

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-09-06

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亿万magnate(富翁)沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)有一句名言:“成功人士和真正成功人士的区别在于,真正成功的人几乎总是在说不。”这并不意味着巴菲特是一个不关心他人的人,实际上他是一位受人尊敬的慈善家。他是一个冷静的考虑者,时刻专注于能让他效率最高的事


Warren Buffett   


畅销成功学书的作者兼企业家赛斯·戈丁(Seth Godin)说:“仅仅因为无法忍受拒绝别人的尴尬就答应别人并不会帮助你完成工作。”他写道,如果你有天赋,人们会想从你这里得到更多,但他建议对许多强加在你身上的事情说不。这“为你提供了对重要机会说‘是’的资本”。


Seth Godin 







Start with a compliment




Give your answer






Say thank you



Encourage the person




Change the subject or say goodbye




奥普拉·温弗里(Oprah Winfrey)是美国媒体主管和脱口秀主持人,净资产超过20亿美元。现在60多岁的她承认,直到40岁她才学会拒绝别人。她说她得了“取悦他人的病”:当她想要说“不”的时候,她经常说“是”。现在,她说如果不是100%的“是”,答案就是“不”。


“我再也不会为任何我心中不是那么在意的人做任何事。也不会参加会议、打电话、写信、sponsor(赞助)或参与任何我无论如何都不会说 ‘是’的活动。我将以真实的自我来行事。”









How to say no

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Have you ever agreed to do something that you really didn’t want to do? Unlike peer pressure, where you feel forced to do something to fit in, we often feel pressured to agree to things so the other person doesn’t feel bad. We want to say no, but we end up saying yes, becoming mad at ourselves for not being more firm. 

Your coworkers may invite you to join them for lunch, but you really want to get take-out so you can finish up a project. Some friends may invite you to a loud bar, when you’d prefer a quiet conversation at a café with them. An out-of-town acquaintance may ask to stay with you in your apartment when visiting your town, even if you’re not close friends.

These kinds of invitations and impositions come at us from all angles. On WeChat, I often get short messages from acquaintances, saying things like “Are you there?” or “Can you help me with something?” without volunteering more information. I know that these messages are a lead-up for some sort of request.

Other times, people lay the ground work to ask you for help in the future. From time to time I’ll get a message like, “I may be bothering you in the future with questions or to ask for advice. Thanks in advance for being helpful!” These kinds of open-ended requests can be stressful, as you have no idea what kind of inquiries they have in mind or when they will appear.


Billionaire magnate Warren Buffett famously said, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” This does not mean that Buffett is an uncaring person, as he is a well-respected philanthropist. He is a ruthless prioritizer and focuses on where he thinks his efforts are best placed. 

Bestselling success author and entrepreneur Seth Godin said, “Just saying yes because you can’t bear the short-term pain of saying no is not going to help you do the work.” He writes that people will want more of you if you have talent, but he advises saying no to many who impose on you. This “gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities.”

Seth Godin

If colleagues asked Warren Buffett to go to lunch but he didn’t want to, he’d say no. If someone presented him with a project that he didn’t want to accept, he’d say no. If someone invited Seth Godin to a social event he didn’t want to attend, he’d say no. They are focused on other things and reject the many loud requests that compete for their attention.


It is hard to say no because we feel bad turning people down. To say no may appear aggressive, like you're rejecting the other person. You may feel guilty when you let other people down. Or, you are afraid that the other person will get angry or talk behind your back, saying that you are uncaring or unhelpful. Rather than deal with this discomfort, you may simply say yes. 

We're also programmed to say yes. Growing up, when our parents asked us to do something, we were taught to say yes and then do it. If you want to make friends, you have to say yes to their invitations. If you want to succeed at work, you have to say yes so you can be a team player, please your boss, and expand your skill set. There are times when you must say yes.

Yet there are many times you can say no, and there are ways to do so courteously. This way, you demonstrate respect for the other person while protecting your own time and priorities. So, if someone wants you to do something, here’s a five-step formula to gently let them down:


Start with a compliment

In many situations, the person is asking you for something because they respect you. Acknowledge them for it. If they are inviting you to a wedding or birthday party, congratulate them. If you are asked to serve on a committee, acknowledge that the committee is doing important work. Let the other person know that you are sincere in considering their request.

For example, I am frequently invited to speak at conferences. In fact, I love to speak at conferences, as it’s a thrill to exchange ideas and meet new people. The problem is, I have a full-time job that doesn’t allow me to speak all the time! As a result, I have to turn down most opportunities, and I will start by saying, “This looks to be a great conference.”


Give your answer

I will never blurt out a “no” right away, as that could make the other person uncomfortable. I will at least give the request some thought. But after a pause, and certainly within a day, I will give a reply. It can be rude to keep people waiting, and it’s also stressful to procrastinate in delivering uncomfortable news.

In responding, say as little as possible. Provide a brief explanation if appropriate, but don’t beat around the bush or offer weak excuses. This only provides an opening for the other person to keep asking or look for some other opportunity to make the ask. If you say, “I’m busy right now,” the other person may say, “OK, well, how about next week?”

”Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’” Matthew 5:37

In my case, when invited to a conference, I often say, “I would love to attend, but I’m really busy working on an annual report and can’t break away.” If the conference is in the future, I’ll predict how my current priorities will play out at the time of the event, such as: “Unfortunately, the conference falls close to graduation, which is one of my busiest times.”


Say thank you

This doesn’t need much explanation, as good manners and kindness are always in fashion. I will always thank someone for inviting me to an event, regardless of whether I can attend. “Thank you so much for the invitation” or “thank you for thinking of me” can go a long way.


Encourage the person

Send the person your well wishes for a successful event. Of course, they will be disappointed that you won’t be attending, but in the end, there will likely be other people who will participate when you are unable or unwilling to.

In my conference invitation example, I’ll say, “I know you’ll pull together a great conference. Best wishes for a successful event!”


Change the subject or say goodbye

When we’re nervous about something, we tend to keep talking. Once you have gone through this formula, bring the conversation about the invitation or request to a close. If in a face-to-face meeting, talk about something else or end the conversation. If by text message or email, say “take care” or “keep in touch.” This allows you to excuse yourself from the situation.

When someone indirectly asks you for something, like the WeChat message, “Can you help me with something?”, I first ask what they want. I give them the courtesy of listeningbefore giving a reply. If someone suggests they will ask for help in the future, I don’t say yes or no, but rather, “Let’s stay in contact.” When the request comes, I go through these five steps.


Oprah Winfrey is an American media executive and talk show hostess, with a net worth of over $2 billion. Now in her 60s, she confessed that she didn’t learn how to say no to others until she was 40 years old. She said she had the “disease to please.” She often said yes when she really meant no. Now, she says if it’s not a 100% resounding yes, the answer is no.

 Oprah Winfrey

“Never again will I do anything for anyone that I do not feel directly from my heart. I will not attend a meeting, make a phone call, write a letter, sponsor or participate in any activity in which every fiber of my being does not resound yes. I will act with the intent to be true to myself.” –Oprah Winfrey

My friend, we may say yes more often than we’d like, as we all want to avoid confrontation. When you say no sincerely and courteously, others may be disappointed, but they will certainly respect you and your answer. It may not be a win-win situation, but at least nobody loses.

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ə-ˈkwān-tᵊn(t)s \

a)含义:n. 熟人;泛泛之交


i.An out-of-town acquaintance may ask to stay with you in your apartment when visiting your town, even if you’re not close friends.


ii.He's just a business acquaintance.


c)近义词:connection, contact, friend

2.Magnate \ ˈmag-ˌnāt \

d)含义:n. 巨头;富豪


i.Billionaire magnate Warren Buffett famously said, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” 

亿万富翁沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)有一句名言:“成功人士和真正成功人士的区别在于,真正成功的人几乎总是在说不。”

ii.The newspaper was owned by a famous publishing magnate.


f)近义词:baron, mogul, tycoon

3. Courteous \ ˈkər-tē-əs \

a)含义:adj. 彬彬有礼的;客气的


i.Yet there are many times you can say no, and there are ways to do so courteously.


ii.He was a kind and courteous man.


c)近义词:civil, gracious, polite

4. Thrill \ ˈthril \

a)含义:n. 令人兴奋的经历


i.In fact, I love to speak at conferences, as it’s a thrill to exchange ideas and meet new people.


ii.She gets an obvious thrill out of performing.


c)近义词:bang, charge, rush

5. Sponsor \ ˈspän(t)-sər \

a)含义:v. 赞助


i.I will not attend a meeting, make a phone call, write a letter, sponsor or participate in any activity in which every fiber of my being does not resound yes. 

也不会参加会议、打电话、写信、赞助或参与任何我无论如何都不会说 ‘是’的活动。

ii.We would like to sponsor the event, please contact us directly.  


c)近义词:back, support, underwrite

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


