
环境健康方向介绍 | John Ji 教授和他的研究团队

iMEP 昆山杜克环境 2022-12-31




John S. Ji 纪思翰教授

John S. Ji教授是昆山杜克大学环境健康科学的助理教授,同时也在杜克大学环境学院环境科学与政策系任职。

John S. Ji教授于约翰·霍普金斯大学取得神经科学学士学位,在哈佛大学公共卫生学院取得环境健康博士学位。他曾在美国食品药品监督管理局FDA工作,担任过美国中华医学基金会的项目经理,哈佛商学院高级研究员,《柳叶刀》杂志高级编辑以及世界银行健康、营养与人口全球发展实践的短期顾问,华盛顿大学健康指标和评估研究所IHME的访问学者。John S. Ji教授的研究兴趣包括环境健康,基因与环境的交互作用,神经流行病学以及寿命相关科学领域内容。

John S. Ji教授任职环境政策硕士项目教授Statistics and Program Evaluation,Planetary Health & Environmental Epidemiology和Research Methods II课程,同时也辅导iMEP学生的毕业设计。





“我在南昌大学取得了预防医学学士学位,之后在四川大学取得了流行病与卫生统计学硕士学位。我曾在信通软件公司医疗大数据部门从事研发工作。2019年,我加入了John Ji教授的环境健康课题组,目前的研究方向是环境和基因对健康的影响,研究方法包括生存分析,交互效应及中介效应分析等。具体研究课题包括住宅绿化,空气污染等环境因素与人体生物标志物之间的相关性,环境与长寿相关基因的相互作用对老年人寿命的影响等。”









Qile He


















“我是美国威斯康星州贝洛伊特大学(Beloit College)环境正义与公民专业的大三学生。我打算本科毕业后直接读研究生。跑步是我最好的解压方式,我是贝洛伊特大学的田径和马拉松越野运动员。”









Hui Miao



Shuyi Qiu



Anna Zhu



Jia Wei



Chengcheng Qiu



Yuantong Sun



Nick Peoples



Jingyu Tong


作为昆山杜克大学全球健康理学硕士研究生加入研究团队;从事健康老龄化项目及数据管理;现在在IQVIA(IMS Quintiles)

Longkai Zang



Huilin Chen



Qidi Xu



Dr. John Ji 研究团队




iMEP学生Suzanne Ong、王铧坪、张杨进行了一项随机对照试验,以研究户外运动和不同水平的环境空气质量如何影响短期健康结果。


全球的高城镇化率给城市规划者和健康相关部门带来了新的挑战。基于老年健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS),我们研究了建筑环境对中国老年人死亡风险、认知功能、日常生活活动功能等的影响,并分析了其与空气污染的相关性,研究结果发表于Lancet,BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health,Environmental Epidemiology等知名杂志。接下来,我们将探究更多气候变化相关环境因素对健康及相关生物标志物的影响。




我们使用多种可穿戴设备检测身体活动和睡眠在适应环境变化时的反应,探索环境与数字生物指标(Digital biomarker)的关联性。下一步,我们将利用虚拟现实(VR)设备模拟不同环境,并测试环境变化对人体健康、认知功能相关指标的影响。



Dr. John Ji加入了宫鹏教授的柳叶刀研究委员会与清华大学地球系统科学系研究组,一起探索中国的健康城市。 自1986年以来,世卫组织一直在倡导健康城市的概念,该概念将健康问题加入城市的政治,经济和社会发展议程讨论。

Gates Foundation 

- SDG Environmental Health

Dr. John Ji参与了汤胜蓝教授研究组分析联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)的环境健康组成部分的课题。 联合国成员国于2015年9月25日通过的可持续发展目标现已取代千年发展目标。 可持续发展目标制定了新的发展议程,以在未来十五年内实现全球扶贫和保护地球的目标。


基于美国国家健康和营养调查数据库(National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,NHANES),我们研究了维生素D等对神经性免疫疾病的影响,重金属如铅暴露的生物标志物对神经系统、心血管系统的影响。

Dr. John Ji在iMEP教授的课程



Statistics and Program Evaluation





Planetary Health Environmental Epidemiology




Research Methods II

研究方法 II



Dr. John Ji 学术文章发表


Published Peer-Reviewed Empirical Research

32. Jinhua Pan, Ye Yao, Zhixi Liu, Xia Meng, John S. Ji, Yang Qiu, Weidong Wang, Lina   Zhang, Weibing Wang, Haidong Kan “Warmer weather unlikely to reduce the COVID-19 transmission: An ecological study in 202 locations in 8 countries.” Science of the Total Environment, 2020

31. Jia Wei#, John S Ji*. “Modification of vitamin B6 on the associations of blood lead levels and cardiovascular diseases in the US adults.” BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, 2020

30. Song Tang, Yixin Mao, Rachael M Jones, Qiyue Tan, John S Ji, Na Li, Jin Shen. “Aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2? evidence, prevention and control.” Environment International, 2020

29. Jin Shen, Hongyang Duan, Baoying Zhang, Jiaqi Wang, John S Ji, Jiao Wang, Lijun Pan, Xianliang Wang, Kangfeng Zhao, Bo Ying, Song Tang, Jian Zhang, Chen Liang, Huihui Sun, Yuebin Lv, Yan Li, Tao Li, Li Li, Hang Liu, Liubo Zhang, Lin Wang, Xiaoming Shi. “Prevention and control of COVID-19 in public transportation: experience from China.” Environmental Pollution, 2020

28. Jianxun Yang#, Shen Qu, Miaomiao Liu, Xingyu Liu, Qi Gao, Wei He, John S Ji, Jun Bi “Gray cityscape caused by particulate matter pollution hampers human stress recovery.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020

27. Hui Miao#, Yan Liu, Thomas C Tsai, Joel Schwartz, John S Ji* “Association between blood lead level and uncontrolled hypertension in the US Population (NHANES 1999–2016).” Journal of the American Heart Association, 2020

26. Jiao Wang, Wenjing Yang, Lijun Pan, John S Ji, Jin Shen, Kangfeng Zhao, Bo Ying, Xianliang Wang, Liubo Zhang, Lin Wang, Xiaoming Shi. “Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Nursing Homes, Orphanages, and Prisons.” Environmental Pollution, 2020

25. Anna Zhu, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “Residential Greenness Alters Serum 25(OH)D Concentrations: A Longitudinal Cohort of Chinese Older Adults.” Journal of American Medical Directors Association, 2020

24. Jiao Wang, Lijun Pan, Song Tang, John S Ji, Xiaoming Shi. “Mask use during COVID-19: A risk adjusted strategy.” Environmental Pollution, 2020

23. Jiaonan Wang, Tiantian Li, Yuebin Lv, Virginia Byers Kraus, Yi Zhang, Chen Mao, Zhaoxue Yin, Wanying Shi, Jinhui Zhou, Tongzhang Zheng, Patrick L Kinney, John Ji, Song Tang, Xiaoming Shi. "Fine Particulate Matter and Poor Cognitive Function among Chinese Older Adults: Evidence from a Community-Based, 12-Year Prospective Cohort Study." Environmental Health Perspectives, 2020.

22. Linxin Liu, Anna Zhu Chang Shu, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “Gene-Environment Interaction of Residential Greenness and FOXO on Mortality among Older Adults.” Rejuvenation Research, 2020.

21. Hui Miao#, Yan Liu, Thomas C. Tsai, Joel Schwartz, John S. Ji*. “Association between Blood Lead Level and Uncontrolled Hypertension in the US Population (NHANES 1999-2016).” Journal of American Heart Association, 2020.

20. John S. Ji*, Anna Zhu, Yuebin Lv, Xiaoming Shi*. "Interaction between Residential Greenness and Air Pollution Mortality: Analysis of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS)." The Lancet Planetary Health, 2020

19. Anna Zhu, Chang Shu, Lijing Yan, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “APOE ε4 Modifies Effect of Residential Greenness on Cognitive Function among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis in China.” Scientific Reports, 2019

18. Mengying Wang, Wenyong Li, Ren Zhou, Siyue Wang, Hongchen Zheng, Jin Jiang, Shengfeng Wang, Canqing Yu, Wenjing Gao, Jun Lv, Tao Wu, Weihua Cao, Yonghua Hu, Liming Li, John S Ji. “The Paradox Association between Smoking and Blood Pressure among Half Million Chinese People.” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2020

17. Jia Wei#, Anna Zhu, John S. Ji*. “A Comparison Study of Vitamin D Deficiency among Older Adults in China and the United States.” Scientific Reports, 2019

16. Anna Zhu, Lijing Yan, Chenkai Wu, John S. Ji*. “Residential Greenness and Frailty among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Cohort in China.” Journal of American Medical Director Association, 2019

15. Hui Miao#, John S. Ji*. "Trends of blood cadmium concentration among workers and non-workers in the United States (NHANES 2003-2012)." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2019

14. XX Wang, JY Chen, H Jiang, AN Zhu, Q Long, JS Ji. “Utilization and expenses of outpatient services among tuberculosis patients in three Chinese counties: an observational comparison study.” Infectious diseases of poverty, 2019.

13. Anna Zhu, Chenkai Wu, Lijing Yan, Chih-Da Wu, Chen Bai, Xiaoming Shi, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “Association of Residential Greenness and Cognitive Function: Analysis of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.” BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health, 2019.

12. Shu Chen, Lei Guo, Zhan Wang, Wenhui Mao, Yanfeng Ge, Xiaohua Ying, Jing Fang, Qian Long, Qin Liu, Hao Xiang, Chenkai Wu, Chaowei Fu, Di Dong, Jiahui Zhang, Ju Sun, Lichun Tian, Limin Wang, Maigeng Zhou, Mei Zhang, Mengcen Qian, Wei Liu, Weixi Jiang, Wenmeng Feng, Xinying Zeng, Xiyu Ding, Xun Lei, Rachel Tolhust, Xu Ling, Haidong Wang, Steve Lim, Rafael Lozano, Emmenuela Gakidou, John S. Ji, Mary Story, Gavin Yamey, Shenglan Tang. "Can China Achieve the Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? An Analysis of Its Current Health Status and Projected 2030 Achievements." PLOS Medicine, 2019

11. Jia Wei#, John S. Ji*. “Association of Serum Vitamins with Eczema in US Adults (NHANES 2005-2006).” Dermatology, 2019

10. Anna Zhu, Lijing Yan, Chih-Da Wu, Peter James, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “Residential Greenness, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL): A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Older Adults in China.” Environmental Epidemiology, 2019

9. Hu, D.; Long, Q.; Chen, J.; Wang, X.; Huang, F.; Ji, J.S. Factors Influencing Hospitalization Rates and Inpatient Cost of Patients with Tuberculosis in Jiangsu Province, China: An Uncontrolled before and after Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019.

8. John S. Ji*, Anna Zhu, Chen Bai, Chih-Da Wu, Lijing Yan, Shenglan Tang, Yi Zeng, Peter James. “Residential Greenness and Mortality in a Cohort of Oldest-Old Women and Men in China.” The Lancet Planetary Health, 2019

7. Jia Wei#, Tarannum Jaleel, Amanda S. MacLeod, John S. Ji*. “Inverted U-Shaped Relationship between Vitamin D and Eczema in US adults.” Allergy, 2019

6. Jia Wei#, Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, John S. Ji*. “Association between Eczema and Blood Biomarker of Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in NHANES.” Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 2018

5. Jun Yang, José G Siri, Justin V Remais, Qu Cheng, Han Zhang, Karen K Y Chan, Zhe Sun, Yuanyuan Zhao, Na Cong, Xueyan Li, Wei Zhang, Yuqi Bai, Jun Bi, Wenjia Cai, Emily Y Y Chan, Wanqing Chen, Weicheng Fan, Hua Fu, Jianqing He, Hong Huang, John S Ji, Peng Jia, Xiaopeng Jiang, Mei-Po Kwan, Tianhong Li, Xiguang Li, Song Liang, Xiaofeng Liang, Lu Liang, Qiyong Liu, Yongmei Lu, Yong Luo, Xiulian Ma, Bernhard Schwartländer, Zhiyong Shen, Peijun Shi, Jing Su, Tinghai Wu, Changhong Yang, Yongyuan Yin, Qiang Zhang, Yinping Zhang, Yong Zhang, Bing Xu, Peng Gong, “The Tsinghua–Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities in China: unlocking the power of cities for a healthy China.” The Lancet, 2018

4. Hongmei Zeng, Rongshou Zheng, Siwei Zhang, John S. Ji, Xiaonong Zou, Changfa Xia, Kexin Sun, Zhixun Yang, He Li, Ning Wang, Renqiang Han, Shuzheng Liu, Huizhang Li, Huijuan Mu, Yutong He, Yanjun Xu, Zhentao Fu, Yan Zhou, Jie Jiang, Yanlei Yang, Jianguo Chen, Kuangrong Wei, Dongmei Fan, Jian Wang, Fangxian Fu, Deli Zhao, Guohui Song, Jianshun Chen, Chunxiao Jiang, Xin Zhou, Xiaoping Gu, Feng Jin, Qilong Li, Yanhua Li, Tonghao Wu, Chunhua Yan, Jianmei Dong, Zhaolai Hua, Peter Baade, Xue Qin Yu, Freddie Bray, Wanqing Chen1, Jie He1. “Changing cancer survival in China 2003-2013: a pooled population-based analysis from 17 registries.” The Lancet Global Health, May 2018

3. Ji, John S., Louis, ED, Sparrow D, Spiro, A, Hu H, Weisskopf MG. “Cumulative Lead Exposure and Tremor in a Cohort of Older Men: Impact of Lead Biomarkers in the VA Normative Aging Study.” Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015

2. Ji John S.*, Schwartz J, Sparrow D, Hu H, Weisskopf MG. “Occupational determinants of cumulative lead exposure: analysis of bone lead among men in the VA normative aging study.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2014

1. Ji, John S.*, Alexis Elbaz and Marc G. Weisskopf. “Association between Blood Lead and Walking Speed in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999–2002).” Environmental Health Perspectives, 2013

Global and Local Burdens of Disease Study

18. GBD 2019 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet. 2020.

17. GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators. Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet. 2020.


16. GBD 2019 Demographics Collaborators. Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet. 2020.

15. GBD 2019 Viewpoint Collaborators. Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet. 2020.

14. Global Burden of Lymphatic Filariasis Collaborators. "The global distribution of lymphatic filariasis, 2000–18: a geospatial analysis." The Lancet Global Health, 2020.

13. Local Burden of Disease WaSH Collaborators. "Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17." The Lancet Global Health, 2020.

12. GBD 2019 Universal Health Coverage Collaborators. Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet. 2020

11. Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators. Mapping geographical inequalities in oral rehydration therapy coverage in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17. The Lancet Global Health. 2020

10. Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators. "Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017." The Lancet, 2020.

9. Local Burden of Disease Educational Attainment Collaborators. "Mapping disparities in education across low-and middle-income countries." Nature, 2020

8. Local Burden of Disease Collaborators. “Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017.” Nature, 2019

7. GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators, “Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” The Lancet, 2018

6. GBD 2017 SDG Collaborators, “Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” The Lancet, 2018

5. GBD 2017 Mortality Collaborators, “Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” The Lancet, 2018

4. GBD 2017 Population and Fertility Collaborators, “Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” The Lancet, 2018

3. GBD 2017 DALYs and HALE Collaborators. “Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” The Lancet, 2018

2. GBD 2017 Risk Factor Collaborators, “Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” The Lancet, 2018

1. GBD 2016 Motor Neuron Disease Collaborators. “Global, regional, and national burden of motor neuron diseases 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016.” The Lancet Neurology, 2018.



2. Achieving Healthy China 2030 Goals: Environmental Health Chapter, People’s Health Publishing, 2019. Chinese Language: 《实现“健康中国2030”目标-基于实证的研究》“环境健康” 章节, 人民卫生出版社.

1. Report for China’s 13th Five Year Plan: Chapter 23 Greenness and Elderly Health (in Chinese language). 2019. Chinese Language: 国家十三五重点出版计划,《中国老年健康生物标志物研究》第23章《绿地与老年健康》.


9. John S. Ji, “Origins of MERS-CoV, and lessons for 2019-nCoV.” The Lancet Planetary Health, 2020.

8. John S. Ji, “The IMO 2020 sulphur cap: a step forward for planetary health?” The Lancet Planetary Health, 2020

7. John S. Ji, “Time for Health to Enter China’s Climate Action Framework.” The Lancet Public Health, 2019

6. John S. Ji, “China’s Air Pollution and Ageing Society.” The Lancet Public Health, 2018

5. John S. Ji, “Xi Jinping’s roadmap for China prioritises health.” The Lancet, 2017.

4. Pan Y, Ji John S, Jin JG, Kuo WP, Kang H., “Cancer Liquid Biopsy: Is It Ready for Clinic?” IEEE Pulse, 2017.

3. Ji John S, Chen Lincoln. “UHC Presents Universal Challenges.” Journal of Health Systems and Reform, 2016.

2. Ji John S, Chen Lincoln. “Educating the Health Workforce in China.” Chinese Journal of Health Policy, 2015 (in Chinese).

1. Tsai TC, Ji John S “Neoliberalism and its Discontents Impact of Health Reforms in Chile.” Harvard International Review, 2009.



3. William C. Kirby, Joycelyn Eby, John S. Ji. “Augustine Heard & Co.: Building a Family Business in the China Trade (A).” Harvard Business School Case 316-185, June 2016.

2. Michael Chu, John S. Ji, Nancy Dai. "Cuncunle: Empowering China’s Rural Villages.” Harvard Business School Case 316-152, March 2016.

1. Michael Chu, John S. Ji, Nancy Dai. "CreditEase: Taking Inclusive Finance Online.” Harvard Business School Case 316-151, March 2016.


丁可 Duke

Dr. John Ji 研究团队成员


一转眼已经加入团队大半年的时间,回头看真的不敢相信自己在这个过程中有如此多的收获。从高效的线上合作,到有趣有料的经验分享;从远程写文章反复修改,到时差14小时却依然完成创作的Vlog; 从让自己感到渺小的学术讨论会议,到和往届实习生畅谈彼此未来。起初,作为一个没有任何专业背景的本科生,我以为和团队中的大牛们合作会倍感压力。但是大家都是特别热情并且有耐心,一步一步从零开始帮助我,让我有了信心和勇气继续学习新的技能点。回过头来,最初和John将近1个小时的面试画面还记忆犹新。虽然因为疫情还没有和大家见过面,但是我坚信,待到春暖花开之时,一定有机会面对面畅聊,而且我已经准备好了一个大大的温暖拥抱~

钱小凡 April


John Ji教授是一位集帅气与才华与一身的教授。他的课堂上总是充满各种欢声笑语。他运用“翻转课堂”的理念,在课下我们完成大部分的基础学习内容,在课上会和教授一起做一些有趣的实验,一起“玩”数据。John教授拥有一颗有趣的灵魂。他对于探索事物之间的归因联系常常具有新奇的脑洞,在他的影响下我们也会在留意和思考生活中被忽略的现象。John同时也非常nice,他会为学生设身处地的考虑,适时为学生“减压”,也十分乐意解答大家的问题。









*作者为John Ji研究团队成员Ke Ding


摄影:August de Richelieu / Pexels



“新型冠状病毒让2020年春节成为一场“全民防疫战”。攻克对手需对症下药,当前对病毒的研究和认识迫在眉睫。世界级权威期刊《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)、《科学》(Science)、《新英格兰医学杂志》(NEJM)纷纷发文,研究主题聚焦于公共卫生治理。”

“昆山杜克大学环境研究中心John S. Ji教授,1月31日于《The Lancet Planetary Health》发表《Origins of MERS-CoV, and lessons for 2019-nCoV》。”


硬核分享 | 关于环境健康研究小组的那些事儿


“如今,我踏入了哈佛大学的校园。这是我在哈佛大学公共卫生学院学习硕士课程的第一年。我的专业是环境健康,专注于环境流行病学。在DKU实习期间,John S. Ji教授和研究团队给予了我许多帮助,现在回想起来,一切的努力都是值得的。”



“根据世界卫生组织统计,仅空气污染每年就在全球造成650万人死亡。在中国,空气污染是一个特别重要的风险因素:根据《全球疾病负担研究》(Global Burden of Disease Study)的估计,空气污染是导致死亡和残疾的第四大原因(仅次于饮食风险、高血压和烟草)。”

Photo by Raymond Tan



“John Ji教授的研究团队致力于探讨住宅绿化对中国老年人健康的影响。在本次会议上,John Ji教授介绍了关于住宅绿化与中国老年人死亡率的最新研究进展。团队提取中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查2000-2014年高龄老年人(80岁及以上)的数据,根据老年人家庭住址计算其居住地250米和1250米附近的植被指数(NDVI)来反应其绿化暴露。”

John Ji教授介绍住宅绿化与中国




“我想到了一个新概念——星球健康 (Planetary Health)。这个概念从不同角度把研究环境问题的人们联系在了一起。它可能是生态学、生物多样性、经济学、环境经济学和政策经济学。这可能与人类的健康、地球上其他生物和物种的健康有关。我真的觉得,在过去几年里,许多从不同角度开展的工作都汇聚到一起了。”



“智力是一种精神特性,包括学习经验的能力、解决问题的能力和应用既有知识去适应新环境的能力。每个人都有这些能力,但是具体来看还存在着“街头智慧”或“书本智慧”的差异。 心理学家将智力分为以下几种类型:分析性智力,创造性智力,实用智能,情商,流体智力和结晶智慧。”







“Selection of major in college is an important decision because it leads you down a certain path in life. But be aware that there is a butterfly effect -- and my advice is to take the opportunity to try something just a little bit challenging, and do something that makes you just a little bit uncomfortable. Perhaps taking a detour from your usual path will make all the difference.”







电话:+86 0512 3665 7564



昆山杜克环境  2020-09-29

生物多样性与可持续发展方向介绍 | 李彬彬教授和她的B-LAB研究团队

昆山杜克环境  2020-04-02


昆山杜克环境  2020-12-26

iMEP校园大使招募 | WE WANT YOU for DKU!

昆山杜克环境  2020-12-17


昆山杜克环境  2020-08-05

