatively discrimination. The following two excerpts introduce theimplementation of this practice in Mexico and China respectively.

Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, inwhich you should:

  • summarize briefly the two excerpts, and then

  • give your comment on this practice.

Women-OnlyBuses Discriminate Both Men and Women(范文)

Sexual harassment has long been a depressing reality for womenand it becomes even worse with the increasing mobilitty of modern people. Inorder to better protect females from being sexually harassed, the authority ofMexico City rolls out “ladies-only” buses. Zhengzhou, the provincial city ofHenan, also embraces this relatively new idea and provides women-only busesservices during the rush hours. Such well-intentioned practice, however,triggers protest from some men and even complaints for the bus company. Mypersonal view is that providing single-sex buses for ladies is unnecessarysince it discriminates against women as well as men.

Women are doubtless more susceptible to be victims of sexualharassment, but their relative vulnerability cannot justify ladies-only busesservices. As a matter of fact, the proportion of males who conduct sexualharassment such as groping or leering is low. Offering women-only buses not onlycauses inconvenince for men who are innocent and who need to use buses, butalso gives them the feeling of being humiliated. In addition, from theperspective of equal personal and social rights, women should not be given suchspecial public transport services. In other words, both genders should betreated equally. On second thoughts, this policy is also a discriminationagainst women. As we all know, women refuse to be labeled as the weaker sex,and they advocate and support equal rights. If there are buses intended forfemales only, doesn’t that show women are weaker than men. Doesn’t that undothe efforts to rid women of the label of “fragility”?

To conclude, I am opposed to the proposal of providingwomen-only buses services specially for women. In fact, sexual harassmentshould be addressed by taking effective measures such as installing securitycameras to collecting evidence of groping and penalizing those accused ofsexual harassment.

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