
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 008 | "盘点"

王逢鑫 北极光翻译 2023-11-03




stocktaking, make an inventory of, take an inventory of, take inventory, take stock, review, examine, check accounts, examine accounts




At the end of the year, the blogger took stock of the ten top news items of the year in China’s entertainment circles.


1) At the end of the year, the blogger reviewed the ten top news items of the year in China’s entertainment circles.

2) At the end of the year, the blogger examined the ten top news items of the year in China’s entertainment circles.

to take stock的字面意思是“盘货”;而其引申意思是to consider a situation carefully so as to take a decision,即"仔细考虑形势以做出决定”。这句话的"盘点”是"回顾总结”的意思,应译为to review或 to examine。例如:

1. 人们需要不时地从繁忙的生活中回过来考量一下他们正在做什么,他们正在向何处去。

People need to occasionally step back from their busy life to take stock of how they’re doing and where they’regoing.

2. 在做出不可改变的决定之前,你应该先坐下来估量一下形势。

You should sit back and take stock of the situation before you make an irrevocable decision.

"盘点"原义是"清点存货"。英语可以译为to make an inventory of, to take an inventory of, to take inventory, to take stock 或stock-taking。 to make an inventory of 的意思是 to make a list of all the things in a place 或 to check and count all the things in a place,即"清点”;尤其指 to make a list of all the goods in a shop 或 to check and count all the goods in a shop, 即"盘货”。例如:

3. 你们应该学会如何盘点你们的个人财产。

You should learn how to make an inventory of your personal property,

4. 我们应定期盘点库存物资。

We should make a periodical inventory of the goods in our warehouse.

5. 今日盘点,暂停营业。

Business is suspended today for stocktaking.

6. 每逢星期一下午,那家商场进行盘点。

Every Monday afternoon, the department store takes stock.

to make/take an inventory of 述有 to make a list of all the people in a place 或 to check and count all the people in a place 的意思,即“清点人数”。例如:

7. 让我们清点一下到目前为止所有已经捎献的慷慨人士。

Let’s take an inventory of all the generous people that have donated so far.

"盘点”的比喻意义是“逐个重新审视或回顾总结”。英语可以译为to review, to examine。例如:

8. 今天这家报纸用一整版篇幅盘点了本市今年10大新闻。

Today, this newspaper devotes a whole page to reviewing the top 10 news items of the year in our city.

9. 这一年里,教育界有不少值得盘点的事件。

In this year, there are quite a lot of events that are worth examining in the educational circles.

10. 这个杂志在最近一期盘点了当前流行的5种减肥方法。

In the latest issue of the magazine, they have reviewed the five slimming ways that are fashionable at the moment.

"盘点"的比喻意义也可以用to make an inventory of表示。例如:

11. 他盘点了他作为本科生所做的一切事情。

He made an inventory of everything he had done as an undergraduate.

"盘存"、"盘货”和"盘库”都有“盘点存货"或"清点与核查现有资产的数量和情况”的意思。英语也可以译为to make an inventory of, to take an inventory of, to take inventory, to take stock 或stock-taking. 例如:

12. 本店月底定期盘存。

Our store takes inventory regularly at the end of a month.

13. 有些商店每月盘货一次。

Some stores take their stock once a month.

14. 年终时,我们彻底盘了一次库。

We made a complete inventory of everything in the warehouse at the end of the year.

“盘账”的意思是“清点与核对账目”。英语可以译为to check accounts, to examine accounts。例如:

15. 不论怎样,你们必须经常盘账。

In any case, you have to check accounts often.

16. 这个商店一年盘一次账。

In this store, they check accounts once a year.

17. 他受权在这个公司盘账。

He is authorized to examine accounts in this company.


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