
翻译专题训练 | Printing 印刷术

Block Printing & Movable Type Printing

Movable type printing (huózìyìnshuāshù 活字印刷术) is one of the four great inventions in ancient China. Since the invention of paper in Han Dynasty (hàncháo 汉朝), the writing material is more convenient and economic than that of bamboo sheet and silk. However, it costs a lot of time to copy books, because a scholar had to do the transcription word for word if he wanted to own a new book, which cannot meet the demand of the developing society at that time. In the Sui  (suí 隋) and Tang (táng 唐) dynasties, the technology of block printing was invented, and therefore the speed of printing was increased. But when a book was to be printed, many wooden blocks had to be engraved. It wasted a lot of time and need a large quantity of boards. Moreover, the wooden blocks was hard to keep, and it is not easy to correct the mistakes that found in the blocks.

Till the Northern Song Dynasty (běisòng 北宋) more than 900 years ago, Bi Sheng (bìshēng 毕昇) invented movable type printing after the repeating experimentation. He engraved the characters on small pieces of clay, and heated them until they became hard moveable characters. In the course of presswork, the moveable characters were placed into a whole block in accordance with manuscripts to be delivered to the printing. All those moveable characters could be removed from the block after the presswork for the later reuse of them. This technique invented by Bi Sheng was both economical and timesaving, thus brought the technique of printing into a new era.

The movable type printing has covered the shortage of the block printing. The movable characters can be re-used and they are easy to keep.

China's movable type printing was first introduced easteward to Korea and Japan, and then westward to Persia and Egypt. The invention of the technique of printing greatly sped up the international development of culture and exchanges. It is no doubt that the movable type printing is one of the greatest contributions to the world.



雕版印刷是在一定厚度的平滑的木板上,粘贴上抄写工整的书稿,薄而近乎透明的稿纸正面和木板相贴,字就成了反体,笔划清晰可辨。雕刻工人用刻刀把版面没有字迹的部分削去,就成了字体凸出的阳文,和字体凹入的碑石阴文截然不同。印刷的时候,在凸起的字体上涂上墨汁,然后把纸覆在它的上面,轻轻拂拭纸背,字迹就留在纸上了。 到了宋朝,雕版印刷事业发展到全盛时期。雕版印刷对文化的传播起了重大作用,但是也存在明显缺点∶第一,刻版费时费工费料,第二,大批书版存放不便,第三,有错字不容易更正。







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