
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 019 | "上市"







appear on the market, be available on the market, come in, go to the market, go public, be listed, public company, listed company, private company, unlisted company, listed share, listed stock







He works in a private company.




He works in a privately-owned company.


汉语的“公”与“私",英语可以分别用public和private表示。但是public company的意思不是“公有公司”,而是“上市公司” ;private company的意思不是"私营公司”,而是"非上市公司”。汉语的"公有”指"全民所有" 或"集体所有”。“公有公司”可以指“国有公司”,英语译为state-owned company,或“国营公司",英语译为state-run company;还可以指“集体所有公司”,英语译为collectively owned company。汉语的‘'私有”与"公有”相对立,指“私人所有”。“私有公司”和"私营公司"都译为privately-owned company.

“上市”的第一个意思是“货物(尤其是应时商品,如新鲜水果和蔬菜、及服装等)开始在市场出售"。英语可以译为to appear on the market, to be available on the market, to come in。例如:

1. 今天,西瓜开始上市。

Today, watermelons have begun to appear on the market.

2. 阳澄湖的大闸蟹刚一上市就受到顾客们的青睐。

As soon as the live fresh watercrabs from the Yangcheng Lake appeared on the market, they received welcome from the customers.

3. 秋季女装刚刚上市。

Ladies’ autumn fashions have just appeared on the market.

4. 一种新型小汽车现在上市了。

A new type of tiny cars is now available on the market.

5. 这种新型计算机还未上市。

This new type of computers is not yet available on the market.

6. 我问他新鲜草莓是否已经上市。

I asked him if fresh strawberries had come in.


"上市”的第二个意思是"到市场去”。英语可以译为togo to the market。例如:


7. 每天早晨,我妈妈提着篮子上市去买新鲜蔬菜。

Every morningmy mother goes to the market to buy fresh vegetables with a basket in her hand.


"上市”的第三个意思是"股票、债券和基金等经批准后在证券交易所挂牌交易”。英语可以译为to go public, to be listed。例如:


8. 这个公司最近在香港上市。

This company has recently gone public in Hong Kong.

9. 你的公司做好上市的准备了吗?

Is your company ready to go public?

10. 2000年,我们的公司在纽约证券交易所上市。

Our company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2000.

11. 在香港注册上市的大陆公司发行的股票被列为红筹股。

The mainland-funded corporations registered and listed in Hong Kong are referred to as red chips.

12. 中国在新加坡股票市场上市最早的企业可以追溯到1993年。

The earliest Chinese company listed on Singapore stock market can be dated back to 1993.


"上市公司”的意思是"经有关部门核准公幵发行股票并在证券交易所挂牌交易的股份有限公司”。英语可以译为public company,listed company. 例如:


13. 这家芯片制造商是纳斯达克上市公司。

The chip manufacturer is a Listed company on the NASDAQ.

14. 每个上市公司都必须设立一个内部审计职能部门。

Every listed company must have an internal audit function.


"非上市公司”的意思是“不在证券交易所挂牌交易的公司”。英语可以译为 private company,unlisted company. 例如:


15. 通常一家上市公司的股票为许多投资者所拥有,而一家非上市公司的股秦为相对少的股东所拥有。

Usually, the securities of a public company are owned by many investors while the shares of a private company are owned by relatively few shareholders.

16. 这家非上市公司已被一个匿名的投资者接管。

This unlisted company has been taken over by an anonymous investor.


“上市股票”的意思是"可以在证券交易所挂牌交易的股票”。英语可以译为 listed share, listed stock。例如:


17. 这位投资者持有这个电脑公司上市股票的30%

The investor owns 30% of the listed shares of this computer company.

18. 在德国,小股民常常通过银行买卖上市股票。

In Germany, small shareholders often buy and through banks.




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