
视频 | 赛琳娜:能演+能唱的90后小天后,更是无人能敌的Ins女王(附视频)

2017-04-15 蔡雷英语
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Instagram 史上仅 7 张照片破300万点赞的照片,光能演又能唱的90后小天后赛琳娜自己就上榜4张,直接证明了这位24岁的女歌手真的是无人能敌的Instagram女王。



Here are other great things fans learned from the revealing interview, and some of her answers are super adorable.

  • 1. What is one thing people would be most surprised to know about you?

    "How much I love depressing things," she said. The last movie she saw that made her cry wasHacksaw Ridge, a pretty emotional movie about a soldier in World War II. She revealed that she feels the most creative when she is sad, which explains why she might gravitate toward "depressing things."

  • 2. What advice would Selena give to her 15-year-old self?

    "Go ahead and do it, because you're going to do it anyway!" And the one thing she did not know then that she knows now? Patience!

  • 3. How does Selena describe herself in three words?

    "Loyal, kind, giving." We totally agree, she kills them, kills them, with kindness.

  • 4. What is Selena's biggest pet peeve and what makes her really angry?

    The singer said she does not like people who are rude! And what makes a kind person really angry? Selena said it is, "People who act entitled." Who could she possibly be talking about here? One can only guess.

  • 5. What is Selena's favorite song to sing in the car?

    Her song of choice to rock out to in private? "That's What I Like" by Bruno Mars. And can anyone blame her for choosing this song? It's a jam. Listen and watch Bruno kill his dance moves below.

  • 6. One fashion trend that Selena has worn that she regrets?

    Shoulder pads. She also says she wishes they never, ever make a comeback.

    They are a bit aggressive, it is hard to deny that.

  • 7. Where does Selena see herself in 10 years?

    She said with a sigh, "Hopefully happy." We feel you, girl!

  • 8. Out of all the people Selena could collaborate with, who would she choose?

    She chose Elvis Presley! That would be so interesting. She revealed that she would try the Jazz genre in her music and if her life were a song it would be called, "I'm still figuring it all out." Same.

  • 9. Selena has learned a lot from her family, especially her mom.

    "Treat others how you wish to be treated," her mom Mandy Teefey taught her. She learned from her parents that everyone is equal and that everything happens for a reason. Her mother painting is her first memory and her favorite thing about Mandy is her laugh. So cute! She also revealed that her family is very good at arguing. Yikes. But who can't relate to that?

最新的数字显示她又再打破自己辉煌的Instagram纪录,创造了最新一张 Instagram史上获得最多赞的照片,到底是哪一张的赛琳娜让全球网友都忍不住按下赞呢?

原来赛琳娜在 6 月底分享了这张她喝着可口可乐的照片,而这瓶可乐上的句子“You're the spark”正好是赛琳娜《Me & the Rhythm》的歌词。

巧合加上赛琳娜美美的自拍,居然让这张照片已经突破了 400 万个赞,成为instagram史上最多赞的照片。



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