
CGTN主播 刘欣 连续两期节目 犀利锐评 NBA莫雷事件

CGTN 北极光翻译 2023-11-03










女神刘欣 和 福克斯主播的“跨洋对话”来了!






Given the kind of responses I hear coming from both sides of the Pacific Ocean, I feel it's necessary to say something more about what the NBA backlash in China is really about.对于最近NBA的事件,我听到了来自太平洋两岸的反响各异,我觉得有必要来谈一谈,为什么中国人对此事反应如此激烈。The NBA commissioner, both in his interviews in Japan and in his written statement to clarify himself, missed the point of what the Chinese people are actually angry about. It's not about the freedom of an individual to express his or her personal opinions, but about the bottom line of what is acceptable in societies. In the U.S., you support freedom of expression, but do you support openly racist remarks?NBA总裁萧华在日本的采访中以及在后续的书面声明中,都没有理解,中国人民的愤怒到底因何而起。这不关乎个人表达其个人意见的自由,而是关乎社会可接受的底线。在美国,您可以支持言论自由,但是否会支持公开种族主义言论?NO. Just look at the outcry that erupted over former LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling's racist remarks that went public in 2014. He was fined 2.5 million U.S. dollars and the NBA banned him for life. The NBA didn't defend his right to express himself because what he said was unacceptable in American society.当然不会。请回顾一下对快船前老板唐纳德-斯特林在2014年公开发表的种族主义言论的强烈抗议。他被罚款250万美元,并遭到了NBA的终身禁赛。NBA没有捍卫他表达自己的言论自由的权利,因为他所说的话在美国社会是不可接受的。In the case of Morey's remarks, the universal values including the freedom of expression that the NBA find so hard to withhold are being used to effectively promote hate crimes and disorder. Under the banner of the so-called "fight for freedom," early peaceful protests have turned into a campaign of hate crimes, not just against the establishment and properties, but against innocent people.就莫雷的言论而言,被NBA奉为圭臬的普世价值观,正在被用来煽动仇恨和制造混乱。在所谓打着“为自由而战”的旗号下,香港早期的和平抗议已经升级了仇恨犯罪,不仅针对现有的制度和公共财产,而且还针对无辜人民。Masked protesters, in the name of fighting for freedom, are smashing up the city and taking the law into their own hands. Some say, it's unacceptable but it's all because of the police response to the protesters. Even if that's true, does that justify gang crimes? In the U.S., that would be unaccepted too.蒙面抗议者以争取自由为名义,在城市里到处打砸,对持有不同意见者进行“私了”。有人说,这是不能接受的,但这一切的始作俑者是香港警察对示威活动的处理方式。即使是这样,难道就能用来为暴力犯罪洗白吗?在美国,这也是不可接受的。Freedom of expression is a valuable virtue, but every society has its boundaries. Imagine an executive of a foreign company, say a Chinese company operating in the U.S. tweeting in support of racism and continues to defend that statement in the name of freedom of expression, what would the backlash be for that person and that company?言论自由固然可贵,但每个社会都有其底线。想象一下,如果一家在美国的外国企业,比如说就是一家中国企业,他们的经历发推支持种族歧视,再用言论自由来为自己的行为辩解,这将给这个人和这家公司带来什么多大的反对与抵制?There are commentators then on U.S. TV who are using this backlash as evidence that U.S. or foreign businesses are being forced to bend to the Chinese government, in contrast to China's pledge to further open up. That's ridiculous: for 33 years, the NBA has been enjoying ever-widening popularity in China.有些美国的电视评论员用针对NBA的不满作为证据来证明,美国或者其他外国企业正在被迫向中国政府的压力屈服,这与中国承诺进一步开放相反。这太荒谬了:33年以来,NBA在中国一直受到热捧。Its Chinese business is said to be worth four billion U.S. dollars, and the NBA has hundreds of millions of fans. Nobody, neither the Communist Party of China nor Chinese fans or sponsors, ever forced the NBA to pledge loyalty to the Chinese political system or values. So why, all of a sudden, are the NBA's Chinese partners boycotting this brand? Take just one second to think about what happened.据说NBA在中国的业务价值已经达到了40亿美元,还有有数亿球迷。无论是中国共产党,还是中国球迷或赞助者,都没有强迫NBA进行表态支持中国的政治制度或价值观。那么,为什么突然之间,NBA的中国合作伙伴抵制了这个赛事呢?花点时间仔细想想,到底发生了什么吧。If Morey and the NBA hadn't sent out comments to promote hate crimes when Hong Kong is already in chaos, there would never have been such a backlash. Foreign businesses are as welcome as ever to operate in China and to profit from it, without having to "kowtow" to the Chinese government. But if they cross the red line, there will be a backlash, even from the staunchest business partners.如果莫雷和NBA没有发表不当言论,为本就已经混乱不堪的香港局势火上浇油,那将永远不会有如此强烈的抵制。中国一如既往地欢迎外国企业来华经营,获取收益,从未要求他们对中国政府“卑躬屈膝”。但是,如果他们越过红线,即使是最坚定的业务合作伙伴,也将对他们进行抵制。It's the NBA's own lack of understanding of the situation and of Chinese sensitivity that got them where they are. To challenge the backlash is missing the point.事情发展到今天这一步,完全是因为NBA对于中国局势以及中国底线的无知,抨击中国的反击才是搞错了重点。

刘欣也在10月7日Getting to the point 节目中描述并评论了NBA休斯顿火箭队总经理莫雷的错误言论事件。




The Houston rockets' General Manager has got himself into trouble. On Saturday Daryl Morey tweeted a slogan which read “fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong”. He soon deleted it,but the commet still drew heavy reproach on Chinese socail media.

On Sunday,Chinese Basketball Association and the sports channel of China's national broadcaster announced their decisions to suspend cooperation with the club. To control the damage, the NBA released a statement on Monday, saying Daryl's comment deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable. The NBA highlighted the values of the league which support its individual's sharing views on matters important to them. The NBA also reaffirmed support for the "history and culture" of China.

Mr. Morey also explained himself, saying his intention was not to offend , but he was "merely voicing one thought, based on one interpretation of one complicated event". No apologies offered on either part. Mr. Morey said his thoughts are his own. But, I'm afraid it's too late. He should have made that clear in the beginning. Did he pause for even ONE second before sending that tweet, to imagine the reaction from "His Chinese fans and sponsors" who , in his words, have shown "significant support" for him?  If he had, he probably wouldn't have tweeted it. If, and it's likely, and still went ahead, that begs a bigger question : did he know what he was talking about and what this means to Chinese people, including NBA and Rockets fans?

If you watch the news coverage by the western media, although they do show violence, it's often implied to be for a "just cause". There is a glaring contradiction in logic : the western media criticize Hong Kong's rule of law being breached by the government, but not nearly as much by the masked protesters who are smashing up the city. The only way they can justify the actions of these people, who would be called thugs, if they did so on the streets of London or D.C., is : they are fighting for "freedom" of Hong Kong and standing up for the city. If people did this to Houston, would Mr. Morey cheer them on? 

The masked up protesters are not just smashing objects, but hurting real people too. People who appear to come from the mainland, people who dare to express opposite views or even those who only appear to do so have been cruelly targeted. As Mr. Morey and the like are cheering for the "freedom" of Hong Kong, a taxi driver was beaten unconscious because he accidentally crashed into the pavement while making a U-turn away from the protesters. He was not given the opportunity to explain, he was not given the freedom to explain. I am saddened by the blood-covered face of that poor taxi-driver, but even more sad by the messages sent by many in the international media and community.

Mr. Morey, the freedom that you believe is not real freedom for Hong Kong, but the freedom of the mobs to terrorize innocent people and plunge the city into anarchy. To evoke such "freedom" is what the Chinese fans and sponsors really have a problem with, whether or not you have deleted the tweet.



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