
小词详解 | trough

田间小站 田间小站 2022-09-30

trough 英 [trɒf] 美 [trɔːf]


  • Today’s price could mark the bottom of the barrel. Some are predicting a trough of as low as $10.
  • It may be a trough I encountered in my life or in my work, but this trough is actually a good thing.


[noun] a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of
[名词] 一种长而窄供动物饮食用的开口容器


Trough 是一个与常用词 through 十分形似的单词,也与周一小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送的 小词详解 | slough 结尾相同,源自古英语 trog (木制容器、托盘、空心容器、独木舟),现在主要表示各种“槽”,包括喂养家畜的“饲料槽、饮水槽”以及“揉面槽、洗矿槽”等。

从饲料槽这个概念出发, trough 衍生出了习语 a feeder at the public trough 表示“吃闲饭者、身居闲职者、占据清闲的高薪职位者”,这在美式英语中还可以用 feed at the public trougheat at the liberal trough 表示“身居闲职”或“占据清闲的高薪职位”,以及用 walk up to the trough, fodder or no fodder 表示“安于自己的命运”或“负起自己的责任”。

不过相较而言更为常见的是用习语 have/get your snout in the trough 表示“充分利用职位所提供的机会以使自己受益”,特别是在经济上获取不应得的利益,比如:

  • 新上任的政府一直在不加鉴别地分发补助金,结果人们都趋之若鹜地去捞一份。
    The newly 
    inaugurated government had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.

从槽本身的形状出发, trough 发展出了许多专业术语含义,比如用在建筑领域表示“檐槽、天沟、饮水道、排水沟”,用在气象领域表示“低压槽、槽形低压”(与之相对的是用 ridge 表示“高压带、高压脊”)。而在地理方面, trough 则可以用来表示两个大浪之间的“波谷”、小山间的“槽谷、盆状洼地”以及海底的“海槽”,比如:

  • 船在波涛起伏的海浪中剧烈摇摆。船长让船开足马力全速行驶。
    The boat rolled heavily in the troughs between the waves. Its captain had his engines at full
  • 丘陵地区上空的低气压槽一夜之间带来了强雷阵雨。我们山顶上的房子在雨中显得阴郁凄凉。
    A trough of low pressure over hilly areas brought heavy thunderstorms overnight. Our hilltop house looked 
    grim and dreary in the rain.

再从槽谷、洼地这些概念进一步引申, trough 又常被用来表示商业活动、经济周期、人生事业等的“低谷期、淡季、萧条阶段”,多指有规律的进退消长中的一个低点,比如:

  • 长期以来失业率一直时起时伏。明年失业率预计将增加7%。
    There have been peaks and troughs in the long-term trend of unemployment. The unemployment rate is
    projected to rise by seven percent next year.
  • 今后回想起来你就会明白,这并非你事业中一蹶不振的低谷。但要记住:失败也许隐藏着成功;低潮过后就轮到高潮。
    Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career. But remember: defeat may be victory in disguise; the lowest
    ebb is the turn of the tide.

It was an enormous bottomless trough in which the hogs could swill and wallow.
出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。该小说在1937年获得普利策奖,是玛格丽特·米切尔在世时出版的唯一一部作品。不但它成为美国史上最为畅销的小说之一,而且由这部小说所改编的同名电影《乱世佳人》也成为影史上不朽的经典。


  • manger: a long open box or trough for horses or cattle to eat from
  • feeder: a container filled with food for birds or mammals
  • crib: a barred container or rack for animal fodder; a manger

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