
专四专八 | The Benefits of Beauty Contests(选美比赛) - 专八写作

2017-03-15 蔡雷英语



There are a number of beauty contests across the world, the mostfamous perhaps being the Miss World Pageant. Some people believe that thes 48 31250 48 15231 0 0 5136 0 0:00:06 0:00:02 0:00:04 5135econtests are an important platform to celebrate the beauty and wisdom of women.The following are opinions from two women writers.

Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, inwhich you should:

  • summarize the argument on both sides and then

  • give your comment on the statement that beautycontests are beneficial to women.

 The Benefits of Beauty Contests 

(源自网络 自行甄别 仅供参考)

The two excerpts mainly present two distinct attitudes towardsbeauty contests with Naomi Wolf in the first excerpt maintaining a negativeattitude while Elizabeth Day in the second excerpt is positive about beautycontests. Specifically, Naomi Wolf believes that beauty pageant not only spreadhigh, unrealistic standards for how women of all ages should look like, butalso contribute to the objectification of women. Elizabeth Day, however,appreciates beauty contests in that they open up an opportunity for women toimprove their situations, help to raise money for charities and providescholarship assistance for women in the world. I think the long-running historyof the contest shows that beauty contests are beneficial to women.

To begin with, beauty contests draw the public attention towomen and improve their social status. The emergence of beauty contests, suchas Miss World pageant, showcases the refined attributes of women, beautiful,kind-hearted, understanding and considerate. The contests, though indirectly,urge people, especially men, to look at women in a different perspective. Theyare confident and self-sufficient ladies who are brave enough to compete andmake their voice heard. In other words, beauty contests lead to the positiveimage and the subsequently improved conditions of women.

What’s more, entering or even winning a beauty contest is anational pride for the contestants’ home countries. For example, when Ms. ZhangZilin was crowned Miss World 2007, Chinese people and East Asians were all veryproud and uplifted, because she was the first Miss World of East Asian region.Like sporting games, beauty contests give a chance to the people around theworld to compete on a fair ground, immune from the economic prowess.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it, “Love of beauty is taste; thecreation of beauty is art.” Beauty contests are tasteful and artistic events,because they hail the love of beauty and create a stage to celebrate it.

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